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Electronics Theme Crossword Puzzle Merry
December 24, 2023
This Electronics theme Christmas Crossword Puzzle for December 24th has many words
and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics,
chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects, along with a holiday message.
There is also a holiday greeting contained within. As always, this crossword contains
no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or
anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme
Reginald Denny or the
Tunguska event in Siberia). The technically inclined
cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate the effort.
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

1. Chemical symbol for francium 3. Collection
of electronic records (pl.) 9. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 11. Parameter
that is a figure of merit for receiver performance in presence of multiple signals
(abbr., pl.) 12. Number system which uses only the digits 0 to 7 13. International
Reply Coupon (abbr.) 16. Ham's code for "What is the correct time?" 17. One
possible go-no-go test result 18. Quickly changing portion of waveform 20.
Unit of capacitance (abbr.) 21. 30 kHz to 300 kHz 23. Imaging device (abbr.)
25. Bandwidth (abbr.) 26. Opposite of O.D. 27. One of four lines used in ferrite
core memories 29. C# statement that ensures Dispose is called even if an exception
occurs 31. Cause a voltage or current waveform to gradually die out 34. First
part of this crossword puzzle's message 36. Plain Old Telephone System 38.
24 hours 39. Term indicating profitability of a company (abbr.) 40. Type of
data conversion device (abbr.) 41. Chemical symbol for bismuth 42. Unit of
apparent power (abbr.) 43. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 45. Min-to-max
voltage of a waveform (abbr.) 47. Chemical symbol for helium 48. Chemical
symbol for nobelium 50. Early operating system (still popular) 52. Hedy _____,
Hollywood actress with first patent for spread spectrum communications 54. Temperature-compensated
crystal oscillator (abbr.) 56. Decimeter (abbr.) 57. Upper frequency (abbr.)
58. Equalizer (abbr.) 60. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.) 62. Intermodulation
(abbr.) 63. Chemical symbol for europium 65. Scheme to maintain proper frequency
(abbr.) 67. After Uranus 70. Coordinated Universal Time (abbr.) 72. Semiconductor
and calculator company (abbr.) 73. Galilean moon 74. BS__ - the degree held
by many RF Cafe visitors 75. Chemical symbol for cesium 76. Part of a FOR
loop 78. Chemical symbol for thallium 79. Second part of this crossword puzzle's
message 84. Chemical symbol for cadmium 85. Chemical symbol for erbium
86. Chemical symbol for beryllium 87. 1e-6 mA 89. PC follower 90. Modulation
type (abbr.) 92. Pads 93. Mathematical relationship of voltage, resistance,
and current in a circuit (2 wds.) 97. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting
technology 101. Having power applied (slang) 102. Schematic label for voltage
supply node 103. Start frequency (abbr.) 104. Unit of length (abbr.) |
1. Start frequency (abbr.) 2. Web's most popular
radio frequency engineering site (2 ltrs. + 1 wd.) 3. Bores a holes 4. Airport
Surveillance Radar (abbr.) 5. Army-Navy specification prefix 6. Chemical symbol
for arsenic 7. End of transmission (abbr.) 8. Threaded fastener (pl.) 9.
Amount of deviation from nominal and still being within specification 10. Chemical
symbol for chlorine 14. Centimeter (abbr.) 15. Common plastic insulation type
(abbr.) 16. Unit of mass flow rate (abbr.) 17. Added an overcurrent protection
device 19. Quickly changing portions of waveforms 22. Finite Element Analysis
(abbr.) 23. CB slang for police speed radar 24. Unit of angular measurement
equal to one ninetieth of a right angle 25. Manufacturer of project boxes
28. Electric enclosure standard organization (abbr.) 30. Apple's popular media
playing device 32. Ticker symbol for Analog Devices 33. Heat-resistant glass
type 35. Read-only (abbr.) 36. Display a radar target 37. ___/IP scheme
for networked connectivity 41. Digital transmission speed (2 wds.) 42. Its
units are expressed in a cubic of length 44. Vacuum tube grid placed between
control grid and plate in a pentode 46. Formal set of rules and procedures for
the exchange of information within a communications network 47. Opposite of a
LO 49. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.) 51. Home
state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 53. Chemical symbol for magnesium 55. Chemical
symbol for xenon 57. A final surface coating 59. Numerical prefix for 10^30
61. Unit of volume (abbr.) 64. Chemical symbol for lutetium 66. The "F" in
EMF 68. Max or min voltage of a waveform (abbr.) 69. Unit of time (abbr.)
71. Largest moon of Saturn 75. International Telegraphy and Telephony Consultative
Committee 77. International phonetic alphabet letter "O" 80. One component
of a complex number (abbr.) 81. Infrared (abbr.) 82. Chemical symbol for terbium
83. Akin to an EE, CE, AE, etc. 84. Negative terminal 88. Test equipment vendor
89. A common battery cell size 91. 1E6 nanoseconds 94. 3 GHz to 30 GHz
95. Line of Sight (abbr.) 96. PC follower 98. 1.602E-19 Joules 99. Wire
diameter unit (abbr.) 100. Modulation technique (abbr.) |
See solution below

