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U.S. Military Abbreviations & Acronyms:  A

The military and government are famous for using - or overusing - abbreviations and acronyms for designating equipment, programs, and agencies. These eight pages are chock full of nearly every commonly used abbreviations and acronyms used by the U.S. military (at least up through around the year 2000).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N

O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


A2: Air Force Intelligence Staff Officer

       (component level)

AA: (1) Attack Assessment; (2) Attrition Analysis;

      (3) Antiaircraft; (4) Avenue of Approach;

      (5) Automatic Associator

AAA: (1) Antiaircraft Artillery;   (2) Air Avenue of Approach

AAAOB: Antiaircraft Artillery Order of Battle

AABNCP: Advanced Airborne National Command Post

AAC: Alaskan Air Command

AACB: Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating Board

AACE: Army Alternate Command and Control Element

AACOMS: Army Area Communications System

AACS: Attitude and Antenna Control Subsystem

AAD: Airborne Assault Division

AADC: (1) Army Air Defense Command; (2) Area Air Defense Commander AADCCS Area Air Defense Command and Control System

AADP: Area Air Defense Plan

AADS: Antiaircraft Defense System

AAE: Army Acquisition Executive

AAF: Army Airfield

AAFES: Army & Air Force Exchange Service

AAFIF: Automated Air Facilities Information File

AAG: Army Artillery Group

AAI: Air-to-Air Intercept

AAIFF: Air-to-Air Identification Friend or Foe

AAM: Air-to-Air Missile

AAO: Analysis of the Area of Operations

AAR: (1) Active Array Radar; (2) After Action Report

AAS: Analyst Automation Segment

AASLT: Air Assault

AATS: Automated Architecture Tool Suite

AAVS: Aerospace Audiovisual Service

AAW: Anti Air Warfare

AAWC: Anti Air Warfare Commander

AB: Air Base

AB2: Air Battle Command System (ABCS) Brigade and Below

ABC: Airborne Corps

ABCCC: Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center

ABCOMM: Alternate/Backup Communications

ABCS: Army Battle Command System

ABIC: Army Battlefield Interface Concept

ABIT: (1) Airborne Imagery Transmission; (2) Airborne Information Transmission Program

ABM: (1) Antiballistic Missile; (2) Automatic Building Machines

ABMA: Army Ballistic Missile Agency

ABN/Abn: Airborne

ABNCP: (1) Airborne Command Post; (2) Airborne National Command Post

ABR: Available Bit Rate

ABW: Air Base Wing

AC: (1) Air Crew; (2) Active Component; (3) Air Conditioning; (4) Alternating Current

A/C: Aircraft

A2C2: Army Airspace Communications and Control

AC-130: AFSOF Spectre Gunship

AC2SMAN: Alaskan Command and Control System Military Automated Network

AC2MP: Army Command and Control Master Plan

ACA: (1) Alternate Command Authority; (2) Airspace Control Authority

ACAAM: Air Courses of Action Assessment Model

ACACS: Army Command and Area Communications System

ACAT: Acquisition Category

ACC: (1) Access Control Center; (2) Air Control Center; (3) Aviation Component Commander;

         (4) Air Component Commander, (5) Air Combat Command; (6) Army Component Command

ACCB: Army Configuration Control Board

ACCHAN: Allied Command Channel

ACCIS: Allied Command and Control Information System

ACCISS: (1) Automated Command and Control Intelligence Support System; (2) Alaskan C2 Intelligence Support System

ACCO: Army Central Control Office

ACCS: (1) Airborne Command and Control Squadron; (2) Airborne Command and Control System;

           (3) Advanced Communications Control System

ACDA: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ACDS: Advanced Combat Direction system

ACDUTRA: Active Duty Training

ACE: (1) Allied Command, Europe; (2) Advance Communications Element;

        (3) Aviation Combat Element; (4) Analysis Control Element;

        (5) Assistant Corps of Engineers; (6) Airborne Command Element

ACES: Automated Command and Control Evaluation System

ACEVAL: Air Combat Evaluation

ACF: Alternate Command Facility

ACFT: Aircraft

ACI: Airborne Controlled Intercept

ACINT: Acoustic Intelligence

ACIS: Arms Control Intelligence Staff

ACL: Access Control List

ACLANT: Allied Commander Atlantic

ACO: (1) Access Control Officer; (2) Airspace Control Officer

ACOC: (1) Area Communications Operations Center; (2) Air Combat Operations Center

ACOM: Atlantic Command

ACOS: Assistant Chief of Staff

ACOS/I: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Navy)

ACOUSTINT: Acoustical Intelligence

ACP: (1) Alternate Command Post; (2) Assault CP; (3) Allied Communications Publications; (4) Airspace Control Plan

ACPERS: Army Civilian Personnel System

ACQ: Acquisition

ACR: (1) Armored Cavalry Regiment; (2) Automated Change Recognition

ACS: (1) Afloat Correlation System; (2) Aerial Common Sensor;

        (3) AUTODIN Switching Center; (4) Airborne

COMINT: System; (5) Assistant Chief of Staff

ACS/I: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

ACSA: Allied Communications Security Agency

ACSB: Amphibious Contingency Support Briefs

ACSC: Air Command and Staff College

ACSI: Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, HQ USAF

ACT: (1) Air Combat Tactics; (2) Advanced Concepts and Technology Program

ACTD: Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration

ACTEDS: Army Civilian Training, Education, & Development System

ACTS: (1) Advanced Communications Technology;

