Modelithics® Releases the Latest COMPLETE+3D Library™ v22.0 for
Ansys HFSS
Tampa, Florida (March 2, 2022) – Modelithics is pleased to announce the release
of version 22.0 of the COMPLETE+3D
Library for use with Ansys HFSS. Included in this library are nearly 360 highly
scalable Microwave Global Models™ for capacitor, inductor, and resistor families
from many popular vendors. Also included is Modelithics' collection of over 500
3D electromagnetic (EM) geometry models for inductors, capacitors, filters, packages,
and connectors. With both circuit and 3D EM models, the Modelithics COMPLETE+3D
Library now represents a total of more than 24,500 individual components.
Version 22.0 adds new Microwave Global Models for various part families, including
the AMOTECH A60Z and A60L capacitor series and the Coilcraft 0201HL inductor series.
New Microwave Global Models are also available for the Kyocera-AVX 08051C capacitor
series and the Yageo CQ0201 and CQ0402 capacitor series. Additional new Microwave
Global Models are available for part families from KEMET (CBR02 and CBR04 series),
TDK (MHQ1005P series), and Würth Elektronik (WCAP-CSRF and WE-TCI series). New 3D
models are also available for the same capacitor series from KEMET, Würth Elektronik,
and Yageo.
In addition to models for capacitor, inductor, and resistor series, the Modelithics
COMPLETE Library for Sonnet Suites includes scalable models for various attenuator
series from manufacturers like Barry Industries, International Manufacturing Services
(IMS), Mini-Circuits, and Smiths Interconnect. Version 21.9 adds new models for
the Mini-Circuits KAT and YATA attenuator series.
Those interested in requesting a free trial can visit the Sonnet MVP landing
page on the Modelithics website:
www.Modelithics.com/MVP/Sonnet to request an evaluation license or contact
About Modelithics, Inc.
Modelithics, Inc. (www.Modelithics.com)
was formed in 2001 to address the industry-wide need for high-accuracy RF and
microwave active and passive simulation models for use in Electronic Design
Automation (EDA). Modelithics' premium product is the Modelithics® COMPLETE
Library, which includes the CLR Library™, containing measurement-based Microwave
Global Models™ for a multitude of commercially-available passive component
families, as well non-linear diode models, non-linear transistor models, and
system level component models. Modelithics' services also address a wide range
of custom RF and microwave measurement and modeling needs. Modelithics product
offerings also include the Modelithics mmWave & 5G Library, Modelithics System
Components Library™ the Modelithics COMPLETE+3D Library. Modelithics® is a
registered trademark of Modelithics, Inc. Microwave Global Models™, System
Components Library™ and CLR Library™ are also trademarks of Modelithics, Inc.
The Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) Program allows for collaboration and open
communication during the development of advanced data sets and models for
commercially available microwave components and devices, with flexible
sponsorship and distribution arrangements for the resulting data and models. An
example of such an arrangement is the Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library, a fully
sponsored library distributed for free by Modelithics under sponsorship of
Qorvo®. Modelithics also offers a Standard & Custom Test Fixture and Accessory
Product Line, including legacy parts from J Micro Technology for a family of
thin film Alumina substrate components.
Angie Rogers Vice President, Marketing & Sales Modelithics, Inc. 3802 Spectrum
Boulevard, Suite 130 Tampa, Florida 33612 Phone: 813.866.6335 E-Mail:
sales@modelithics.com Web:
Posted March 2, 2022