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RF Coaxial Connector Torque Specifications

Properly torqueing of threaded RF coaxial connectors is essential for reliable, maximum performance interfaces. It not only ensures that the initial contact is proper, it also protects against changes in geometry during handling and operational environment conditions.

Connector Coupling




Wrench Size

Type DIN 7-16 3500/310 27 & 32 mm
Type F (75 ohm) 168/15 7/16
Type FD 168/15  
7 mm (APC-7) 135/12 3/4 in (19 mm)
Type N 50/75 ohm 135/12


25/32 in (20 mm)

3/4 in (19 mm)

3.5 mm 90/8 8 mm
2.4 mm 90/8 8 mm
2.92 mm (K) 90/8 8 mm
1.85 mm (V) 90/8 5/16 in (8 mm)
SMA, OSM 45/4 (economic)

100/9 (standard)

195/17 (hermetic)

5/16 in (8 mm)

5/16 in (8 mm)

 7 mm

SSMA 70/6 0.25
SMC 35/3 6 mm
TNC 56/5 9/16 (15 mm)
1.0 mm 45/4 6 mm

These values were originally pulled from Agilent's calibrated torque wrench page, but it has disappeared. Additional information gathered from other online sources such as the Huber+Suhner and Radiall websites. Torque values can vary considerably between vendors.  1 lb-in = 11.30 N-cm

Fairview Microwave sells calibrated torque wrenches.

Related Pages on RF Cafe

- RF Coaxial Connector Torque Specifications

- Coaxial Connector Descriptions & Drawings

- Coaxial Connector Usage Properties

- RF Coaxial Connector Torque Specifications

- Connector & Adapter Manufacturers

- EW Radar Handbook - Connectors

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
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