The military and
government are famous for using - or overusing - abbreviations and acronyms for designating equipment, programs,
and agencies. These eight pages are chock full of nearly every commonly used abbreviations and acronyms used by
the U.S. military (at least up through around the year 2000).
C: (1) Crisis; (2) Confidential; (3) Coniferous C1: Combined Staff Personnel Officer
C2: (1) Command and Control; (2) Combined or Coalition Forces Intelligence Staff C2S2LAN: Command and Control
Support System LAN C2W: Command & Control Warfare C3: Command, Control, and Communications C3CM:
Command, Control, and Communication CounterMeasures C3OB: C3 Order of Battle C3S: Command, Control, and
Communications Systems C4: Command, Control, Communications, and Computers C4ISR: Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance C4S: Command, Control,
Communications, and Computer System
C5: Combined Staff Strategic Planning and Policy Officer C6: Combined Staff Command, Control and
Communications Systems Officer CA: (1) Cryptanalysis; (2) Heavy Cruiser; (3) Civil Affairs; (4) Combat
Assessment; (5) Controlling Authority; (6) COMSEC Account; (7) Command Authority; (8) Counterair
CAA: (1) Concepts Analysis Agency (U.S. Army); (2) Combined Arms Army (FSU); (3) Command Arrangement
Agreement CAB: (1) Current Analysis Branch; (2) Civil Affairs Brigade; (3) Civil Affairs Battalion CAC: (1)
Combined Arms Center; (2) Collection Advisory Center; (3) Control and Analysis Center; (4) Crisis
Action Center; (5) Civil Affairs Command; (6) Civil Applications Committee; (7) U.S. Army Combined
Arms Command CACDA: Combined Arms Combat Development Activity CACM: Central American Common Market
CACTIS: Community/Computer Automated Counterterrorism Intelligence System CAD: (1) Computer-Assisted Design;
(2) Conceptual Architecture Document CADES: COMIREX Advanced Exploitation System CADIZ: (1) Canadian Air
Defense Identification Zone; (2) Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone CADOB: Consolidated Air Defense Order
of Battle CADS: Containerized Ammunition Distribution System CADST: Civil Affairs Direct Support Team
CAE: Computer Aided Engineering CAF: (1) Crisis Augmentation Facility; (2) Combat Air Forces CAFMS:
Computer-Assisted Force Management System CAG: (1) Carrier Air Group; (2) Collective Address Group; (3)
Commander, Air Group CAI: Computer-Aided Instruction CAIF: Command Automated Intelligence File
CAIMS: Conventional Ammunition Information Management System CAJIT: Central America Joint Intelligence Team
CaLANdar: Da Vinci E-Mail Application CALS: Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support CALT: Civil
Affairs Liaison Team CAM: (1) Computer-Assisted Modeling; (2) Computer Aided Manufacturing CAMO:
Computer-Aided Manual Operation CAMPS: (1) Computer-Aided Management Planning System; (2)
Computer-Aided Mission Planning System; (3) Compartmented All-Source Analysis System Message
Processing System CAMS: (1) COMIREX Automated Management System; (2) Communications Area Master Station
CANDOB: Consolidated Aerospace Defense Order of Battle CANR: Canadian NORAD Region CAN: Coastal Air
Navigation Supplement CANT: Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Test CANUK: US Canada, United Kingdom, United
States CANUS: Canadian - United States CANUS: LANDOP Canada-United States Land Operations Plan CAO:
(1) Crisis Action Organization; (2) Chief Administrative Officer; (3) Central Action Office CAO(SOP):
Coordination of Atomic Operations (Standard Operating Procedure) CAOC: Combined Air Operations Center
CAOCC: Combined Air Operations Coordination Center CAP: (1) Combat Air Patrol; (2) Civil Air Patrol; (3)
Countermeasures Advisory Panel; (4) Crisis Action Planning; (5) Crisis Action Procedures; (6)
Capabilities CAR: (1) Canadian Airborne Regiment; (2) Chief, Army Reserve CARC: Corrective Action Review
Committee CARDA: (1) Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment; (2) CONUS
Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment CARE: Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc. CARG:
Crisis Action Review Group CARGRU: Carrier Group
CARIBJIC: Caribbean Joint Intelligence Center CARIBROC: Caribbean Regional Operations Center
CARICOM: Caribbean Common Market CARIFTA: Caribbean Free Trade Association CARL: Category Assignment
Responsibility List CARP: Computed Air Release Point CARS: (1) Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System;
(2) Common Automated Recovery System CARVE: Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, and
Effect CARVER: Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effects and Recognizability CAS:
(1) Close Air Support; (2) Calibrated Air Speed; (3) Collision Avoidance System; (4) Crisis Action
System; (5) Crisis Action Staff; (6) Combined Arms and Services Staff School CASC: Crisis Action Support Cell
CASE: Computer-Assisted Software Engineering CASIC: Combined All-Source Intelligence Center CASLAN:
Command Automated Software Local Area Network CASS: (1) Collection Analysis Support Subsystem; (2) Command
Activated Sonobuoy System CAST: (1) Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks;
(2) Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group; (3) Computer-Assisted Self Training; (4) Computer
Assisted Satellite Track CAT: (1) Conventional Arms Transfer; (2) Crisis Action Team; (3) Combined Arms Team;
(4) Crisis Augmentation Team; (5) Category CAT-1: RECategory-1 Receive Equipment CATF: (1)
Commander, Amphibious Task Force; (2) Civil Affairs Task Force CATIS: (1) Computer-Aided Tactical Information
System; (2) Computer-Aided Tactical Intelligence System CATIS/IESS: Computer-Aided Tactical
Information System/Imagery Exploitation Support System CATS: (1) Combined Arms Training Systems; (2) Combat
Airlift Tactics’ School CATSS: Cartographic Applications for Tactical and Strategic Systems
CAV: Cavalry CAVU: Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited CAWS: Commercial Analyst Work Station
CB: Chemical, Biological C-band: 3.9 to 6.2 GHz Communications Band CBD: Commerce Business Daily
CBF: Common Budget Framework CBI: (1) Complete Background Investigation; (2) Computer Based Instruction
CBI/T: Computer-Based Instruction/Training CBJB: Congressional Budget Justification Book CBM: Confidence
Building Measure(s) CBO: Congressional Budget Office
CBR: (1) Chemical, Biological, and Radiological; (2) Case Based Reasoning; (3) Constant Bit Rate CBRN
Caribbean Basin Radar Network CBRS Concept Based Requirements System
CBS Combat Battle Simulation CBT (1) Computer-Based Training; (2) Combating Terrorism
CBTDEV Combat Developer CBTI Combat Intelligence CBU Cluster Bomb Unit
CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare CBZ Confidence Building Zone CC (1) Command Center; (2)
Command Ship; (3) Cloud Cover; (4) Collection Center; (5) Computer Compatible; (6) Communications Controller; (7)
Commander C-C3 Counter Command, Control, and Communications
