June 1st, 2021 - Vista, California -
Axiom Test Equipment,
an electronic test equipment rental and sales company has
published a new blog post that informs people on how to select the best signal source
for a job. A suitable test signal source should provide signals with accurate, repeatable
characteristics that can properly exercise the equipment under test (EUT), such
as an amplifier, antenna, or filter. Depending upon what is being tested, the requirements
for the test signals will differ, such as frequency and power levels.
Signals are generated in different forms, including continuous
wave (CW), pulsed, and differential pairs that form phase-modulated signals. Generators
may provide single-frequency outputs, sweep signals across a range of frequencies,
or even "hop" quickly from one frequency to the next to create patterns of mixed
signals or waveforms to emulate a communications channel. Essential performance
parameters for signal and waveform generators include frequency range, frequency
resolution, output power, and tuning or switching speed. Additional parameters include
swept bandwidth and sweep speeds for swept signal generators and pulse width and
pulse rise/fall time for pulse generators. The importance of each parameter will
depend upon how a test signal source is used. For example, a signal generator with
fast frequency tuning may be ideal for high-volume production testing but it may
lack phase-noise performance.
Learn more about how to pick the appropriate test signal
source for different requirements of frequencies and power levels by reading the
full blog post on
Axiom's Website.
Create Complex Signals for Next-Generation

Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100A Vector Signal Generator, 3.2 GHz or
6 GHz
Signal generation often precedes signal analysis and, as signals used in
electronic products grow more complex and even higher in frequency, generating
test signals becomes more critical for evaluating those products. Except in
analyzers with built-in signal sources, creating test signals is usually the
task of a signal generator or arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). Testers
currently have a wide choice of test equipment, from small, economical units to
more sophisticated, larger signal sources. Selecting the best signal source for
a job usually depends on the job. By mapping out test signal performance
requirements for an application, the challenge of finding an optimal test source
can be greatly simplified.
One goal for any test signal source is to provide signals that emulate those
normally processed by an electronic product or system to be tested, whether it
is an audio amplifier, a cellular telephone, or a radar. A suitable test signal
source should provide signals with accurate, repeatable characteristics that can
properly exercise the equipment under test (EUT), such as an amplifier, antenna,
or filter. Depending upon what is being tested, the requirements for the test
signals will differ, such as frequency and power levels.
Which Generator Type?
Modern signal and function generators build upon a variety of technologies,
including analog frequency conversion, frequency multiplication, and digital
signal synthesis, to create test signals. Signals are generated in different
forms, including continuous wave (CW), pulsed, and differential pairs that form
phase-modulated signals. Generators may provide single-frequency outputs, sweep
signals across a range of frequencies, or even "hop" quickly from one frequency
to the next to create patterns of mixed signals or waveforms to emulate a
communications channel. In AWGs and digital waveform generators, higher sampling
rates and greater numbers of digital bits yield higher precision when the bits
are converted to analog waveforms. More memory will also be needed for each
channel to store representations of complex waveforms...
Click here for the rest of the story...
Whatever your project requires testing of, rent or buy quality test equipment
from Axiom Test Equipment. For over 15 years Axiom Test Equipment has rented, sold,
repaired and accepted trade-in of test equipment to support your test & measurement
needs. If you would like help selecting any type of test equipment for your next
project, contact Axiom Test Equipment's sales department at
call 760-806-6600, or browse Axiom Test Equipment's inventory online at
About Axiom Test Equipment
Get Exactly What You Need. Rent - Buy
- Repair - Trade-In
Established in 2005, Axiom Test Equipment strives to continually improve itself
and offer the best value for its customers. We offer our customers several practical,
efficient and cost effective solutions for their business or projects' test equipment
needs. Whether you need to
rent & buy test equipment,
test equipment, sell or trade equipment, we are committed to providing superior
customer service and high quality electronic test equipment.
At Axiom Test Equipment we provide several services. We
rent electronic test and measurement equipment. We also sell test
equipment. If you have a piece of malfunctioning or broken test equipment we also
have an in-house repair lab. For anyone seeking a way to offload their surplus or
obsolete equipment, we offer a trade-in program or we can buy the equipment from
We stock a comprehensive inventory of equipment and can use our extensive network
to find you those hard to get items. We believe in getting equipment to you quickly
and at a competitive price.
Axiom Test Equipment 2610 Commerce Way Vista, CA 92081
Phone: (760) 806-6600 Web: www.axiomtest.com
Posted June 2, 2021