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U.S. Military Abbreviations & Acronyms:  B

The military and government are famous for using - or overusing - abbreviations and acronyms for designating equipment, programs, and agencies. These eight pages are chock full of nearly every commonly used abbreviations and acronyms used by the U.S. military (at least up through around the year 2000).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N

O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


BA: (1) Budget Authority; (2) Budget Activity

BAA: Broad Agency Announcement

BAC: (1) Budget Activity Code; (2) Broad Area Coverage

BAD: Baseline Assessment Document

BADGE: FINDER Proper Name of System

BADGE: KEEPER Proper Name of System

BAE: Battlefield Area Evaluation

BAG: Battalion Artillery Group

BAI: (1) Battlefield Air Interdiction; (2) Backup Aircraft Inventory; (3) Battlefield Artificial Intelligence

BALTAP: Baltic Approaches (NATO Naval Command)

BAN: Base Area Network

BANDIT: Bragg Area Network for Digital Intelligence Transmission

BAO: Basic Attack Option

BAOR: British Army of the Rhine

BARB: Beacon-Aided Radar Bombing

BARCS: Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System

BAS: (1) Broad Area Search; (2) Battlefield Automated Systems; (3) Billet Access System

BASIC: Battle Area Surveillance & Integrated Communications

BASOPS: Base Operations

BASS: Battlefield Surveillance System

BAT-D: Battlefield Deception

BATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

BATO: Balloon-Assisted Take-Off

BATS: Ballistic Aerial Target System

BAWB: Bomber Activity Weekly Brief

BB: Battleship

BBBG: Battleship Battle Group

BBLS: Barrels

BBO: Booster Burnout

BBS: Brigade/Battalion Simulation

B2C2: Brigade and Below Command and Control System

BCA: Broadcast Control Authority

BC2A: Bosnia Command and Control Augmentation

BCBL: Battle Command Battle Lab

BCC: Base Communications Center

BCDSS: Battle Command Decision Support System

BCE: Battlefield Coordination Element

BCI: Bit-Count Integrity

BCR: (1) Battlefield Communications Review; (2) Baseline Change Request

BCS: Broadcast Control Station

BCT: (1) Base Consolidated Telecommunications; (2) Betac Command Team

BCTP: Battle Command Training Program

BCV: Battle Command Vehicle

Bd: Baud

BDA: (1) Battle Damage Assessment; (2) Bomb Damage Assessment

BDA/PSA: Bomb Damage Assessment/Post Strike Assessment

BDE/Bde: Brigade

BDM: Budget Decision Memorandum

BDP: Battlefield Development Plan

BDS: (1) Base Development Survey; (2) Bulk Data Service

BDSP: Battle Dress System Project

BE: Basic Encyclopedia

BEMT: Basic Electronic Maintenance Trainer

BENELUX: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

BER: Bit Error Rate

BERT: Bit Error Rate Tester

BES: Budget Estimate Submission

BETA: Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition

BEYOND: DUTY Proper Name of System

BF: Battle Force

BFA: Battlefield Function Area

BFACS: BFA Control System

BF(S)BL: Battle Focus (Support) Battle Lab

BFCS: Ballistic Framing Camera System

BFE:Blacker Front End

BFI: Battlefield Interdiction

BFM: Basic Flight Maneuvers

BFMA: Battlefield Functional Mission Area

BFOV: Broad Field of View

BG: (1) Battle Group; (2) Brigadier General

BGN: Board on Geographic Names

BGPHES: Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System

BGW: Battlefield Guided Weapon

BGWU: Battle Group Workup

BH: Busy Hour

B-H: Bosnia-Hercegovina

BI: Background Investigation

BIACC: Basic Integrated Aircraft Command and Control

BIC: Battlefield Information Center

BICC: Battlefield Information Coordination Center

BICES: Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems

BICM: Battlefield Intelligence Collection Model

BIDS: Battlefield Information Distribution System

BIF: Basic Imagery File

BIFF: Bistatic Identification Friend or Foe

BIIB: Basic Imagery Interpretation Brief