CCA Communications Control Authority CCB Configuration Control Board CCC
(1) CARDA Control Center; (2) Consolidated Command Center; (3) Command and Control Center CCD
(1) Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; (2) Charged Coupled Device; (3) Camouflage,
Concealment, and Deception CCE Contingency Communications Element CCEB Combined
Communications Electronic Board CCEP Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program CCF Collection
Coordination Facility CCF-SS Collection Coordination Facility-Support System CCG
(1) Combat Control Group; (2) Crisis Coordination Group; (3) Combat Communications Group CCG-NB
Communications Control Ground-Narrowband CCGD Commander, Coast Guard District CCGP
Combat Communications Group CCHC Headquarters Commandant CCI Controlled Cryptographic Item
CCIC Concentrated Counterdrugs Intelligence Collection CCIP Command Center Improvement Program
CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee (French Acronym)
CCIRID Charge-Coupled Infrared Imaging Device CCIRM Collection Coordination and Intelligence
Requirements Management CCIS (1) Command, Control, and Intelligence Support; (2) Common Channel
Intelligence Signaling CCISCMO Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures
Office CCISS Command & Control Intelligence Support Squadron CCITT Consultative Committee for
International Telephone and Telegraph CCJ1 USCENTCOM Manpower, Personnel, and Administration
Directorate CCJ2 USCENTCOM Intelligence Directorate CCJ3
USCENTCOM Operations Directorate CCJ4/J7 USCENTCOM Logistics and Security Assistance Directorate
CCJ5 USCENTCOM Plans and Policy Directorate CCJ6 USCENTCOM Command, Control, Communications, and
Computer Systems Directorate CCJA USCENTCOM Staff Judge Advocate CCM
(1) Cross-Country Movement; (2) Counter-Countermeasure C3CM Command, Control, and Communications
Countermeasures CCMF Consolidated Collection Management Facility CCN Crisis Communications Network
(CIA) CCO (1) Communication Collection Outstation; (2) COMINT Collection
Outstation; (3) Circuit Control Officer; (4) Chief, Combat Operations CCO/SCO Central Control
Office/Sub-Control Office CCP (1) Consolidated Cryptologic Program; (2) Communications Checkpoint; (3)
Contingency Communications Package CCPC Critical Collection Problems Committee
CCPDS Command Center Processing and Display System CCPDS-R Command Center Processing and Display
System Replacement CCS (1) Collection Capabilities Statement (HUMINT); (2) COMINT Collection Subsystem (3)
Combat Control Squadron; (4) Communications Control Set; (5) Command and Control Systems; (6) Constellation
Control Station CCS2 Command and Control Subordinate System CCSA USCENTCOM Scientific and
Technical Advisor CCSC Cryptologic Combat Support Console CCT (1) Combat Control Team; (2) Combat
Coordination Team CCTC Command and Control Technical Center CCTF (1) Contingency Communications
Test Facility; (2) Combined Coalition Task Force CCTP Continuously Computed Target Point CCTS Combat
Crew Training Squadron CCTT Close Combat Tactical Trainer CCTV Closed Circuit Television CCTW
Combat Control Training Wing CCWT Command Center Watch Team CD (1) Controlled Dissemination; (2)
Certificate of Destruction; (3) Civil Defense; (4) Coastal Defense; (5) Calendar Day; (6) Committee on
Disarmament; (7) Collateral Damage; (8) Compact Disc; (9) Command Ship; (10) Counter Drug; (11) Command Director;
(12) Combat Developments; (13) Community/Service-Developed
C&D Cover and Deception CDA Congressionally Directed Action CDC (1) Career Development
Course; (2) Combat Direction Center; (3) Combat Development Center CD-ROM
Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory CDAS Central Data and Applications Support C-Day
Day in Which Movement From Origin Begins CDB Central Data Base CDCS Communications Distribution
Control Segment CDE (1) Conference on Disarmament in Europe; (2) Compound Damage Expectancy; (3) Center of
Distance Education CDEC Captured Document Exploitation Center
CDF Central Document File CDI Compact Disc Interactive CDIP (1) Consolidated Defense
Intelligence Program; (2) Council of Defense Intelligence Producers CDIS (1) Communications Data Interface
System; (2) Counterdrug Intelligence System CDIST Canadian Department of Industry, Science, and
Technology CDL Common (high bandwidth) Data Link CDLF
Consolidated Domestic Launch Forecast CDM Common Digital Map CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDP (1) Central Data Processor; (2) Company Distributing Point CDPS
Coherent Data Processing System CDR (1) Critical Design Review; (2) Commander CDRL
Contract Data Requirements List CDRUSAJFKSWC Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center CDRUSELEMNORAD Commander, U.S. Element NORAD CDRWESTCOM
Commander, U.S. Army Western Command CDS (1) Chief of Defence Staff (Canadian); (2) Combat Delivery
System; (3) Cryptographic Device Services; (4) Combat Direction System
CDSE Cryptologic Direct Support Element CDSORG Civil Direction of Shipping Organization
CDST C3CM Data Support Team CDT (1) Central Daylight Time; (2) Communications Data Terminal CDTS
Computer-Directed Training System CDU Control Display Unit CDV
Compressed Digital Video CE (1) Circular Error; (2) Cost Effectiveness; (3) Civil Engineer; (4)
Communications-Electronics; (5) Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army); (6) Current Exploitation; (7) Counterespionage;
(8) Command Element; (9) Collection Emphasis C&E Collection and Exploitation
C-E Communications Electronics CEAO West African Economic Community CEC
(1) Cooperative Engagement Capability; (2) Consolidated Expenditure Center CECOM Communications and
Electronics Command CED (1) Collection, Exploitation, and Dissemination; (2) Captured Enemy Document
CEE Captured Enemy Equipment CEI Communications Electronic Instructions
CEL Celestial CELT Current Emitter Location Testbed CEM Concepts Evaluation Model CEMA
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance CENTAF (1) Central Region Air Forces (NATO); (2) U.S. Air Force
Component, USCENTCOM CENTAG Central Army Group (NATO)
CENTAM Central America CENTCOM U.S. Central Command CENTJIC Joint Intelligence Center
USCENTCOM CENTLANT Central Sub-Area of Eastern Atlantic Area CENTO Central Treaty Organization
CEO (1) Communications Electronic Officer (USMC); (2) Chief Executive Officer CEOI Communications
Electronics Operations Instructions CEP (1) Circular Error Probable; (2) Construction Electrician (Power);
(3) Common Electronic Parts; (4) Civil Emergency Planning; (5) Committee for Energy Policy of OECD; (6) Capital
Equipment Plan; (7) Concept Evaluation Program CEPG Combined Exercise Planning Group CEPIR Current
Exploitation Photographic Interpretation Report CEPR Compromising Emanation Performance Requirement
CER (1) Cryptographic Equipment Room; (2) Communication Equipment Room CERP (1) Combined Economic
Reporting Program; (2) Capital Equipment Replacement Program CERT Computer Security Emergency Response Team
