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Hazel TV Show: "Stop Rockin' Our Reception"

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World Clock - Hazel - Stop Rockin' Our Reception - RF Cafe

Morse code key - Hazel - Stop Rockin' Our Reception - RF Cafe

QST reader George P. Orphan, KG4DXJ, wrote in the February 2020 issue's "Letters from Our Members" column about an episode of the old "Hazel" television show entitled, "Stop Rockin' Our Reception," where interference on the Baxters' TV set was blamed on the "shortwave set" operated by a teenager, Bruce, who had recently moved in down the street. George Baxter, the household's impulsive lawyer father, was convinced enough that Bruce, a friend of his son, Harold (aka "Champ" per Hazel), was responsible that he paid a visit to the boy's house (in a way-cool red 1965 Mustang convertible) and spoke to his father about it. Bruce politely informs Mr. B that unless his television was was manufactured before 1950, it was unlikely that his operations on the 10-meter band would be causing the interference, but it fell on deaf ears. Shortly thereafter, a power company investigator was seen walking around the front yard with a box bearing a loop antenna on the top of it. At the request of Bruce's father, the guy was out sniffing for RFI (radio frequency interference, or QRM in Ham lingo). Once inside, the power company tech used a different piece of test equipment (which made hokey Geiger counter clicking sounds) to hunt for the interference source once he ruled out RFI. It turned out being a faulty heating pad having been used by George since, coincidentally, the time the TV interference began.

You can view the Hazel episode in the video below, at least as long as it is still available. These videos have a way of disappearing after the copyright owner forces them to be pulled. Not to worry though since someone else eventually posts a copy. BTW, even though I remember watching Hazel in B&W back in the 1960s, it was never one of my favorite shows. Little Harold irked me.

*Hazel TV Show "Stop Rockin' Our Reception" (Season 4, Episode 21)

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 |19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Here are a couple other shows I have mentioned: Highway Patrol TV Show: "Radioactive," Hazel TV Show: "Stop Rockin' Our Reception," Ham Radio on TV, in Movies, & Documentaries



Posted January 20, 2020

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