          (2) Advanced Communications Technology Satellite

ACUS: (1) Area Common User Systems; (2) Army Common User System

ACV: (1) Armored Command Vehicle; (2) Air Cushion Vehicle; (3) Armored Combat Vehicle

ACW: (1) Aircraft Control and Warning; (2) Anticarrier Warfare; (3) Air Control Wing

AD: (1) Air Defense; (2) Destroyer Tender; (3) Air Division; (4) Artillery Division; (5) Active Duty

A/D: Analog/Digital

ADA:Air Defense Artillery

ADACP: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Control Program

ADAPCP: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Program

ADAPT: Automated Decisionmaking and Program Timeline

ADARS: Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement

ADATS: Air Defense Antitank System

ADBT: Advanced Data Base Technology

ADC: (1) Aide-de-Camp; (2) Air Direction Center; (3) Assistant Division Commander;

         (4) Air Data Computer; (5) Air Defense Coordinator

ADCAP: Advanced Capability

ADCC: Air Defense Command Center

ADCCP: Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures

ADCOM: (1) Aerospace Defense Command (now SPACECOM); (2) Administrative Command

ADCON: Administrative Control

ADCSOPS: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans

ADD: (1) Air Defense District; (2) Assistant Deputy Director (DIA)

ADDIS: Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery System

ADDISS: Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System

ADDO: Associate Deputy Director of Operations

ADDO(MA): Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Affairs (DIA)

ADDO(MS): Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Support (NSA)

ADDS: Army Data Distribution System

ADDU: Additional Duty

ADE: (1) Audio Deception Emitter; (2) Aerial Delivery Equipment

ADEW: Airborne Directed Energy Weapons

ADF: Automatic Direction Finding

ADFH: Air Deployable Forward Headquarters

ADG: Deperming Ship

ADI: Air Defense Initiative

ADIC: Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center

ADIEC: Army Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability

ADIO: Additional Duty Intelligence Officer

ADISS: Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System

ADIZ: Air Defense Identification Zone

ADL: (1) Ada Design Language; (2) Armistice Demarcation Line

ADLP: Advanced Datalink Protocol

ADM: (1) Atomic Demolition Munitions; (2) Advanced Development Model; (3) Acquisition Decision Memorandum

Admin: Administration/Administrative


ADNET: Antidrug Network

ADOC: Air Defense Operations Center

ADP: (1) Automated Data Processing; (2) Airborne Data Processing

ADP-MIS: Automated Data Processing Management Information System

ADP-T: (1) Automated Data Processing and Associated Telecommunications;

           (2) Automated Data Processing and Associated Training

ADPCM: Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation

ADPE: Automated Data Processing Equipment

ADPS: (1) ASARS Deployable Processing Station; (2) Automated Data Processing System

ADPSSM: Automated Data Processing Systems Security Manual

ADPSSO: ADP Special Security Officer

ADPSSP: Automated Data Processing System Security Program

ADRG: Advanced Digitized Raster Graphics

ADRI: Arc Digital Raster Imagery

ADS: (1) Automated Data System; (2) Air Defense Sector; (3) Airlift Defensive System;

         (4) Acoustic SOF Detection System; (5) Advanced Distributed Simulation

ADSS: Aerospace Defense Systems Subcommittee

ADSTAR: Advanced Document Storage & Retrieval System

ADSW: Active Duty for Special Work

ADT: (1) Active Duty For Training; (2) Additional Duty Training

ADTLP: Army Doctrine and Training Literature Program

ADTOC: Air Defense Tactical Operations Center

ADTS: Adversary Threat Squadron

ADV: Advance(d)

ADVAL: Air Defense Evaluation Test

ADVON: Advanced Echelon

ADW: Air Defense Warning

ADX: Air Defense Exercise

ADZ: Air Defense Zone

AE: (1) Atomic Energy; (2) Assault Echelon; (3) Ammunition Ship;

      (4) Aerial Exploitation; Application Entity

AEAO: Airborne Emergency Action Officer

AEB: Aerial Exploitation Battalion

AEC: ASARS Exploitation Cell

AEDS: Atomic Energy Detection System

AEELS: (1) Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System; (2) Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System

AEICC: Area Emergency Information Coordination Center

AEM: Missile Tender

AEMS: Automated Edge Measurement System

AEN: Arbitrary ELINT Notation

AEOS: Advanced Electro-Optical Sensor

AEROFLOT: Former Soviet Union Civil Airline

AES: (1) Atomic Energy Site; (2) Airborne ELINT System

AESC: Aerospace Environmental Support Center

AETC: Air Education and Training Command

AETCAE: Army Europe Technical Control and Analysis Element

AEV: Armored Engineer Vehicle

AEW: Airborne Early Warning

AEW&C: Airborne Early Warning and Control

AF: (1) Air Force; (2) Armed Forces; (3) Stores Ship

AFAC: Airborne Forward Air Controller

AF: ACSI Air Force Chief of Staff Intelligence

AFAITC: Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center (Goodfellow AFB, TX)

AFAL: Air Force Armament Laboratory

AFAMPE: USAF Automated Message Processing Exchange

AFAMRL: Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory

AFAP: Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectile

AFARN: Air Force Air Request Net

AFAS: Advanced Field Artillery System

AFATDS: Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFB: (1) Air Force Base; (2) Airframe Bulletin; (3) Antifriction Bearing