CES Concept Exploration Studies CESM Cryptologic Electronic Warfare Support Measures CEST
Contingency Exploitation Support Team CETA Chinese-English Translation Assistance CEWI Combat
Electronic Warfare Intelligence CF Canadian Forces
C6F Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet C7F Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet CFA (1) Combined Field
Army (Korea); (2) Covering Force Area; (3) Combined Force Air Component Commander
CFB Canadian Forces Base CFC (1) Combined Field Command (Korea); (2) Combined Forces
Command (ROK/US); (3) Combined Federal Campaign CCFC Commander in Chief, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces
Command CFD Common Fill Device CFE (1) Conventional Forces Europe; (2) Communications Front-End
CFER CFE Replacement CFE-U Communications Front-End-Upgrade
CFI&I Center for Integration and Interoperability CFIS Combined Forces Command Information System,
(CFC) CFL (1) Coordinated Fire Line; (2) Cease-Fire Line CFMS
Combat Fuels Management System CFP (1) Contingency Force Pool; (2) Concept Formulation Process CFR
Commander Force Reconnaissance CFSO Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations CFSR
Contract Funds Status Report CFV Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
cg Center of Gravity CG (1) Guided-Missile Cruiser; (2) Consolidated Guidance; (3) Commanding
General; (4) Coast Guard; (4) Chairman’s Guidance CGEUSA Commanding General, 8th US Army CGF
Central Group of Forces (FSU Forces in Czechoslovakia) CGFMFLANT
Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic CGM Computer Graphics Metafile CGN
Guided Missile Cruiser Nuclear Powered CGS (1) Coast & Geodetic Survey; (2) Common Ground Station; (3)
CONUS Ground Station CGSC Command and General Staff College (U.S. Army)
CGUSARPAC Commanding General U.S. Army Pacific cGy/hr CentiGray hour CH
(1) Aviation Cruiser; (2) Channel; (3) Communication Helmet CHAALS Communications High Accuracy Airborne
Location System CHAALS-X CHAALS Exploitation CHABNCP Chief, Airborne Command Post CHAMPUS
Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed Services CHARS
Characters CHB Cargo Handling Battalion CHBDL Communications High Bandwidth Data Link CHCMSA
Chief, Cruise Missile Support Activity CHCSS (1) Chief, Central Security Service; (2) Chief, Cryptologic
Support Service CHG Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser
CHGN Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser CHIP Communications Handbook for Intelligence
Planners CHJUSMAGK Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Korea
CHJUSMAGPHIL Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Philippines CHJUSMAGTHAI
Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Thailand CHMAAGDOMREP Chief, Military Assistance and
Advisory Group, Dominican Republic CHMDO JAPAN Chief, Military Defense Office, Japan CHN
Nuclear-Powered Aviation Cruiser CHODC INDIA Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, India CHOP (1)
Change of Operational Command; (2) Change of Operational Control
C-HUMINT Counter Human Resources Intelligence CHUSMLO Chief, U.S. Military Liaison Office CI
(1) Counterintelligence; (2) Counterinsurgency; (3) Current Intelligence C2I
Command, Control, & Intelligence C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence C4I2 Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, Intelligence and Information CIA Central Intelligence Agency CIAC
Computer Incident Assessment Capability CIAD (1) Combat Intelligence Applications Division; (2) Command
Intelligence Architecture Document CIAP (1) CIA Program; (2) Command Intelligence
Architecture/Planning Program CIARDSCIA Retirement and Disability System CIAS
Counterintelligence Analysis Section CIB Combat Infantryman’s Badge CIC (1) Combat Information
Center; (2) Combat Intelligence Center; (3) Combined Intelligence Center C3IC Coalition Coordination and
Communications Integration Center CICAC Counterintelligence Control and Analysis Center CICC
Consolidated Intelligence Communications Center CIC
Server Combined Intelligence Center Server CICWS Combined Intelligence Center Workstation
CID (1) Criminal Investigation Division; (2) Combat Intelligence Division CIDBS
Combined Intelligence Center Integrated Database Server CIDC Combined Interview and Debriefing Center
CIE Communication Intercept and Exploitation CIEF Consolidated Imagery Exploitation Facility CIF
(1) Corps Interrogation Facility; (2) Consolidated Intelligence Facility
CIFAX Enciphered Facsimile C4IFTW C4I For The Warrior CIG (1) Computer Image Generation; (2)
Combined Intelligence Group CIGSS Common Imagery Ground Surface System
CIHS Classified Information Handling System CIK Crypto-Ignition Key CIIC
Current Intelligence and Indications Center CIID Command Intelligence Implementation Document
CILMS Covert Infrared Lighting and Marking System CILO Counterintelligence Liaison Office(r)
CILOP Conversion in Lieu of Procurement CIM Corporate Information Management
CIMAS CENTCOM Iranian Military Activities Summary CIMEX Civil Military Exercise (NATO) C-IMINT
Counter Imagery Intelligence CIMOC Civil Military Operations Center
CIMP COMSEC Interoperability Master Plan CIN Cargo Increment Number CINC
(1) Commander in Chief; (2) Commander of a Combatant Command CINCACOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic
Command CINCAFLANT Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic
CINCAL Commander in Chief, Alaska CINCARLANT Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic
CINCCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO) CINCCFC
Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command, Korea CINCEASTLANT Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic
(NATO) CINCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Central Europe CINCEUR
Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces Europe CINCFOR Commander in Chief, Forces Command
CINCFORSCOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Forces CINCHAN Commander in Chief, Channel (NATO)
CINCIBERLANT Commander in Chief, Iberian Atlantic Area CINCLANT Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command
CINCLANTFLT Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet CINCLANTFLTDETSO
Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet Detachment SOUTHCOM CINCMAC Commander in Chief, Military Airlift
Command (archaic) CINCNORAD Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command
CINCNORTH Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO) CINCONAD Commander in Chief,
Continental Air Defense Command CINCPAC Commander in Chief, Pacific Command
CINCPACAF Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Force CINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet
CINCPACREP Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative CINCSAC Commander in Chief, Strategic Air
Command CINCSOC Commander in Chief, Special Operations Command
