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Heathkit Zenith Z-100 Computer Series
Christmas 1982 Catalog

Heathkit 1982 Christmas Catalog Cover - RF Cafe Heathkit 1982 Christmas Catalog Cover

Heathkit 1982 Christmas Catalog Table of Contents - RF Cafe

Heathkit 1982 Christmas Catalog Table of Contents 

Page 8: SS-9000 Deluxe Synthesized HF Transceiver

Page 32: Electronics Training Courses - DC, AC, Semiconductors

Page 51: Test Equipment - VOM's

Page 66: Heath/Zenith Z-100 Series Computer

Page 93: System 3, 19" Color Television Kit

Page 95: Satellite Earth Station

If you had $4,000 to spend on a desktop computer today, your money would get you a top-end 8-core microprocessor with at least 32 GBytes of super-fast RAM, a couple TBytes of solid state hard drive space, and at least a 32" high definition screen monitor. It would be a top-of-the-line machine any serious gamer would envy. In 1982, the same cash would also get you a top-of-the-line computer, but it would have a 1-core processor, a whopping 768 KBytes of sub-MHz RAM, a 10 MByte hard disk drive, and a 12" monochrome display. That describes the IBM PC, Tandy's TRS-80, as well as the Zenith Z-100 PC shown here from the Heathkit 1982 Christmas catalog. If you were around back then, as was I, you remember how newer, better computer processors, operating systems, RAM, hard drives, and monitors were being announced on a regular basis. Your new high-performance computer would be obsolete in a few months. The large cases of the prevalent tower type systems facilitated easy updating of components, be they microprocessors, mother boards, hard drives, RAM cards, video cards, floppy drives, etc. It really was an exciting time for computer aficionados.

Heathkit Zenith Z-100 Computer Series

Heath/Zenith Z-100 Series Computer

Introducing Heath/Zenith's newest, most powerful computer - The Z-100 Series

As low as $3999.00 for low-profile model with Color Video RAM

This complete 16-bit/8-bit desktop computer includes two sophisticated microprocessors, super-high memory capacity, industry-standard S-100 expansion bus, two 320 KB disk drives, easy-touch keyboard and low-maintenance design - all in a durable earthtone-color cabinet! Look at everything the Z-100 Series offers:

• Runs both 16-bit software and 8-bit software, at very fast speeds

• Expanded memory capacity - up to an incredible 768K bytes of RAM!

• 80th serial and parallel I/O ports for telecommunications extendability

• Color, monochrome video capabilities

• Add optional 8" floppy disk drives - or an internal Winchester disk drive (to be available in early 1983)

• Two soft-sectored 5.25" floppy disk drives, each with 320 KB capacity, built-in

• High-efficiency power supply saves energy, helps computer run cooler for added life

Offers outstanding performance for everyone: Those with little or no computer experience will appreciate the Z-100's ease of operation and the time-saving, money-saving advantages it provides. Those with programming experience and the need to use more advanced languages will enjoy our newest, most capable computer's power and versatility.

Dual microprocessors to run more advanced software: To run today's higher-speed, higher-performance 16-bit software programs, you need a Z-100 Series Computer. Its advanced 8088 microprocessor makes a significant difference by processing information in great detail with astonishing speed.

Most existing programs won't become obsolete, either, because the Z-100 also handles 8-bit software programs with an 8085 microprocessor - including many current Heath/Zenith software programs.

Many software programs now available from Heath/Zenith: You can obtain both 16-bit and 8-bit software programs to run on your Z-100 Series Computer. The 16-bit programs, including the Z-DOS Operating System, Z-BASIC Color Language and Microsoft Multiplan Electronic Spreadsheet, are shown on page 67. Software for the Z-100's 8-bit side is described on pages 67 and 74-77.

Has 128K bytes of Random Access Memory to handle larger software programs: With the Z-100 Series Computers, you get real power to answer those bigger, more comprehensive questions. Its standard 128K RAM complement is expandable to over three-fourths of a megabyte (768K bytes) - compared to a 64K RAM standard for many desktop computers.

Supports video graphics for beautiful presentations: The Z -100 gives you everything needed to support the high-impact graphics capability that many business presentations demand. On the Z-100's 640 x 225 pixel video screen you can create extensive charts, graphs and symbols for reports and other documents.

Designed to grow as your computing needs grow: There are card slots available internally in the Z-100, allowing the system to support memory expansion and additional peripheral devices as your needs change. This allows your investment to grow, decreases the chance of obsolescence and increases future upgradability of the system.

Three input/ output ports for total communications flexibility: The Z -100 lets you access a world of information. Two RS-232C Serial ports and one parallel interface port provide almost limitless communications capabilities. You can plug in dot matrix and letter-quality printers; using a modem and a telephone, you can communicate with other computers, word processors, bulletin boards, data banks, industry standard printers and a host of other data communications devices.

Dual high capacity disk drives: Two 5.25" floppy disk drives, each with 320K bytes of data storage capacity, eliminate the need for an external disk drive. You get faster access speed and real portability.

Add most any optional 6-inch floppy disk drive: The Z-100 Series Computers' standard disk controller can also address 8" floppy disk drives using soft-sectored disks in the IBM 3740 format.

Optional Winchester disk drive (available early 1983) provides built-in big job capacity: Replacing one of the Z-100's 5.25" floppy disk drives, the optional Winchester drive provides the multi-megabyte data storage capacity needed for large accounting, inventory or technical jobs that used to require an expensive minicomputer system.

High-efficiency power supply saves energy: With cooler and quieter operation, lower power usage makes the Z-100 more expandable, because more capability can be added within the same compact cabinet.

The quality goes in before the name goes on: Designed and built with the same quality that distinguishes all Heath/Zenith products, the Z-100 will give years of time-saving, money-saving service to your business.

All-In-One Z-100 Series Computer: Features 16-bit (8088) and 8-bit (8085) microprocessors to run both new 16-bit and most existing 8-bit Heath/Zenith software programs, a five-slot IEEE-696 (S-100) expansion chassis (disk controller occupies one slot), two built-in soft-sectored 5.25- inch disk drives for 640K on-line bytes of data storage, built-in high-resolution 12" diagonal monochrome video display, monochrome graphics with 144,000 dots, and professional keyboard - in a single housing!

Add Z-219-1 Color Video RAM (page 67) and ZVM-134 High-Resolution Color Monitor (p. 72) for color graphics capability. 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 400 Watts. 13.5" H x 19.5" W x 19.5" D (34.29 x 49.53 x 49.53 cm). Net Wt., 50 lbs.

ZF-120-22, Assembled and tested, Shpg. wt. 68 lbs. 4099.00

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Posted December 17, 2020

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