AFC: (1) Automatic Frequency Control; (2) All-source Fusion Center (Marine Corps)

AFC4A: USAF Command, Control, Communications and Computer Agency

AFCA: Air Force Collection Assets

AFCC: (1) Air Force Communications Command; (2) Air ForceComponent Command

AFCEA: Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association

AFCENT: Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO)

AFCS: (1) Automatic Flight Control System; (2) Army Facility Component System

AFCSC: Air Force Cryptologic Support Center

AFDB: Auxiliary Floating Drydock (large)

AFDD: Air Force Doctrine Document

AFDIGS: Air Force Digital Graphic Systems

AFDL: Auxiliary Floating Drydock (small)

AFDM: Auxiliary Floating Drydock (medium)

AFDT: AEELS Fixed Downlink Terminal

AFEOC: Air Force Emergency Operations Center

AFEWC: Air Force Electronic Warfare Center

AFFIS: Airfield Facilities Information System

AFFOR: Air Force (Component) Forces

AFGCCS: USAF Global Command and Control System

AFGL: Air Force Geophysics Laboratory

AFGWC: Air Force Global Weather Central

AFGWC/FNOC: Air Force Global Weather Center/Fleet Numerical Operations Center

AFGWS: Air Force Ground Weather Stations

AFIA: Air Force Intelligence Agency

AFIC: (1) Air Force Information Center; (2) Air Force Intelligence Command;

         (3) Air Force Intelligence Center

AFICE: Air Forces Iceland

AFICP: Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan

AFIES: Armed Forces Imagery Exploitation System

AFIISP: Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plan

AFIO: Association of Former Intelligence Officers

AFIP: Air Force Intelligence Plan

AFIS: Air Force Intelligence Service/Study

AFISA: Air Force Intelligence Support Agency

AFIT: Air Force Institute of Technology

AFITC: Air Force Intelligence Training Center

AFIWC: Air Force Information Warfare Center

AFLAN: AFSOC Local/Wide Area Network

AFLANT: U.S. Air Forces, Atlantic

AFLC: Air Force Logistics Command

AFLE: Air Force Liaison Element

AFLO: Air Force Liaison Office

AFM: Air Force Manual

AFMD/GF: Air Forces of the Military District/Group of Forces

AFMC: Air Force Materiel Command

AFMIC: Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center

AFMPC: Air Force Military Personnel Center

AFMSIS: Air Force Modeling and Simulation Information System

AFMSS: Air Force Mission Support System

AFNET: (1) Air Force Network; (2) Air Force Data Network

AFNORTH: Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO)

AFNORTHWEST: (1) Allied Forces Northwest Europe (NATO); (2) Air Forces Northwest Region

AFOC: Air Force Operations Center

AFOE: Assault Follow-On Echelon

AFOSI: Air Force Office of Special Investigations

AFOSP: Air Force Office of Security Police

AFOSR: Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFOTEC: Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center

AFR: (1) Air Force Reserve; (2) Air Force Regulation

AFRES: Air Force Reserve

AFS: (1) Air Force Station; (2) Combat Stores Ship

AFSAA: Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency

AFSAC: Air Force Special Activities Center

AFSAT: Air Force Satellite

AFSATCOM: Air Force Satellite Communications System

AFSC: (1) Air Force Systems Command; (2) Air Force Specialty Code; (3) Armed Forces Staff College

AFSCOORD: Assistant Fire Support Coordinator

AFSCF: Air Force Satellite Control Facility

AFSCN: Air Force Satellite Control Network

AFSIP: Air Force Satellite Intelligence Program

AFSOB: Air Force Special Operations Base

AFSOC: Air Force Special Operations Command

AFSOD: Air Force Special Operations Detachment

AFSOE: Air Force Special Operations Element

AFSOF: Air Force Special Operations Forces

AFSOS: Air Force Special Operations School

AFSOUTH: Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO)

AFSOUTHCOM: Air Force Southern Command

AFSPACECOM: Air Force Space Command

AFSPC: Air Force Space Command

AFSPCIP: Air Force Space Command Intelligence Plan

AFSPOC: Air Force Space Operations Center

AFSSE: Air Force Space Surveillance Element

AFSST: Air Force Space Support Team

AFSTC: Air Force Space Technology Center

AFTAC: Air Force Technical Applications Center

AFTACIES: Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System

AFTF: Air Force Task Force

AFTFWC: Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center

AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle

AF/VC: Air Force Vice Chief of Staff

AFWAL: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory

AFWARNS: Air Force Warning System

AFWCCS: Air Force Wing Command and Control System

AFWL: Air Force Weapons Laboratory

AG: (1) Adjutant General; (2) Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship

AGARD: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (NATO)

AGB: Icebreaker

AGC: Automatic Gain Control

AGCCS: Army’s Global Command and Control System

AGDS: Deep Submergence Support Ship

AGE: Experimental Auxiliary

AGEF: Frigate Research Ship

AGEH: Experimental Auxiliary (Hydrofoil)

AGER: Intelligence Research Ship

AGES: Advanced Ground Exploitation System

AGF: Miscellaneous Command Ship

AGHS: Patrol Combatant Support Ship

AGI: Intelligence Collection Ship

AGL: (1) Buoy Tender; (2) Above Ground Level

AGM: (1) Air-to-Ground Missile; (2) Missile Range Instrumentation Ship

AGMR: Major Communications Relay Ship

AGMS: Armored Ground Mobility System

AGOR: Oceanographic Research Ship

AGOS: (1) Ocean Surveillance Ship; (2) Air-Ground Operations School (NATO);

