Here is your custom made Filter-themed crossword puzzle for April 3rd, 2022.
Clues for words relevant to the theme are marked with an asterisk (*). All RF Cafe
crossword puzzles are custom made by me, Kirt Blattenberger, and have only words
and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics,
chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects. As always, this crossword contains
no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or
anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

1. Property of coils used to make filters (pl.)*
9. Java server pages (abbr.) 10. Attenuator 11. Adjust a pot 12. Chemical
symbol for berkelium 13. Chemical symbol for neon 17. Bandwidth (abbr.)
19. 1.602E-19 Joules 21. Piezoelectric device used for making filters and oscillators
23. Chemical symbol for calcium 24. Passing certain frequencies and blocking
others 27. Morse Code for "from" 29. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.,
pl.) 31. The "B" in BGA 32. Chemical symbol for europium 33. Type of current
flow (abbr.) 37. Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.) 38. Unit of time (abbr.)
39. Parameter used in describing filter band edges and passband 43. Refers to
the IEEE802.11 networks (abbr.) 44. International phonetic alphabet letter "Y"
47. Ctr+Alt+Del 49. Web page language 51. Frequency at which XL
= XC 56. Chemical symbol for strontium 57. 36 in. (abbr., pl.)
58. Opposite of a LO 59. A BPF specification (abbr.) 60. Russian space probes
which visited Halley's comet 61. Miniature RF connector 66. Modern battlefield
technique (abbr.) 67. Filter type with maximally flat group delay (pl.) 71.
Chemical symbol for aluminum 72. Geometrical figure on which Butterworth filter
poles and zeros lie (pl.) 74. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.) 75. A common
bandpass filter specification(abbr.) 76. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.)
78. Chemical symbol for chlorine 79. Digital Signal Processor (abbr.) 82.
Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.) 84. Carrier-to-noise ratio (abbr.)
86. Filter with a maximally flat amplitude response |
1. Network department (abbr.) 2. Silicon transistor
type (abbr.) 3. One type of electron spin 4. Filter type with high rate of
out-of-band attenuation (aka "elliptic") 5. Time delay (abbr.) 6. Chemical
symbol for niobium 7. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 8. One of four lines
used in ferrite core memories 9. Type of flip flop 12. Filter region between
the upper and lower frequencies (abbr.) 14. End of transmission (abbr.) 15.
Chemical symbol for praseodymium 16. Electrical component used along with 1 Across
to make filters 17. Stock symbol for Boeing 18. Greek number 11 20. Circuit
element connecting PCB layers 21. Common gateway interface (abbr.) 22. 36
in. (abbr., pl.) 23. Equiripple filter type (pl.) 25. Local Oscillator (abbr.)
26. Electromagnetic (abbr.) 28. The geometric shape on which poles and zeros
for Cauer filters lie 30. Error checking scheme (abbr.) 31. Type of crystal
filter (abbr.) 33. A type of digital modulation (abbr.) 34. Type of matrix
barcode used with laser scanning(abbr.) 35. "Calling any amateur radio station"
36. Amateur radio operator who is qualified to administer Amateur Radio licensing
examinations (abbr.) 38. Describes an amplifier with a multiplication factor
of 1 (2 wds.) 39. Chemical symbol for iron 40. Nuclear explosion byproduct
harmful to electronic (abbr., pl.) 41. Balun with both ports unbalanced 42.
A common lamp tube gas 45. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
46. Chemical symbol for iron 47. One component of a complex number (abbr.)
48. Broadband Signal Intrusion (abbr.) 50. BlackBerry or Palm for example (abbr.)
52. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.) 53. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)
54. Chemical symbol for silver 55. Chemical symbol for cobalt 61. Shortwave
listener (abbr.) 62. Metric system (abbr.) 63. One port of an amplifier
64. 1E6 nanoseconds 65. Mathematical table whose entries come from a fixed finite
set of symbols (abbr.) 66. Exalted-Carrier Single Sideband (abbr.) 68. Threaded
hardware used to tune cavity filters 69. Indium phosphide (abbr.) 70. Chemical
symbol for neodymium 71. Chemical symbol for gold 73. Radio signals from the
cosmos (abbr.) 75. A common bandpass filter specification(abbr.) 77. Logic
family 78. Chemical symbol for chromium 80. Chemical symbol for plutonium
81. PC follower 82. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)
83. Read-only (abbr.) 85. Unit of inductance (abbr.) |
See solution below