BIIR: Basic Imagery Interpretation Report

BIM: Ballistic Intercept Missile

BIOLDEF: Biological Defense

BIOLOPS: Biological Operations

BIOLWPN: Biological Weapons

BISS: Baseline Intelligence Summary Supplement

BIT: (1) Binary Digit; (2) Built-In Test

BITE: Built-In Test Equipment

BITS: Base Information Transfer System

BIU: Bus Interface Unit

Bks: Barracks

BKS: Broadcast Keying Station

BL: Bomb Line

BLATT: Blattenberger

BLDG: Building

BLEST: Berm-Loaded Explosive Simulation Technique

BLEU: Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union

BLIP: Background Limited IR Photography

BLOS: Beyond Line-of-Sight

BLSS: Base Level Self-Sufficiency Spares

BLT: Battalion Landing Team

BLUE: FLAG ACC command and control exercise

BM: (1) FSU Truck-Mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher; (2) Ballistic Missile

BMATT: Briefcase Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal

BM/C2: Battle Management/Command and Control

BM/C3: Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications

BMC: Battle Management Cell

BMCT: Beginning of Morning Civil Twilight

BMD: (1) Ballistic Missile Defense; (2) FSU Airborne Combat Vehicle

BMDO : (1) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization; (2) Ballistic Missile Defense Office

BMDSCOM : U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command

BMEWS: Ballistic Missile Early Warning System

BMG: Basic Mission Guidance

BMNT: Beginning of Morning Nautical Twilight

BMP: FSU Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle

BMSS: Ballistic Missile Systems Subcommittee

BN/Bn: Battalion

BND: Bundesrepublik Nachrichtendienst (German Intelligence Service)

BOA: Broad Ocean Area

BOCCA: Board for Coordination of Civil Aircraft (NATO)

BOIP: Basis of Issue Plan

BOMREP: Bombing Report

BOQ: Bachelor Officers’ Quarters

BOS: (1) Battlefield Operating System; (2) Base Operating Support

BP: (1) Battle Position; (2) Bandpass

BPA: (1) Battlefield Psychological Activities; (2) Blanket Purchase Agreement

BPE: Beacon Precision Enlarger

BPF: Bandpass Filter

BPI: Bits Per Inch

BPPBS: Biennial Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System

BPR: Business Process Reengineering

BPS: (1) Basic Psychological Operations Study; (2) Bits Per Second; (3) Beachman Processing System

BPSK: Burst Pulse Shift Key

BR: Blade Rate

B/R: Bridge/Router

BR/Br:  Branch

BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure (Commission)

BRDM: FSU Wheeled Amphibious Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle

BRET: Bistatic Reflected Energy Target

BRI: Basic Rate Interface

BRIXMIS: British Commanders-In-Chief Military Liaison Mission

BRL: Bomb Release Line

BRP: Bomb Release Point

BRS: (1) Beachman Reporting System; (2) Backup and Recovery System

(3) Beach Reconnaissance System

BRU: Bomb Release Unit

BS: Broadcast Service

BSA: Brigade Support Area

BSD: (1) Battlefield Surveillance Device; (2) Battlefield Surveillance Display

BSS: Broadcast Satellite Service

BSSC: Battle Staff Support Center

BSSG: Brigade Service Support Group

BST: (1) Battle Staff Team; (2) Betac Support Team

BSTS: (1) Boost Surveillance and Tracking System; (2) Boost Phase Surveillance and Tracking System

BT: Basic Training

BTA: Best Technical Approach

BTF: Battalion Task Force

BTG: Basic Target Graphic

BTI: Balanced Technology Initiative

BTR: FSU Armored Personnel Carrier

BTRY: (1) Battery; (2) Field Artillery

BTU: British Thermal Unit

BTW: By The Way

BUD/S: Basic Underwater Demolition/Sea-Air-Land (SEAL)

BUIC: Back-Up Intercept Control

BUNT: British Underground Nuclear Test

BUR: Bottom Up Review

BVITS: Baseline Video Imagery Transmission System

BVR: Beyond Visual Range

BW: (1) Biological Warfare; (2) Bandwidth; (3) Beamwidth; (4) Bomb Wing

B&W: Black and White

BWC: Biological Weapons Convention

BWP: Basic Working Paper

BZ: Buffer Zone 

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