           (3) Air-Ground Operations System

AGP: Patrol Craft Tender

AGR: Army Guard Reserve

AGS: (1) Hydrographic Survey Ship; (2) FSU Automatic Grenade Launcher

AGT: Agent

AGZ: Actual Ground Zero

AH: (1) Hospital Ship; (2) Alternate Headquarters

AHFEWS: Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System

AI: (1) Airborne Intercept; (2) Air Intelligence; (3) Artificial Intelligence; (4) Air Interdiction;

      (5) Airborne Interceptors; (6) Area of Interest; (7) All-Source Intelligence

A3I: Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative

AIA: (1) Army Intelligence Agency; (2) ACE Intelligence Architecture; (3) ACE Interface Architecture; (4) Air Intelligence Agency

AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

AIA/IRD: Air Intelligence Agency/Intelligence Reserve Detachment

AIAWS: Automated Intelligence Analyst Workstation

AIB: Atlantic Intelligence Board

AIC: (1) Atlantic Intelligence Command; (2) Afloat Intelligence Center

AICBM: Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

AID: (1) U.S. Agency for International Development; (2) Aerospace Information Digest;

        (3) Army Information Digest; (4) Accident, Incident, Deficiencies; (5) Active Integral Defense

AIDES: (1) Analyst Intelligence Information Display and Exploitation System;

            (2) Automated Intelligence Display and Exploitation System

AIDS: (1) Acoustic Intelligence Data System; (2) Advanced Identification System;

          (3) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIF: (1) Automated Installations Intelligence File; (2) Army Industrial Fund;

       (3) Airfield Installation File; (4) Air Intelligence Flight; (5) Automated Installation File

AIFV: Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle

AIG: (1) Address Indicator Group; (2) Air Intelligence Group

AIIC: Advanced Imagery Interpretation Course

AIIF: Automated Installation Intelligence File

AIIRS: Automated Intelligence Information Retrieval System

AIM: (1) Air Intercept Missile; (2) Active Inert Missile

        (3) ADCOM Intelligence Memorandum

AIMD: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department

AIMP: (1) Army Intelligence Management Plan; (2) Army Intelligence Master Plan;

          (3) Advanced Imagery Management Program;

          (4) Automated Information Management Program

AIMTB: Artificial Intelligence Module Testbed

AIN: Advanced Intelligence Network

AIO: Air Intelligence Officer

AIOEC: Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries

AIP: (1) Architecture Implementation Plan; (2) Anti-Surface-Warfare Improvement Program

AIPR: Automated Information Processing Request

AIR: American Institute for Research

AIRA: Air Attache

AIRCENT: (1) Air Forces Central Region (NATO); (2) Allied Air Forces Central Europe

AIRCOM: Air Command

AIRCOMTERM: Airborne Communications Terminal

AIRES: Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System

AIRES: II Airborne Reconnaissance Electronic System II

AIREW: Airborne Infrared Early Warning

AIRK: Area Interswitch Rekeying Key

AIRLO: Air Liaison Officer

AIRREQRECON: Air Request Reconnaissance

AIR: (1) Replenishment Oiler; (2) American Institute of Research

AIRS: (1) Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere;

          (2) Automated Information Retrieval Systems

AIRTAPS: Aerial Imagery Reconnaissance Tracking and Plotting System

AIS: (1) Automated Indicator System; (2) Advanced Indications Structure;

       (3) Advanced Indications System; (4) Army Intelligence Survey;

       (5) Automated Information System; (6) Air Intelligence Squadron

AISA: Automated Intelligence Support Activity

AISS: Automated Information Systems Security

AIST: Air Intelligence Support Team

AITE: Advanced Indications Technology Experiment

AIU: Army Interrogation Unit

AIWO: Air Intelligence Warning Officer

AIWS: Advanced Interdiction Weapon System

AJ: Antijamming

AJCC: Alternate Joint Communications Center

AJFP: Adaptive Joint Force Package

AJNPE: Airborne Joint Nuclear Planning Element

A/JSIC: Alternate JSIC

AK: (1) Cargo Ship; (2) FSU Kalashnikov Family of Assault Rifles; (3) Automatic Remote Rekeying

AKA: Also Known As

AKDC: Automatic Key Distribution Center

AKD/RCU: Automatic Key Distribution/Rekeying Control Unit

AKL: Light Cargo Ship

AKM: (1) Apogee Kick Motor; (2) AK-47 Assault Rifle

AKMC: Automated Key Management Center

AKMS: Automated Key Management System

AKR: Vehicle Cargo Ship

AKTCAE: Army Korea Technical Control And Analysis Element

ALAIRCOM: Alaskan Air Command

ALARM: Alert, Locate and Report Missiles

ALASAT: Air-Launched Antisatellite

ALASCOM: Alaskan Communications Inc.

