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Cool Video / Audio Archive - 4

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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A special treat for air travelersAs if having sadistic TSA agents at the security checkpoint rummage through our carry-on bags and peering through our clothes using backscatter x-ray machines at the airport was not enough, too often we are served up this little treat aloft.



Martin Rowe's hit song, "Below a Gigahertz"Test & Measurement World's Martin Rowe has come up with yet another Top 16 dB hit, "Below a Gigahertz." It asks the question, "Remember when 50-MHz clock signals were state-of-the-art?"



Analog clock displayed on an o-scope - RF CafeSomeone made a circuit that drives the X-Y-Z axes of an oscilloscope to generate an analog clock - quite the Lissajous figure!



Active Denial System - Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program - RF CafeStraight out of sci-fi, this Active Denial System uses directed microwaves to make the perps feel like their skin is on fire, while not causing any damage (skin penetration is only 1/64"). See videos AP reporter Elliot Minor volunteers to be a test subject - good attitude.at bottom of page. AP reporter Elliot Minor volunteers.



E-flite Mini Pulse XT takeoff and landingOK, maybe it is  as bad as being forced to watch home movies, but here is a short clip of my e-powered RC airplane. Here is a clip of the ESC waveform for the brushless motor.



Space Elevator animation, by the Marshal Space Flight Center - RF CafeThe concept of a Space Elevator has been around for a while, but inept materials technology made it unachievable. Carbon nanotube advances are about to change that. Here is a clip of a contest held for the first competition for working climbing platforms.



Click to view the IEEE Online Video Scholarship Competition video - RF CafeHelp Put a 'New Face' on Engineering in 90 Seconds; 'How Engineers Make a World of Difference.' IEEE-USA Online Video Scholarship Competition - $10,000 in total prizes. Due date Friday, January 18, 2008.



Man breaking glass with voice - RF CafeHere is a case of extreme resonance with constructive interference that is destructive. This man breaks a glass with voice. The fatal "blow" is 566 Hz at 105 decibels.



Electromagnetic field simulation of cell phone near human head - RF CafeElectromagnetic field simulation of cell phone near human head. It gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling - or is that the microwaves? Courtesy Technische Universitat Darmstadt.


Temwell Filters
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

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