CINCSO Commander in Chief, Southern Command CINCSOUTH Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern
Europe (NATO) CINCSPACE Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command CINCSPECOMME
Commander in Chief, Specified Command, Middle East CINCTAC Commander in Chief, Tactical Air Command
CINCTRANS Commander in Chief, Unified Transportation Command CINCTRANSCOM
Commander in Chief, U.S. Transportation Command CINCUKAIR Commander in Chief, United Kingdom Air Defense
Region (NATO) CINCUNC Commander in Chief, United Nations Command
CINCUSACOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command CINCUSAFE Commander in Chief, U.S. Air Forces,
Europe CINCUSAREUR Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe CINCUSARPAC
Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific CINCUSNAVEUR Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces,
Europe CINCWESTLANT Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic (NATO) CINF
Community Imagery Needs Forecast CINSGCY Counterinsurgency CIO (1) Central Imagery Office; (2)
Chief Information Officer CIOC (1) Combined Intelligence Operations Center (Korea); (2) Combat
Intelligence Operations Center CIOP (1) Controlled Intelligence Operational Proposal; (2) CIO Program
CIP (1) Consolidated Intelligence Program; (2) Country Information
Package; (3) Critical Intelligence Parameter; (4) Combined Interoperability Program; (5) Crypto-Ignition Plug;
(6) Correlation and Integration Processor CIPE (US) CENTCOM Imagery Production Element
CIPEC Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries CIPHONY Enciphered Telephone CIPL
ClNC’s Integrated Priority List CIPMS Career Intelligence Professional Management System CIPR
(1) Consolidated Intelligence Production Requirement; (2) Counterintelligence Production Registry CIPS
Counterintelligence Periodic Summary C2IPS C2 Information Processing System CIR (1) Central
Intelligence Report; (2) Continuing Intelligence Requirement
CIRC Central Information Reference and Control CIRCOL Central Information Reference and Control
On-Line System CIRIS Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System
CIRK Common Interswitch Rekeying Key CIRL Current Intelligence Requirements List
CIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team CIRVlS Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital
Intelligence Sightings CIS (1) Country Intelligence Study; (2) Communications Intercept System; (3)
Compensated Imaging System; (4) Canadian Intelligence Service; (5) Chief, Intelligence and Security
(Canadian); (6) Combat Instruction Set; (7) Combat Information System; (8) Commonwealth of Independent States; (9)
Combat Intelligence System CISA
C4I Integration Support Activity CISC Counterintelligence Support Cell C3ISC
C3I Systems Committee CI/SCM Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures CISD
Command Intelligence Strategy Document CISE (1) (US) CENTCOM Intelligence Support Element; (2) Corps
Intelligence Support Element CISO (1) Counterintelligence Support Officer; (2) Counterintelligence Staff
Officer CISPOTREP CI Spot Report CISR Communications Intelligence Security Regulation C4ISR
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance CIT Counterintelligence Team CITA Combat Intelligence and
Targeting on Arrival CITS CENTCOM Imagery Transmission System CIV Civilian
CIVC Carrier Intelligence Center CIVIC Civilian Vulnerability Indicator Code
CISION Enciphered Television CIW (1) Consolidated Intelligence Watch; (2) CMOC Intelligence Watch
CIWC CIW Commander CIWG Cooperative Interaction Working Group CIWS
Close-In Weapon System C&J Collection and Jamming CJB Congressional Justification Book CJCS
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff CJCSI Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJIATF-E
Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-East CJIATF-W Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-West
CJIT Combined Joint Interrogation Team CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force CJTF-AK Commander,
Joint Task Force-Alaska CJTF-FA Commander, Joint Task Force-Full Accounting CK Compartment Key
CKG Cooperative Key Generation
CL Light Cruiser C-LAMP Community Laser Measurement Program CLASS Close Air Support System
Class Classification/Classified C&LB Coasts and Landing Beaches
CLF Commander, Landing Force CLMD COMSEC Local Management Device CLNC Clearance
CLO (1) Counterdrug Liaison Officer; (2) Chief Logistics Officer CLOCE Contingency Lines of
Communication, Europe CLS (1) Contractor Logistics Support; (2) Clandestine Lighting System CLSC
COMSEC Logistics Support Center CLSP Composite Launch Sequence Plan
CL/TECH Clear Language Technical Report cm Centimeter CM (1) Memorandum by the Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff; (2) Collection Management; (3) Countermeasure(s); (4) Cruise Missile; (5) Collection
Manager; (6) Collection Management Division; (7) Countermine; (8) Countermine Activities CMA (1)
Countermission Analysis; (2) Collection Management Authority; (3) Community Management Account CMAA (1)
Command Master at Arms; (2) Chief Master at Arms CMAFB
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base CMAFS Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station CMAH
CINC Mobile Alternate Headquarters CMAS Cheyenne Mountain Air Station C-MASINT
Counter-Measures and Signature Intelligence CMB Collection Management Branch CMC
(1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex; (2) Commandant, U.S Marine Corps; (3) Command Master Chief
C/MC Command Master Chief CMCA Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft CMCC (1) Commander in Chief,
Mobile Command Center; (2) Component Mobile Command Center CMCDS Community Multilateral Counterterrorism
Database System CMCI Computed Mission Coverage Index CMCM
Commandant, U.S. Marine Corp Memorandum CMCS (1) COMSEC Material Control System; (2) COMINT Mission
Control System CMD (1) Collection Management Division; (2) Command CMDC
Command Cell CMDR Commander CM&D Collection Management and Dissemination
CME Communications Monitoring Equipment CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CMEC Captured Material Exploitation Center CMF Combat Mission Folder CMFC
Combined Marine Forces Command CMIC Combined Military Interrogation Center CMISE
Corps Military Intelligence Support Element CML Chemical CMO (1) Collection Management Office;
(2) Civil Military Operations; (3) Central MASINT Office CMOC (1) Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center; (2)
Civil Military Operations Center; (3) Central MASINT Operations Cell CMOS Complementary
Metal-Oxide Semiconductor CMOTF Civil Military Operations Task Force CMP (1) Combat Mission
Planning; (2) Configuration Management Plan CMPF
Confidential Military Purpose Funds CMPS Compartmented Mode Processing System CMR
Crisis Management Room CMRS Collection Management Requirements System CMS (1) Combat Mission