ALB: Air-Land Battle Doctrine (FM 100-5)

ALBM: Air-Launched Ballistic Missile

ALC: Accounting Legend Code

ALCATS: Automated Lines of Communication and Target System

ALCC: Airlift Control Center

ALCE: Airlift Control Element

ALCM: Air-Launched Cruise Missile

ALCOM: Alaskan Command

ALCOP: Alternate Command Post

ALCOR: ARPA Lincoln C-Band Observable Radar

ALCS: Airborne Launch Control System

ALD: Airlift Division

ALE: (1) AIRES Lifecycle Extension; (2) Automated Link Establishment

ALERT: Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater (AF)

ALES: AIRES Life Extension System

ALF: Auxiliary Landing Field

ALFA: Advanced Liaison Forward Area

ALL: Airborne Laser Laboratory

ALMS: Automated Logistics Management System

ALO: (1) Air Liaison Officer; (2) Authorized Level of Organization

ALOC(S): Air Line(s) of Communication

ALPS: Accidental Launch Protection System

ALRAAM: Air-Launched Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile

ALRP-S: Army Long-Range Plan for Space

ALRPG: Army Long-Range Planning Guidance

ALS: (1) Active Laser Seeker; (2) Airborne Link Segment

ALSA: Air-Land-Sea Application (Center)

ALSS: Advanced Location Strike System

ALT: (1) Alternate; (2) Altitude

ALTAlR: ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar

ALTREV: Altitude Reservation

ALUSNA: American Legation U.S. Naval Attache

ALUSNLO: American Legation U.S. Naval Liaison Officer

ALWT: Advanced Lightweight Torpedo

ALWTIC: Annual Land Warfare Technical Intelligence Conference

AM: (1) Ante Meridian (Before Noon); (2) Amplitude Modulation; (3) Asset Manager;

       (4) Aerographers Mate

AMAB: Air Mobile Assault Brigade

AMASS: (1) Advanced Marine Airborne SlGlNT System; (2) Advanced Marine Air Support System

AMBISS: Automated Map-Based Intelligence Support System

AMC: (1) Airspace Management and Control; (2) Army Materiel Command (Formerly DARCOM);

         (3) Air Mobility Command; (4) Air Mission Commander

AMCC: (1) Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications; (2) Ashore Mobile Command Center

AMC/IN: AMC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

AMCIT: American Citizen

AMCM: Airborne Mine Countermeasures

AMD: Activated Metal Decoy

AMDT: AEELS Mobile Downlink Terminal

AME: Airspace Management Element

AMEMB: American Embassy

AMETS: Artillery Meteorological System

AMF: Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO)

AMH: Automated Message Handling

AMHA: Army Management Headquarters Activity

AMHS: Automated Message Handling System

AMIDS: Airborne Mine Detection System

AMIM: Army Modernization Information Memorandum

AMIP: Army Model Improvement Plan

AMIRS: Army Multispectral Imagery Requirements Study

AMIS: Advanced Microwave Imaging Sensor

AMM: Army Modernization Memorandum Ammo Ammunition

AMMS: (1) Allowance Material Management System; (2) Acquisition Milestone Management System

AMOPES: Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System

AMOPS: Army Mobilization Operations and Planning System

AMOS: Air Force Maui Optical System

AMP: (1) Amplification; (2) Army Modernization Plan; (3) Acquisition Master Plan

AMPDS: Automated Message Processing Dissemination System

AMPE: Automated Message Processing Exchange

AMPHI: Aerial Mission Photographic Indoctrination

AMPHIB: Amphibious

AMPL: Amplitude

AMPS: (1) Automated Mission Planning System; (2) Automated Message Processing System;

           (3) Aim Point System

AMRAAM: Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

AMRWS: Advanced Remote Miniaturized Weather Station

AMS: (1) Automated Message System; (2) Auto-Manual System; (3) Autonomous Message Switch;

         (4) Advanced Mapping Spectrometer

AMSAT: Amateur Radio Satellite

AMSC: Advanced Military Spaceflight Capability

AMS-H: Advanced Missile System Heavy

AMSSA: Assured Mission Support Space Architecture

AMST: Advanced Medium STOL Transport

AMT: ACTS Mobile Terminal

AMTF: Airmobile Task Force

AMTP: Army Mission Training Plan

AMU: Astronaut Maneuvering Unit

AMW: Amphibious Warfare

AN: (1) Net Tender; (2) Army/Navy

ANALIT: Analyst-to-Analyst Message Format

ANC: African National Congress

ANCC: (1) Ashore Navy Communications Capability; (2) Automated Network Control Center

ANDVT: Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal

ANEX: Analyst-to-Analyst Exchange Message Format

ANFO: Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil

ANG: Air National Guard

ANGB: Army National Guard Base

ANGLlCO: Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company

ANL: Net-Laying Ship

ANLYS: Analysis

ANMCC: Alternate National Military Command Center

ANMIC: Alternate National Military Intelligence Center

ANR: (1) Alaskan NORAD Region; (2) Active Noise Reduction

ANRPC: Association of Natural Rubber-Producing Countries

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

ANVIS: Aviator’s Night Vision Imaging System

AN/VRC: Army Navy Vehicle Radio Communications

ANZUS: Australia, New Zealand, United States

AO: (1) Action Officer; (2) Oiler; (3) Authenticator Organization; (4) Area of Operations;

       (5) Aerial Observer

AOA: (1) Amphibious Objective Area; (2) Angle of Attack; (3) Angle of Arrival;

         (4) Airborne Optical Adjunct

AOB: (1) Air Order of Battle; (2) Advanced Operational Base

AOBTS: Air Order of Battle Textual Summary

AOC: (1) Air Officer Commanding (U.K.); (2) Air Operations Center; (3) Army Operations Center

