Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses
Here is the "Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses"
(NAVPERS 10622) in its entirety. It should provide one of the Internet's
best resources for people seeking a basic electricity course - complete with examples
worked out. See
copyright. See
Table of
Contents. • U.S. Government Printing Office; 1945 - 618779
Introduction by Kirt Blattenberger
In January of 1945, my father-in-law, Marlet Goodwin, enlisted in the Merchant
Marines and spent two years working in the "belly of the beast" in the
engine rooms of the ships on which he sailed. He recently passed on to me some of
the training manuals that he received while in the Merchant Marines and later while
in the Naval Reserves. Some of the information contained in those manuals are amazingly
detailed - both for mechanical and electrical systems. Since the basics have not
changed much over the past 70 years, I thought it might be useful to make some of
the content available here.
publications are considered to be in the public domain, and may be freely redistributed
so long as credit is given*. Accordingly, I have undertaken the task of
scanning and publishing the content of the Electricity basics course here. Other
manuals will be added as time permits. The time consumed in doing so is extensive.
Each page was scanned once to do an optical character recognition (OCR) processing
on it, and then again to obtain the images (OCR tries to interpret images as text
and makes a real mess there). Although anyone may freely copy a government publication,
no one may copy my version of the publication of it. If you want to publish content
from the manuals, you must scan your own images and create your own duplicate text.
However, I welcome anyone to print out these complete pages for use in self-study,
or even as part of a classroom course - just be sure to give proper credit.
Here is the "Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses" (NAVPERS 10622)
in its entirety (or will be eventually). It should provide one of the Internet's
best resources for people seeking a basic electricity course - complete with examples
worked out (links to quizzes at end of chapters).
- Basic Navy Training Courses
This book is intended as a basic reference for all enlisted men of the Navy whose
duties require them to have a knowledge of the fundamentals of electricity.
Such a knowledge is of especial importance to those men in the Seamen Branch,
Artificer Branch, and Engine Room Force who are responsible for the operation, maintenance,
and repair of electrical equipment. Whether the job involves work on fire control
apparatus, radios, steering gear, or motors and generators, the technician should
be thoroughly familiar with the basic theory underlying the operation of the mechanism.
Beginning with a broad picture of the electrical constituents of matter, the
book proceeds with a discussion of static electricity, electricity in motion, and
electrical circuits. It explains the uses of Ohm's Law, and the Power Equation,
and makes applications of formulas involving Kirchhoff’s Laws.
Emphasis is placed on various types of circuits-series, parallel, and series-parallel-and
on the theory of induction as applied to electrical apparatus. The essentials of
generators and motors are fully explained. The closing chapters include discussions
on vacuum tubes, transformers, and electrical measuring devices.
As one of several basic NAVY TRAINING COURSES, this book was prepared in the
Training Courses Section, Standards and Curriculum Division, Training, Bureau of
Naval Personnel.
Chapter 1 Matter
Chapter 2 Static Electricity
Chapter 3 Electricity
in Motion - current
Chapter 4 The Electrical
Chapter 5 EMF
Chapter 6 Ohm's Law
Chapter 7 Electrical
Chapter 8 Series Circuits
Chapter 9 Parallel
Chapter 10 Series-Parallel Circuits
Chapter 11 Magnetism
Chapter 12 Electromagnetism
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Generators
Chapter 15 D-C motors
Chapter 16 A-C Motors
Chapter 17 A-C Circuits
Chapter 18 Electrical Meters
Chapter 19 Vacuum Tubes
Chapter 20 Transformers
Chapter 21 Electrical Machines
Quizzes *
Relevant excerpt from the
www.cendi.gov website.
Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright Issues Affecting the U.S. Government
CENDI/2004-8 Updated March 2007
2.2.4 What is public domain? Public domain refers to works that are not protected
by copyright and are publicly available. They may be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime
without permission, license or royalty payment. A work may enter the public
domain because the term of copyright protection has expired (see FAQ Section 2.1.6),
because copyright has been abandoned, or in the U.S. because it is a U.S. Government
work and there is no other statutory basis for the Government to restrict its access
(see FAQ Section 3.1.5).
A work is not in the public domain simply because it does not have a copyright
notice. Additionally, the fact that a privately created work is, with permission,
included in a U.S. Government work does not place the private work into the public
domain. The user is responsible for determining whether a work is in the public
It is important to read the permissions and copyright notices on U.S. Government
publications and Web sites. Many Government agencies follow the practice of providing
notice for material that is copyrighted and not for those that are in the public
domain. Examples of government agency copyright policies and statements are: National
Library of Medicine,38 NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI),39 and Library
of Congress.