I recently ran across
a 1982 Heathkit Christmas catalog that might be of interest to you. Microprocessor-controlled
receivers and transceivers were beginning to hit the commercial marketplace, and
personal computers were appearing on household desktops. Originally, I was going
to post all the product pages on this one page, but decided to create dedicated
pages for each one. If you want a text version of each page, then click on the hyperlink
beneath the image to go to its full page, or just click on the image to view its
full size version. Merry Christmas!
Heath SS-9000 Deluxe Synthesized HF Transceiver

Heath SS-9000 Deluxe Synthesized HF Transceiver
Heath/Zenith Z-100 Series Computer
Heath/Zenith Z-100 Series
System 3 Video Realism in a 19" Color Television Kit
System 3 Video Realism
in a 19" Color Television Kit
Heathkit Satellite Earth Station
Satellite Earth Station
Posted December 15, 2020