AOCC: Area Operations Control Center

AOCS: Aviation Officers Candidate School

AOE: Fast Combat Support Ship

AOFDA: U.S. AID Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance

AOG: Gasoline Tanker

AOI: (1) Area of Influence; (2) Area of Interest

AOIC: Assistant Officer in Charge

AOIR: (1) ACE Operational Intelligence Requirements; (2) Area of Intelligence Responsibility

AOL: Area of Limitation

AO&M/NM: Administration, Operations, and Maintenance/Network Management

AOO: Air Operations Order

AOP: (1) Area of Probability; (2) Air Operations Plan

AOR: Area of Responsibility

AOS: (1) Special Liquids Tanker; (2) Amphibious Objective Study; (3) Area of Separation

AOSG: Amphibious Operation Support Graphic

AOSS: Automated Office Support System

AOT: Transport Oiler

AOTF: Acoustic-Optic Tunable Filter

AP: (1) Armor-Piercing; (2) Air Police; (3) Transport Ship; (4) Associated Press;

      (5) Ammonium Perchlorate; (6) Antipersonnel; (7) Application Processor

AP-I: Armor Piercing Incendiary

APB: (1) Self-Propelled Barracks Ship; (2) All Points Bulletin; (3) Antipersonnel Bomb;

        (4) Acquisition Program Baseline

APC: (1) Armored Personnel Carrier; (2) Area of Positive Control; (3) Adaptive Predictive Coding

APCC: Alternate Processing and Correlation Center

APFSDS: Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot

APHIS: USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

APL: (1) Barracks Craft (non self-propelled); (2) Applied Physics Laboratory

        (Johns Hopkins University)

APM: Army Program Memorandum

APMS: (1) Automated Production Management System;

           (2) Advanced Precision Measurement System

APO: (1) Army Post Office; (2) Air Post Office

APOD: Aerial Port of Debarkation

APOE: Aerial Port of Embarkation

APORTS: Aerial Ports File (JOPES)

APP: Application

APPS: Applications

Appl: Application Approx Approximately

APPS: Analytical Photogrammetric Position System

APS: (1) ASARS-II Processing Segment; (2) Air Planning System

APT: (1) Automatic Picture Transmission; (2) Airport

APU: Auxiliary Power Unit

APVO: FSU Air Defense Aviation

APW: American Prisoner of War


AR: (1) Advanced Readiness; (2) Army Regulation; (3) Action Required; (4) Repair Ship;

      (5) Agent Report; (6) Army Reserve; (7) Army

ARABSAT: Arab Satellite (Communications Organization)

ARB: Battle Damage Repair Ship

ARC: (1) Cable Ship; (2) Acquisition Review Committee; (3) Armored Reconnaissance Carrier;

        (4) Air Reserve Component

ARCENT: U.S. Army Forces Central Command


USACENT forward element-Kuwait


USACENT forward element-Saudi Arabia

ARCH: Architecture

ARCOM: Army Command

ARDC: Air Research and Development Command

AREC: Air Element Coordinator

ARCS: (1) Automated Reproduction and Collating System; (2) Acquisition Radar and Control System

ARD: Auxiliary Repair Drydock

ARDF: Airborne Radio Direction Finding

ARDM: Auxiliary Repair Drydock

AREPT: Agent Report

ARF: Airborne Relay Facility

ARFCOS: Armed Forces Courier Service

ARFOR: Army Force(s)

ARG: (1) Amphibious Readiness Group; (2) Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship

ARIS: Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship

ARL: (1) Landing Craft Repair Ship; (2) Airborne Reconnaissance Low; (3) Army Research Lab;

        (4) Aerial Reconnaissance Liaison

ARL-I: Airborne Reconnaissance Low-Imagery


ARLEA: Army Logistics Evaluation Agency

ARLO: Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer

ARM: (1) Antiradiation Missile; (2) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

ARMA: Army Attache

ARMISE: Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element

ARMLO: Army Liaison Officer

ARMS: Automated Resource Management System

ARNG: Army National Guard

ARO: (1) Area Records Officer; (2) Auxiliary Readout

ARP: Alert Response Plan

ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency

ARPAC: Army Pacific

ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ARPS: Advanced Radar Processing System

ARPV: Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle

ARR: Radiological Repair Ship

ARRC: (1) ACE Rapid Reaction Corps; (2) Allied Rapid Reaction Corps

ARRN: Andean Ridge Radar Network

ARRS: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service

ARS: (1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance;

        (3) Airborne Receiver System; (4) Air Rescue Service

ARSA: (1) Annual Reevaluation of Safe Areas;

          (2) Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture

ARSGS: Airborne Reconnaissance SIGINT Ground Systems

ARSO: Assistant Regional Security Officer

ARSOA: Army Special Operations Aviation

ARSOC: Army Special Operations Command

ARSOF: Army Special Operations Forces

ARSOFE: Army Special Operations Forces, Europe

ARSOFSUPCOM: Army Special Operations Forces Support Command

ARSOTF: Army Special Operations Task Force

ARSP: Advanced Reconnaissance Support Program

ARSPACE: Army Space Command

ARSPACECOM: Army Space Command

ARSPOC: Army Space Operations Center

ARSST: Army Space Command Space Support Team

ARSTAF: Army Staff

ART: (1) Aerial Reconnaissance Team; (2) Amateur Radio Transceiver

ARTADS: Army Tactical Data System

ARTAS-K: Army Training and Support-Kuwait (former name for ARCENT-K)

