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San Francisco Circuits: PCB Component / IC Shortages - Status Report 2022

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San Francisco Circuits header - RF Cafe

San Francisco Circuits: PCB Component / IC Shortages - Status Report 2022 - RF CafeJune 21, 2022 - San Mateo, CA - San Francisco Circuits (SFC) has released a report on the global integrated circuits/chip shortage that has impacted numerous industries around the world.

This new PCB Component Shortage Report explains the key factors that have led to the shortage, how it is currently affecting many industries, and provides multiple mitigation strategies to help designers make it through this challenging semiconductor market.

While the global pandemic certainly contributed to the current component shortage, supply disruptions were already happening well before factories began shutting down. Stockpiling specialized components, designing against obsolescence, and recycling chips are a few strategies that will help designers make it through these difficult times.

Partnering with a PCB fabrication and PCB assembly provider is another key strategy that will help when sourcing components in short supply. SF Circuits has a strong reputation and many connections with various suppliers.

Contact San Francisco Circuits to learn more about automotive PCB manufacturing & assembly, and how we can help you during this PCB component shortage.

Read the PCB Component / IC Shortages - Status Report 2022 at San Francisco Circuit's website to learn more!

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About San Francisco Circuits

San Francisco Circuits is a provider of PCB fabrication and assembly, has a dedicated team specializing in simple and complex PCB fabrication and assembly technologies. They can produce elaborate and high-quality PCBs in a number of custom and common layouts. From basic to intricate PCBs–their engineers will meet your PCB fabrication & assembly needs. The company provides a rare balance between technical expertise and competitive pricing. And they not only provide high-quality products but also high-quality customer service at the same time. San Francisco Circuits has been voted by National Television as the "world's greatest in PCBs" and has demonstrated experience as a power player in PCB fabrication and assembly.

If you are looking to discuss PCB projects of any size or scope, feel free to reach out to them via our website (see below).



Alex Danovich
San Francisco Circuits, Inc.
Phone:  1-8001732-5143

Web:  www.sfcircuits.com



Posted June 23, 2022

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe
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