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January 1947 Radio-Craft
Table of Contents

January 1947 Radio-Craft

January 1947 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

January 1947

Vol. XVIII, No. 4


de Forest - Father of Radio, by Hugo Gernsback 17
How the Audion Was Invented, by Lee de Forest 19
Birth of the Audion, by Frank E. Butler 22
How Audions Were Built, by Gerald F. J. Tyne 27
Three Anecdotes of the Audion's Early Days 31
de Forest and the Navy, by George H. Clark 32
An Early Radiophone 36
First Radio Association: Wireless Association of America 37
First Phone Broadcast, by Frank E. Butler 38
Radio Inventions of Lee de Forest, by Fred Shunaman 41
de Forest the Inventor, by 46
Antenna Principles - Part II 72
Radio Data Sheet Zenith Radio Models 8H032, 8H033, 8H050, 8H052, 8H061 84
Radio Terms Illustrated 90, 133, 140, 143


January 1947 Radio Craft Table of Contents - RF Cafe



Posted February 18, 2020

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