ARTBASS: Army Training Battle Simulation Systems

ARTCC: Air Route Traffic and Control Center

ARTEP: (1) Army Readiness Training Evaluation Program; (2) Army Training and Evaluation Program

ARTISS: Advanced Requirements Tasking Information and Support System

ARTPP: Airborne Reconnaissance Technology Program Plan

ARTS: Automated Remote Tracking Station

ARTY: Artillery

ARV: (1) Armored Recovery Vehicle; (2) Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle; (3) Aircraft Repair Ship

ARW: Air Refueling Wing

AS: (1) Submarine Tender; (2) Air Surveillance; (3) Analysis Subsystem; (4) Air Station;

      (5) Anti Spoofing; (6) Advanced Sensors

ASA: Army Space Agency

ASA: (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)

ASAB: All-Source Analysis Branch

ASAC: All-Source Analysis Center

ASAP: (1) As Soon As Possible; (2) Advanced Sensor Applications Program

ASAR: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar

ASARC: Army Systems Acquisition Review Council

ASARS: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System

ASART: (1) AEELS Support Analysis Reporting Terminal; (2) Analysis Support and Reporting Terminal

ASAS: All-Source Analysis System

ASAS-AS: All-Source Analysis System All-Source Workstation

ASAS-E: All-Source Analysis System-Extended

ASAS-SS: All-Source Analysis System Single-Source Workstation

ASAS-W: All-Source Analysis System WARRIOR

ASAT: (1) Antisatellite; (2) Antisatellite Treaty; (3) Advance Satellite Antenna Technology

ASB: (1) Air Surveillance Broadcast; (2) Army Science Board

ASC: (1) AUTODlN Switching Center; (2) Army Service Component; (3) Army Space Command;

        (4) Advanced Systems Course

ASCAMP: Advanced Single-Channel Manpack

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASCC: (1) Air Standardization Coordinating Committee; (2) Alternate Space Control Center

ASCII: American National Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASCM: Antiship Cruise Missile

ASCON: Automatic Switched Communications Network

ASD: Assistant Secretary of Defense

ASD: (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)

ASD: (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers

         and Intelligence)

ASD: (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

ASD: (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements

ASD: (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict

ASDC: Advanced Space Data Corporation

ASDEP: Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Programs

ASDIA: All-Source Document Index

ASDIAZ: All-Source Document Index Automated File-Compartmented

ASDIAZO: All-Source Document Index Automated File-ORCON

ASDIC: Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center

ASDS: (1) Automated SlGlNT Dissemination System; (2) Advanced SEAL Delivery System

ASDV: Auxiliary SEAL Delivery Vehicle

ASE: (1) Aircraft Survivability Equipment; (2) Airborne Support Element

ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASED: Army Space Exploitation Demonstration

ASEDP: Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Program

ASEMA: Army Special Electronic Mission Aircraft

ASF: All-Source Format

ASFC: All-Source Fusion Center

ASG: Area Support Group

ASGOBS: Army Standard Ground Order of Battle System

ASI: (1) Additional Skill Indicator; (2) U.S. Army Space Institute; (3) All-Source Intelligence

ASIC: All-Source Intelligence Center


All-Source Intelligence Coordinating Center

ASIDS: Airborne Secondary Imagery Dissemination System

ASIP: All-Source Imagery Processor

ASIPS: Army Standard Intelligence Plotter System

ASIS: Army Space Initiatives Study

ASIT: Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal

ASM: (1) Air-to-Surface Missile; (2) Antiship Missile; (3) Attache Support Message

ASMD: Antiship Missile Defense

ASMT: Assessment

ASN: RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)

ASOC: Air Support Operations Center

ASOG: Air Support Operations Group

ASOS: Air Support Operations Squadron

ASP: Ammunition Supply Point

ASPAC: Asian and Pacific Council

ASPADOC: Alternate Space Defense Operations Command

ASPB: Assault Patrol Support Boat (Riverine Warfare Craft)

ASPIC: Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center

ASPJ: Airborne/Advanced Self-Protection Jammer

ASPO: Army Space Program Office

ASPS: All-Source Production Section

ASR: (1) Submarine Rescue Ship; (2) Airport Surveillance Radar; (3) Adaptive Situation Recognizer

ASRP: (1) Airborne SlGlNT Reconnaissance Program; (2) Airborne SIOP Reconnaissance Plan

ASRRS: Army Survivable, Recovery and Reconstitution System

ASSC: Alternate Space Surveillance Center

ASSET: All Source Satellite Evaluation Tool

ASSIST: (1) Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals;

             (2) Automated Special Security Terminals;

             (3) Automated Special Security Information System;

