Featured Product Archive
The inventions and products featured on these pages were chosen either for their
uniqueness in the RF engineering realm, or are simply awesome (or ridiculous) enough
to warrant an appearance.
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vintage Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver kit is one the latest
unbuilt Heathkit kits which appeared on eBay, and can still be found there occasionally
both in kit form and fully built sets. I have been saving the images in order to
preserve the history. The constantly growing list is at the lower right. A PDF version
of the Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual can be found
here, but I captured the pages (below) in case it disappears someday. Note the
information included on the operation of detectors and oscillators.
The copyright on the manual is 1956, and it appears in the 1958 Heathkit catalog
for $7.95 ($75.10
in 2021 money per the BLS).
From the catalog page: "This crystal radio is just the ticket for construction
by young people interested in radio or electronics - yet it is definitely not a
toy. Employs high-quality standard components throughout. It is even usable as an
AM tuner in high fidelity applications. Covering from 540 to 1600 kc, the CR-1 has
two high-Q tank circuits that employ ferrite core coils and conventional air tuned
capacitors. Capacitors are tuned individually to the desired station. The receiver
is most attractively styles in a black Bakelite case. Uses a sealed germanium diode
for detection - no critical "cats whisker" adjustment. Includes a pair of high impedance
earphones. Requires no external power. Could prove extremely valuable for emergency
reception of civil defense signals, should there be a power failure. The construction
manual provides the builder with the basic fundamentals of signal reception so that
he understands how the crystal receiver functions."

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Kit Parts
(eBay photo)

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Assembled
(eBay photo)

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Front Cover (eBay

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Oscillator Tutorial - Page 4

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Oscillators - Page 6

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Proper Soldering Technique - Page 8

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Components Layout - Page 10

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Instructions - Page 12

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Component Identification - Page 14

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Schematic Symbols (IRE) - Inside Rear Cover

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Rear Cover

Heathkit 1958 Catalog Cover

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Chassis
(eBay photo)

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Kit Manual
Molded Mica Capacitors Identification
Inside Front Cover

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Instrument Description - Page 3

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Oscillators - Page 5

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Amplitude Modulation - Page 7

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Building Instructions - Page 9

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Antenna Installation - Page 11

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Service - Page 13

Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Receiver Manual
Tuning Data - Page 15
Heathkit products were well known for the completeness of
its instruction manuals, with clearly illustrated instructions. During the writing
and editing process, Heathkit employees were given pre-production kits to take home
and build, while annotating any difficulties or errors encountered. Doing so helped
minimize the situation where the writer inadvertently assumes his own familiarity
with the process is shared by the customer. Having built a few Heathkit products
myself in the 1970s when I did not have a lot of experience with electronics assembly,
I can attest to the user friendliness of the instructions.
still sells many of its vintage manuals for around $15, which is what you would
pay on eBay.
Contact Info
Heath Company (Heathkit)
Operations: PO Box 15, Ottsville, PA 18942
R&D/Mfg: PO Box 3115, Santa Cruz CA 95063
Phone: +1 (831) 480-4368
Posted August 13, 2021