Section; (2) Command and Management System; (3) Community Management Staff; (4) Collection
Management System; (5) Common Mapping Standard CMS/RMG Community Management Staff, Resource
Management Group CMSA Cruise Missile Support Activity CMSI Civilian Multi-Spectral Imagery
CMSS Collection Management Support System CMST (1) Collection Management Support Terminal; (2)
Collection Management System Tools CMT (1) Crisis Management Team; (2) Critical Mobile Target CMTC
Combat Maneuver Training Center CMTC-IS CMTC-Instrumentation System CMTS (1) Critical Mobile
Target Server; (2) Compliance Monitoring Tracking System
CMW/CMWS Compartmented Mode Workstation CN Counternarcotics CNA (1) Center for Naval
Analysis; (2) Coordinates Not Available; (3) Critical Node Analysis CNAC (1) Customs National Air Command,
Oklahoma City; (2) Customs National Aviation Center CNAD Conference on NATO Armament Directors
CNAVSPACECOM Commander, Navy Space Command CNC (1) Counternarcotics Center; (2) Computerized Numerical
Control CNCS Cryptonet Control Station CN-CMS
Counternarcotics Command and Management System CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (French National
Space Agency) CNET (1) Chief of Naval Education and Training; (2) Centre National d’Etudes Des
Telecommunications C3NET Command, Control, and Communications Networks
CNFJ Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Japan CNFK Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea
CNFM Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas CNI (1) Communicating NATO Intentions; (2)
Communications, Navigation, or Identification CNIC Combined Naval Intelligence Center
CNIN Composite Network, Front-End Internal Network CNIPS Counternarcotics Information Processing
System CNK Cryptonet Key CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
CNN Cable News Network CNO Chief of Naval Operations C/No Ratio of carrier to noise in a 1Hz
bandwidth CNOC (1) Counternarcotics Operations Center; (2) Combined Naval Operations Center CNOM
Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum CNOR Command Not Operationally Ready CNR (1) Chief of Naval
Research; (2) Combat Net Radio CNRIU Combat Net Radio Interface Unit CNS Commercial Network
Survivability CNSWTG Commander, Naval Special Warfare Task Group CNTL Command Nuclear Target List
CNVFD Color Night Vision Fusion Device CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information CO
(1) Commanding Officer; (2) Company CO3 Combined Staff Public and Governmental Affairs Officer CO6
Combined Staff Judge Advocate CO7 Combined Staff Command Surgeon COA Course of Action
COB (1) Close of Business; (2) Collated Operating Base; (3) Chief of Base; (4) Command Operating Budget
COBE Cosmic Background Explorer COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
COC Combat Operations Center COCOM (1) Coordinating Committee; (2) Combatant Command
COD Carrier On-board Delivery CODIS Continuity of Defense Intelligence Systems
COE Common Operating Environment COEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis
COFIR Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements COFs Central Operating Facilities
CofS Chief of Staff COG (1) Combined Operations Group; (2) Continuity of Government; (3) Center of
Gravity COI Communities of Interest COIC Combat Operations Intelligence Center (USAFE) COIN
Counterinsurgency COINS (1) Consolidated On-Line Intelligence System; (2) Community On-Line Intelligence
Network Systems COINS-II Community On-Line Intelligence System-II COIR Commander’s Operational
Intelligence Requirements COIS Combat Operations Intelligence System COLISEUM Community On-Line
Intelligence System for End Users and
Managers COLL Collection COLLECT Collection COLOP Collection Opportunity (messages)
COLT Combat Observation and Laser Team COM (1) Computer Output to Microform; (2) Chief of Mission
(U.S. Embassy); (3) Collection Operations Management; (4) Commander COMA
Court of Military Appeals COMACC Commander, Air Combat Command COMAAFCE Commander, Allied Air
Forces Central Europe COMAFFOR Commander, Air Force Forces COMAFOSI Commander, Air Force Office of
Special Investigations COMAFSOC Commander, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command COMAFSPACE
Commander, Air Force Space Command COMALCOM Commander, Alaskan Command COMAMC Commander, Air
Mobility Command COMARSPACECOM Commander, Army Space Command COMASPC Commander, Air Force Space
Command COMAINT Command Maintenance
COMAIR-BALTAP Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches COMAIRSOUTH Commander, Allied Air
Forces, Southern Europe COMALCOM Commander, Alaskan Command COMALF Commander of Airlift Forces
COMANR Commander, Alaskan NORAD Region COMANTDEF-COM Commander, Antilles Defense Command COMARFOR
Commander, Army Forces COMARSOC Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command COMARSOF
Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Forces
COMATF Commander, Amphibious Task Force COMBALTAP Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches
COMBAT DF Combat Direction Finding COMBENE-CHAN Commander, Benelux Sub-Area Channel COMBISCLANT
Commander, Bay of Biscay Submarine Area COMCANLANT Commander, Canadian Atlantic Submarine Area
COMCARGRU Commander Carrier Group COMCENTAG Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe
COMCENTLANT Commander, Central Submarine Area COMCM
Communication Countermeasures & Deception COMCO Canadian SSO COMCRUDESGRU
Commander Cruiser Destroyer Group COMDT COGARD Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard COMECON
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance COMEDCENT Commander, Central Mediterranean Area
COMEDEAST Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area COMEDNOREAST Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area
COMEDOC Commander, Western Mediterranean Area COMEDS CONUS Meteorological Data System COMEDSOUEAST
Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area COMEX (1) Committee on Exchanges; (2) Communications Exercise
COMFAIRKEF Commander, Fleet Air Keflavik COMFIVEATAF
Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern Europe COMFLDCOMDASA Commander, Field Command,
Defense Atomic Support Agency COMFOURATAF Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe
COMGIB Naval Commander, Gibraltar COMGIBMED Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean Command
COMGTMODEFCOM Commander, Guantanamo Defense Command
COMICEDEFOR Commander, Iceland Defense Force COMIDEASTFOR Commander, Middle East Force (USN)
COMINEWARCOM Commander, Mine Warfare Command COMINT Communications Intelligence
COMINTADTSK COMINT Advisory Tasking Message COMIREX Committee on Imagery Requirements and
Exploitation COMIS Collection Management Information System COMJAM Communications Jamming
COMJSOC Commander, Joint Special Operations Command COMJSOTF Commander, Joint Special Operations Task
Force COMJTF Commander, Joint Task Force COMJUWATF
Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COML Commercial COMLANDFOR Commander, Land
Forces COMLANDJUT Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein & Jutland
COMLANDNORWAY Commander, Allied Land Forces, Norway COMLANDSOUTH Commander, Allied Land Forces,
Southern Europe COMLANDZEALAND Commander, Allied Land Forces, New Zealand
COMLANTAREA Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area COMLOGNET Combat Logistics Network
COMM (1) Communication; (2) Commercial COMM(S) Communication(s) COMMAIRCHAN
Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, Channel COMMAIRNORLANT Maritime Air Commander, Northern Submarine
Area COMMARBASPAC Commander, Marine Corps Base, Pacific COMMARDEZSECAK
Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone Sector, Alaska COMMARFOR Commander, Marine Forces
COMMARFORJAPAN Commander, Marine Forces, Japan COMMARFORK Commander, Marine Forces, Korea
COMMARFORPAC Commander Marine Corps Forces, Pacific COMMARFORSOUTH Commander, Marine Corps Forces,
South COMMCEN Communications Center COMMDET Communications Detachment COMMO Communications
COMMS CTR Communications Center COMMZ Communications Zone COMNAVAIR Commander, Naval Air
Forces COMNAVAIRLANT Commander, Naval Air Forces, Atlantic COMNAVAIRPAC Commander, Naval Air
Forces, Pacific COMNAVBALTAP Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches COMNAVFOR
Commander, Naval Forces COMNAVFORK
Commander, Naval Forces, Korea COMNAVINTCOM Commander, Naval Intelligence Command
COMNAVLOG Commander, Naval Logistics COMNAVMARIANAS Commander, Naval Forces, Marianas
COMNAVNON Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway COMNAVSCAP Commander, Allied Naval Forces,
Scandinavian Approaches COMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
COMNAVSECGRU Commander, Naval Security Group COMNAVSOF Commander, Naval Special Operations Forces
Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command COMNAVSURF Commander, Naval Surface Forces
COMNAVSURFLANT Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet COMNAVSURFPAC Commander, Naval
Surface Force, Pacific COMNORECHAN Commander, Northern Submarine Area, Channel
COMNORLANT Commander, Northern Submarine Area COMNORTHAG Commander, Northern Army Group, Central
Europe COMNSWU Commander, Naval Special Warfare Unit COMOCEANLANT Commander, Ocean Atlantic
COMOCEANSYSLANT Commander, Oceanographic Systems Atlantic COMOCEANSYSPAC
Commander, Oceanographic Systems Pacific Company COMOPS Communications Operations Summary
COMP Compatible COMPACAF Commander, Pacific Air Forces COMPASS Computerized Movement
Planning and Status System COMPATWINGSLANT Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic
COMPHIBGRU Commander, Amphibious Group COMPLYMCHAN Commander, Plymouth Submarine Area, Channel
COMPUINT Computer Intelligence COMPUSEC Computer Security COMPW
Composite Wing COMPWING Composite Wing COMS Collection Operations Management System (HUMINT)
COMSAT Communications Satellite COMSC Commander, Military Sealift Command
COMSEC Communications Security COMSECONDFLT Commander, U.S. Second Fleet COMSEVENTHFLT
Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet COMSIXATAF Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern
Europe COMSIXTHFLT Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet COMSOC Commander, Special Operations Command
COMSOC-K Commander, Special Operations Command, Korea COMSOCEUR
Commander, Special Operations Command, Europe COMSOCLANT Commander, Special Operations Command, Atlantic
COMSOCPAC Commander, Special Operations Command, Pacific COMSOCSOUTH
Commander, Special Operations Command, Southern Command COMSOTFE Commander, Support Operations Task
Force, Europe COMSPOT Communications Spot Report COMSTAT Communication Status Report
COMSTRATCOMWING ONE Commander, Strategic Communications Wing One COMSTRICKFLANT
Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic (Afloat) COMSTRIKFLTLANT Commander, Striking Fleet, Atlantic
COMSTRIKFORSOUTH Commander, Striking Force, South COMSTS Commander, Military Sea Transportation
Service COMSUBACLANT Commander, Submarine Forces, Allied Command, Atlantic
COMSUBEASTLANT Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic COMSUBGRU Commander, Submarine Group
COMSUBGRU 8/CTF MED Commander Submarine Group (Mediterranean)/Commander
Task Force Mediterranean COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet
COMSUBMED Commander, Submarines, Mediterranean COMSUBPAC Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific
COMSUBWESTLANT Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area COMSUPNAVFOR
Commander, Supporting Naval Forces COMTAFNORNOR Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway
COMTAFSONOR Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway COMTASKFORNON
Commander, Allied Task Force, North Norway COMTECHREP Complementary Technical Report
COMTHIRDFLT Commander, Third Fleet COMTRAPAC Commander, Training Command, Pacific
COMTWOATAF Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe COMUKADR
Commander, UK NATO Air Defense Region COMUSAFAK Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Alaska COMUSAFFOR
Commander, United States Air Force Forces COMUSAFJ Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Japan
COMUSAFK Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Korea COMUSAFTF Commander, United States Air Force Task Force
COMUSARAK Commander, U.S. Army Forces, Alaska COMUSARCENT Commander, U.S. Army Forces Central Command
COMUSARFOR Commander, United States Army Forces COMUSARSO
Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command COMUSARSPACE Commander, U.S. Army Space Command
COMUSARTF Commander, United States Army Task Force COMUSASOC Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations
Command COMUSFOR KOREA Commander, U.S. Forces Korea COMUSFK
Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea COMUSFORAZ Commander, U.S. Forces, Azores COMUSFORCARIB
Commander, U.S. Forces, Caribbean COMUSFORCNTY Commander US Forces Country COMUSJ
Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan COMUSJAPAN Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan (also COMUSJ)
COMUSJTF Commander, United States Joint Task Force COMUSJUWTF Commander, United States Joint
Unconventional WarfareTask Force COMUSKOREA Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea (also COMUSK) COMUSLANDFOR
Commander, United States Land Forces COMUSMACTHAI Commander, United States Military Assistance Command,
Thailand COMUSMARCENT Commander, U.S. Marine Forces Central Command COMUSMARDEZLANT Commander,
U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Atlantic
COMUSMARDEZPAC Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Pacific COMUSMARFOR Commander, United States
Marine Forces COMUSMARTF Commander, United States Marine Task Force COMUSMILGP
Commander, United States Military Group COMUSNAVAK Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Alaska
COMUSNAVCENT Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command COMUSNAVEUR Commander, U.S. Naval Forces,
Europe COMUSNAVFOR Commander, United States Naval Forces COMUSNAVPHIL
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Philippines COMUSNAVSO Commander, U.S. Naval Forces South
COMUSNAVTF Commander, United States Naval Task Force COMZEALAND Commander, Allied Land Forces, New
Zealand CON Control(led) CONAD Continental Air Defense Command
CONDECA Central America Defense Council CONF Confidential CONFIG Configuration
CONG Congress CONGEN Consul General CONGINT Congressional Interest ConNMJIC
Contingency NMJIC CONOBJTR Conscientious Objector CONOP(S) Concept of Operation(s)
CONOPS (1) United States Army Intelligence Command Continental (United States) Operations; (2) Concept of
Operations CONPG Chairman, Operational Nuclear Planning Group CONPLAN
(1) Concept Plan; (2) Contingency Plan CONR CONUS NORAD Region CONTEXT Conferencing and Text
Manipulation System CONTRA- Against, Opposite (Prefix) CONUS Continental United States CONUSA
Continental United States Army CONVL Conventional COOP
Continuity of Operations Plan COORD Coordination COP (1) Command Observation Post; (2) Crashout
Package COPG Chairman, Operational Planners Group COPRA Comparative Postwar Recovery Analysis
COPRL Command Operations Priority Requirements List COPSTRAT
Continuity of Operations Plan (USSTRATCOM) COR (1) Command Operationally Ready; (2) Central Office of
Record; (3) Contracting Officer’s Representative CORCEN Correlation Center CORE Contingency
Response (Program) CORL (1) Collection Opportunity Requirements List; (2) Chief of Receive Location
CORM Commission on Roles and Missions CORPS
SAM Corps Surface-to-Air Missile CORTRAIN Corps/Division Training Coordination Program
COS (1) Combat Operations Staff; (2) Chief of Station; (3) Chief of Staff; (4) Communications Segment
cos Cosine COSAL Consolidated Ship/Squadron Allowance COSCOM Corps Support Command COSIN
Control Staff Instructions COSA Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic COSP Commander,
Oceanographic Systems, Pacific COSPO Community Open Source Program Office Cotangent COTP Captain
of the Port COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative COTS (1) Commercial
Off-the-Shelf; (2) Container Offloading Transfer System
COUNTERMASINT Counter Measurements and Signature Intelligence COVCOM Covert Communications
CoVRT Commanders (and Staff) Visualization Research Tool CP (1) Contingency Planning; (2) Command
Post; (3) Character Position; (4) Communications Processor; (5) Central Processor; (6) Career Program; (7)
Counterproliferation C&P Characteristics and Performance C-P
Counterproliferation CPA (1) Chairman’s Program Assessment; (2) Collection Planning
Aid; (3) CJCS Preparedness Assessment CPAT Collection Planning and Targeting CPB
Charged Particle Beam CPBS (1) Capabilities Programming and Budgeting System; (2) Consolidated Program
and Budgeting System CPC (1) Coastal Patrol Boat; (2) Collection and Processing Center; (3) Central
Processing Center CPE (1) Circular Probable Error; (2) Central Production Element CPFL Contingency
Planning Facilities List CPI Communications Processor and Interface CPIA Chemical Propulsion
Information Agency CPIC Coastal Patrol and Interdiction Craft CPM Cycles Per Minute CPMIEC
China Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation
CPNET Custom Product Network CPO (1) Command Project Officer; (2) Chief Petty Officer
CPP Communist Party of the Philippines CPR (1) Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation; (2) Chairman’s
Program Recommendations CPS (1) Collection Problem Set; (2) Correlation Processing Subsystem; (3)
Characters Per Second; (4) COMSEC Parent Switch; (5) Craft Positioning System CPSB Career Program
Selection Board CPSS Computer Systems Squadron CPSU
Communist Party of the Soviet Union CPT Command Post Terminal CPU (1) Central Processing Unit;
(2) Communications Processing Unit; (3) Computer Processing Unit CPX
Command Post Exercise CP OSCAR Command Post Operations Support Center and Rear CP
TANGO Command Post Tactical Air, Naval, Ground Operations CQB Close Quarter Battle
C-QUIP Combined Quarterly Intelligence Production Listing CR (1) Crisis Relocation; (2) Combat
Radius; (3) Collection Request; (4) Close Range; (5) Collections Requirement CRAF
Civil Reserve Air Fleet CRB Contingency Reference Book CRBIF Crisis Basis Imagery File CRC
(1) Command and Reporting Center; (2) Control and Reporting Center; (3) CONUS Replacement Center CRDC
United States Army Chemical Research & Development Center CRDL Collateral Recurring Document Listing
CRE (1) Combat Readiness Evaluation; (2) Control and Reporting Element CREST Covert
Reconnaissance/Strike CRF (1) Crisis Response Force; (2) Cable Reports File CRIMP Crisis
Management Plan CRIS Command Resources Information System
CRISCON Crisis Condition (I&W System) C-RISTA Counter-Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance,
and Target Acquisition CRITIC (1) Critical Intelligence; (2) Critical Intelligence Message; (3)
Critical Intelligence Communication CRITICOM Critical Intelligence Communications Network CRJOIC
Central Region Joint Operational Intelligence Center CRL
Certificate Revocation List CRM Collection Requirements Management CRMA Collection Requirements
Management Architecture/Application CRMO Collection Requirements Management Office(r) CRMP
Collection Requirements Management Program or Plan CRMS Collection Requirements Management System CRN
Combat Radio Net CROF Crete Remote Operating Facility CROM Continuous Read-Only Memory CRP
(1) Control and Reporting Post; (2) COMSEC Resources Program CRRC Combat Rubber Raiding Craft CRRES
Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite CRRS Customer Requirements Registration System CRS
(1) COMIREX Requirements Structure; (2) Combined Recording Site; (3) Comprehensive Retrieval Subsystem; (4)
Catholic Relief Service; (5) Congressional Research Service; (6) Community Relations Service CRT
(1) Cathode Ray Tube (Terminal); (2) Combat Readiness Training; (3) Crisis Response Team CRTA Chief of
Rocket Troops and Artillery CRUDESGRU Cruiser-Destroyer Group CRWG Current Requirements Working
Group CRYPTO (1) Cryptography/Cryptographic; (2) Cryptologic CS (1) Combat Support; (2)
Communications Subsystem; (3) Constant Source; (4) Chief of Staff; (5) Central Servers; (6) Coalition Support
CS1 Critical-Sensitive Level 1 CSA (1) Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; (2) Central Supplies Agency of NATO;
(3) Corps Support Activity; (4) Combat Support Agency(ies) CSABE Central and South African Basic
CSAF Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force CSAFM Chief of Staff, Air Force Memorandum
CSAM Chief of Staff, Army Memorandum CSAR Combat Search and Rescue CSAW
Cryptologic Support to Amphibious Warfare CSB (1) Close Silo Basing; (2) Collection Support Brief
(HUMINT); (3) Current Situation Branch CSBR Commander, Special Boat Squadron CSC
(1) Community Support Center; (2) Customer Support Center; (3) Combat Support Cell CSCE
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe CSCG Communications Security Control Group
CSCI (1) Commercial Satellite Communications Initiative; (2) Computer Software Configuration Interface
CSCR Computer System Change Request CSDS Command Spatial Display System
CSCT Combat Support Coordination Team CSE (1) Cryptologic Support Element(s); (2) Command Support
Element; (3) Client Server Environment; (4) Canadian SIGINT Establishment; (5) Communi-cations Security Element
CSE-SS Client Server Environment-System Services CSEL Combat Survivor-Evader Locator CSENCNET
Satellite Education Network CSF Command Support Functions CSFOCI
Force Protection Operations CSG (1) Cryptologic Support Group; (2) Chairman’s Staff Group; (3) Combat
Support Group; (4) Corps Support Group CSG-SOCOM Cryptologic Support Group/USSOCOM
CSGN Nuclear Strike Cruiser CSI Commercial Satellite Interconnectivity C-SIGINT
Counter Signals Intelligence CSIS Canadian Security and Investigative Service CSMA/CD
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection CSMO Cryptologic Support to Military Operations
C3SMP Command, Control, Communications System Master Plan CSMR Coarse Spatial Resolution,
Multispectral CSOC Consolidated Space Operations Center CSP
(1) Communications Support Processor; (2) Crisis Staffing Procedures; (3) Contingency Support Package
CSP/HOL Communications Support Processor/High Order Language CSPAR (1) Central Strategic Processing,
Analysis, and Reporting; (2) CINC’s Preparedness Assessment Report CSPO Consolidated SAFE Project Office
CSR (1) Current Situation Room; (2) Coastal Surveillance Radar; (3) Controlled Supply Rate; (4) Collection
Support Requirement; (5) Combat Search & Rescue CSRD
Communication-Computer Systems Requirement Document CSRS Civil Service Retirement System
CSS (1) Communications Security System; (2) Communications Support System; (3) Central Security Service; (4)
Combat Service Support; (5) Collateral Support System; (6) Contingency Support Study; (7) Communications System
Segment; (8) Common Sensor System; (9) COMSEC Subordinate Switch; (10) Combat Surveillance
Service; (11) Continuous Signature Service; (12) Coded Switch System; (13) Command Specific Server CSSA
Cryptologic Shore Support Activity CSSCS (1) Combat Service Support Control System; (2) Combat Service
Support Computer System CSSD Combat Service Support Detachment CSSE Combat Service Support Element
CSSO Contractor Special Security Officer CSSP Combined Services Support Program CSSOC Combat
Service Support Operations Center CSSR CSS Replacement CSST Combat Service Support Team CST
(1) Central Standard Time; (2) Coastal Survey Team; (3) Coalition Support Team CSTC Consolidated Space Test
Center CSTIP Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program CSTOL Cargo Short Take-Off & Landing
CSTVRP Computer Security Technical Vulnerability Reporting Program
CT (1) Training Cruiser; (2) Counterterrorism; (3) Combating Terrorism; (4) Cryptologic Technician CTA
(1) Central Technical Authority; (2) Common Table of Allowances CTAI
Continuous-Tone Aerial Imagery CTAK Cypher-Text Auto-Key CTAPS Contingency Theater Automated
Planning System CTB Comprehensive Test Ban CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTC (1)
Combat Targeting Center; (2) Counterterrorism Center; (3) Combat Training Center CTD (1) Collective
Training Directorate; (2) Charge Transfer Device CTDR
Commercial Training Device Requirements CT&E Certification Test and Evaluation CTE
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion CTEA Cost and Training Effectiveness Analysis CTF/JTF
(1) Crisis Task Force; (2) Commander Task Force; (3) Central Training Flight; (4) Combined Task Force; (5) Joint
Task Force; (6) Consolidated Training Facility CTF-B Combined Task Force-Bomber
CTF-BM Combined Task Force-Battle Management CTF-C2 Combined Task Force Director of Intelligence
CTF PC II CTF Provide Comfort II CTG Commander, Task Group CTH
Aviation Training Cruiser CTIA Counter Technical Intelligence Activities CTIS
Commander’s Tactical Information System CTL Critical Task List CTLZ Control Zone CTOC
Corps Tactical Operations Center CTOCSE CTOC Support Element CTOL
Conventional Take-Off and Landing CTP Consolidated Telecommunications Program CTR
Center CTRL Control CTS (1) Course Training Standards; (2) Communications Technology Satellite
CTSCR Critical Time-Sensitive Collection Requirement CTT (1) Commanders’ Tactical Terminal; (2)
Common Task Test; (3) Combat Control Team CTTA Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority CTT-H
Commanders’ Tactical Terminal-Hybrid CTTP (1) USCENTCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual; (2)
Component Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual
CTU Commander Task Unit CU Channel Unit CUBB Collateral Users Bulletin Board
CUBIC Common User Baseline for the Intelligence Community CUCV Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle
CUDIXS Common-User Digital Information Exchange System CUL Combined User Language CURR Current
CUSRPG Canadian-U.S. Regional Planning Group (NATO)
CUWTF Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force CV (1) Multipurpose Aircraft Carrier; (2) Carrier
Vehicle; (3) Aircraft Carrier CUP COMSEC Utility Program CVA Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis
CVAN CINCPAC Voice Alert Network CVBF Carrier Battle Force
CVBG Carrier Battle Group CVG Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier CVGN Nuclear-Powered
Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier CVH V/STOL Aircraft Carrier CVHG Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft
Carrier CVHGN Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft Carrier
CVHN Nuclear-Powered V/STOL Aircraft Carrier CVIC Carrier-Based Intelligence Center
CVL Light Aircraft Carrier CVLGN Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Light Aircraft Carrier
CVLN Nuclear-Powered Light Aircraft Carrier CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier
CVRT Combat Vehicle (Reconnaissance, Tracked) CVS (1) Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier; (2) Commercial
Vendor Services CVSD Continuously Variable-Slope Delta Modulation CVT
Training Aircraft Carrier CVTS Compressed Video Transmission Service CVW Carrier Air Wing CW
(1) Chemical Warfare; (2) Carrier Wave; (3) Continuous Wave; (4) CONSTANT
WATCH; (5) Composite Wing; (6) Commonwealth C/W Crisis/Wartime CWC (1) Composite Warfare
Commander; (2) Conventional Weapons Guide CWG Coordinates Working Group CWI
Conventional Weapons Index CWIS Crisis Window Information System CWO (1) Communications Watch
Office; (2) Chief Warrant Officer CWS (1) Compartmented Work Station; (2) Collateral Workstation (ASAS)
CWT Chemical Weapons Treaty C2X CCTF C2 OBI/CI Support Element
CY Calendar Year CYCLOPS Fleet Support Message CZ (1) Combat Zone; (2) Convergent Zone |