             (4) Automated Information System Security Incident Support Team

ASSM: Antiship Surface Missile

ASSOTW: Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World

ASSR: Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

ASST: (1) Antiship Surveillance and Tracking; (2) Assistant

ASSW: Antisurface Ship Warfare

ASTAG: Army Service and Technology Advisory Group

ASTEC: Advanced Satellite Technology and Extremely High Frequency Communications

ASTERIX: Automated Analyst Support Tools

ASTMP: Army Science and Technology Master Plan


ASU: (1) FSU Airborne Self-Propelled Antitank Gun; (2) Approved for Service Use

ASUW: Antisurface Warfare

ASU: SWA Administrative Support Unit Southwest Asia

ASUWC: Antisurface Warfare Commander

ASV: Armored Support Vehicle

ASW: (1) Antisubmarine Warfare; (2) Aircrew Survival Weapon

ASWC: Antisubmarine Warfare Commander

ASWCCS: Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System

ASWOC: Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Center

ASWTF: Antisubmarine Warfare Task Force

AT: (1) Antitank; (2) Air Transit; (3) Simple Antenna (Electronic Component); (4) Air Technician; (5) Awaiting Transportation; (6) Antiterrorism, (7) Annual Training

ATA: (1) Actual Time of Arrival; (2) Ocean Tug; (3) Air Transport Association; (4) Advanced Tactical Aircraft; (5) Air Traffic Agency

ATAC: ASAP Technical Advisory Committee

ATACC: Advanced Tactical Air Command Center

ATACMS: (U.S.) Army Tactical Missile System

ATACMS: ER Army Tactical Missile System Extended Range

ATACS: (1) Analyst-to-Analyst Communications Service; (2) Army Tactical Communications System

ATAF: Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO)

ATARS: Advanced Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System

ATAS: (1) Air-To-Air Stinger; (2) Automatic Terrain Avoidance System

ATB: (1) Air Technical Battalion; (2) Advanced Technology Bomber

ATBM: Antitactical Ballistic Missile

ATC: (1) Air Traffic Control; (2) Air Training Command, USAF; (3) Air Target Chart; (4) Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine




Army Technical Control and Analysis Element


Air Traffic Control Center


Army Tactical Command and Control System


ASW Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter


Airfield Traffic Control Unit


(1) Actual Time of Departure; (2) Advanced Technology Demonstration


ACE Target Data Base


Advanced Technology Demonstration/Integrated




Automated Tactical Data Link


Airborne Tactical Data System


Automatic Test Equipment


Atomic Heat and Powerplant


(1) Advanced Tactical Fighter; (2) Amphibious Task Force; (3) Fleet Ocean Tug; (4) Aviation Turbine Fuel; (5) After the Fact


Automated Tactical Fusion Division


Atomic Ground Intercept


Antitank Guided Launcher


Antitank Guided Missile


Above The Horizon


Automated Tactical Intelligence


Aircraft Technical Intelligence Conference


Advanced Technical Information Management System


ACE Threat List


Airborne Tracking Laser Identification System atm Atmosphere


(1) Antitank Missile; (2) Air Target Materials; (3) Air


Mosaic; (4) Antitactical Missile; (5) Asynchronous Transfer Mode; (6) Air Tasking Message


Alpha Team (Special Forces Operational Detachment)


Army Theater Missile Defense Element


Arms Transfer Management Group


Atmospheric Trace Molecules Spectroscopy


Air Target Materials Program


(1) Air Tasking Order; (2) Abort-To-Orbit


Allied Tactical Operations Center (NATO)


Air Tasking Order Confirmation


Assisted Takeoff & Landing


Atlantic Theater Operational Intelligence System


(1) Allied Tactical Publication (NATO); (2) Advanced Technology Program; (3) Advanced Tracking Prototype; (4) Advanced




Automated Tracking Prototype Follow-On


Advance Tracking Prototype/Rocky Mountain Basic UNIX


Automatic Target Recognition


Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance System


(1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Automated Tasking System; (3) Audit Trail Server; (4) Applications Technology Satellite


Alaskan Transportable Satellite System


American Telephone and Telegraph


Technical Assistance Training Team


Army Tactical Command and Control System


Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration


Assistant Theater Topographic Engineer


Automated Tactical Target Graphic


Attention (to the attention of)


ACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures


Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity


Air University


Arbitrary Unit Designator


Augmentation Table of Distribution and Allowances


Air-to-Underwater Missile


Army of the United States


Association of the United States Army


Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States


Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Defense


Automatic Identification


Automatic Digital Network


Automation Security


Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network


Automatic Voice Network




Auxiliary Command Post


(1) Armored Vehicle; (2) Audio-Visual; (3) Air Vehicle; (4) Auxiliary Vector


Attitude and Velocity Control System


All-Volunteer Force


Aviation Gasoline


Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer


Aviation Intermediate Maintenance


Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge


FSU Naval Aviation


Aviation Maintenance Trainer




Authorized Vendor Program


Aircraft Rescue Vehicle


Aviation Satellite System


Aviation System Command


Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship


Aviation Unit Maintenance


(1) Air Warning; (2) Automatic Weapon(s); (3) Water Tanker; (4) All-Weather


Airborne Warning and Control System


Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System


All-Weather Reconnaissance System


(1) Air War College; (2) Army War College; (3) Air Warfare Center


Automated Weather Distribution System


Advanced Warfighting Experiment


I Automatic Weapon Effect Signature Simulator


Additive White Gaussian Noise


(1) Army WWMCCS Information System; (2) Aircraft Wireless Intercom System


Automated Weather Network


(1) Absent Without Pay; (2) Automated Weaponeering Optimization Program


(1) Air Weather Service; (2) Advance Warning System; (3) Analyst Workstation


Area Weapon Scoring System

AWT: Water Transport

AWWIMS: Automated Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System

AWX: All-Weather

AXAF: Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility

AXP: Allied Exercise Publication

AXT: Training Ship

AZ: Azimuth

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers