This week's crossword puzzle for September 4th sports an electrical engineering
theme. All RF Cafe crossword puzzles are custom made by me, Kirt Blattenberger,
and have only words and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering,
optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects. As always,
this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or
plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this
puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words
1. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.) 2. "Calling any amateur radio station"
3. Rádio Nacional de Angola (abbr.) 4. Chemical symbol for chlorine 5. Its
chemical symbol is Ce 7. Slow-scan television (abbr.) 8. Chemical symbol for
chromium 9. 1e3 uV 10. Type of flip-flop 11. The region in a device's linear
operating region where the input signal is minimal (hyph.) 13. Chemical symbol
for neon 15. Decompresses a computer file 17. Transistors, diodes, ASICs,
etc. 18. Type of programmable device (abbr.) 22. Soften metal 28. Hz
29. Part of this crossword puzzle's title 34. CB slang for geographical location
35. A gaseous process that deposits insulating films or metal onto a wafer at elevated
temperature (abbr.) 40. Containing a contaminant 42. Radio term for indicating
the end of a transmission segment 44. Computer messaging service (pl.) 49.
Circuit boards (abbr.) 51. Chemical symbol for tantalum 52. Chemical symbol
for neptunium 53. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.) 54. Type of modulation
(abbr.) 57. Cooling device 59. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 60.
Unit of liquid measure (abbr.) 61. One port of an amplifier
1. Part of this crossword puzzle's title 6. Unit
of time (abbr.) 8. Person responsible for program spending (abbr.) 10. Term
indicating profitability of a company (abbr.) 12. Signal-to-noise ratio (abbr.)
14. Volume unit (abbr., pl.) 16. Join a male and a female connector 18. Ratio
of circumference to diameter 19. Chemical symbol for iron 20. International
phonetic alphabet letter "Z" 21. Chemical symbol for lawrencium 23. Degree
of IC sophistication (abbr.) 24. Centimeter (abbr.) 25. Primary U.S. standards
organization founded in 1918 (abbr.) 26. Chemical symbol for scandium 27.
Complex Instruction Set Computer 30. Compliment to a pole in a transfer function
31. The cell band above DCN 32. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 33. On-the-air
meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio frequency (pl.) 35. Encased in a
protective covering 36. Chemical symbol for silicon 37. Amateur radio operating
mode for sharing realtime video (abbr.) 38. A compiler directive 39. 2/3 of
a triac 41. Chemical symbol for helium 43. Electronic assembly transport container
44. 1.602E-19 Joules 45. Permeability-tuned oscillator (abbr.) 46. Filter
type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.) 47. Software function
selection mechanism 48. Chemical symbol for ruthenium 50. Chemical symbol
for argon 51. Einstein's paradoxical traveler 52. On-the-air meeting of hams
at a set time, day and radio frequency 54. Facility where semiconductors are
manufactured 55. Polish a crystal to an exact frequency 56. Airflow rate (abbr.)
58. Chemical symbol for antimony 62. One layer of a multi-layered PCB |
See solution below