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Werbel Microwave Intros 0.5 to 2 GHz Directional Coupler

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Werbel Microwave




  • Frequency: 0.5 to 2 GHz
  • Coupling: 20 ±1 dB (typ.)
  • Impedance: 50 Ω
  • Flatness: ±0.5 dB (typ.)
  • Mainline Loss: 0.25 dB (typ.)
  • Directivity: 26 dB (min.)
  • Return Loss: 23 dB (min.)
  • Input Power: 50 W
  • Temperature: -55 to +85 °C

Werbel Microwave Intros 0.5 to 2 GHz Directional Coupler - RF Cafe

Model C-1002-20, directional coupler for 0.5 to 2 GHz.

C-1002-20 coupling vs. frequency plot - RF Cafe

C-1002-20 coupling vs. frequency plot.

July 6, 2023 -- Werbel Microwave presents an impressive array of features in our latest offering. With a wide frequency range spanning from 0.5 to 2 GHz, the C-1002-20 directional coupler stands out for its exceptional performance across the 0.5 to 2 GHz frequency range. This coupler boasts excellent coupling flatness, good directivity, and high power handling capabilities. It is the perfect choice for a wide range of applications, including lab testing and power monitoring over broad frequency bands. The key features of the C-1002-20 coupler offer significant advantages. Its wide bandwidth eliminates the need for component switching in lab testing, as it covers the desired frequency range. With a high directivity of 30 dB (typ.) up to 2 GHz, the coupler allows accurate sampling of input powers while minimizing the impact of output mismatches. Additionally, its excellent return loss of 30 dB (typ.) up to 2 GHz ensures minimal undesired reflections and amplitude ripple. 

Click here for the C-1002-20 spec sheet.

About Werbel Microwave

Werbel Microwave Manufacturing Capabilities - RF Cafe

In-House Manufacturing Capability

Werbel Microwave Made in USA - RF Cafe

Since 2014, Werbel Microwave has designed and produced high performance radio frequency components for military, commercial, test and measurement applications.

Werbel Microwave welcomes customers to submit their customized RF requirements for quotation. Werbel Microwave also welcomes distributors and resellers.

Orders placed online typically ship within 24 hours.

We have expanded in-house engineering capabilities to support and maintain product design with minimal end-of-life risk.

Ernest Werbel, Jr. Werbel Microwave - RF CafeContact:

Ernest T. Werbel, Jr.
President / Chief Engineer
Werbel Microwave LLC
628 NJ-10, Suite 14
Whippany, NJ, 07981 
Tel: (973) 515-3001
Fax: (973) 515-3004
Cell: (973) 900-2480

E-Mail: ernest@werbelmicrowave.com

Web: werbelmicrowave.com



Posted July 6, 2023

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
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