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A New Way to Test a Device Using a Fork

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A New Way to Test a Device Using a Fork - RF CafeSeptember 18, 2020 -- Fork Test Lab introduces the Fork programmable I/O interface board for test-engineers to automate fixtures. Just take Fork, PyTest and program the tests in Python. The automated test stand, testbench and DIY-platform, RaspberyPi expansion Board, board of education is ready!

During projects lifecycle new features keep causing new errors.

Software programmers are ok. They have lots of tools to solve appearing problems, such as TDD, unit tests, manual tests, continuous integration and much more. But when looking at world of electronics we see nothing done to solve such problems.

Of course everyone knows or has seen big test stands, but few can use them. We mean that these stands are very expensive and only few engineers can put in hours or days to make it work as needed.

So we decided to create a platform for testing to help engineers in their everyday hard work


During projects lifecycle new features keep causing new errors.

What Do We Offer?

  1. Even small pieces of schematic, like dc-dc, adc, dac and more can be tested with help of Fork
  2. Also created test-scripts can help us make automated smoke test, long runs, temperature, consumption test and reports
  3. Schematic pieces integration leads to need of more complex tests but with reuse of previous test-scripts with time saving
  4. As a result we now can test new features influence on previously approved functionality in one test pass
  5. So test-scripts expands with device growth
  6. Now assembling device for pre production engineer does not forget to test anything
  7. Producing device we make short quality tests, so we just take development tests, cut off them and make them form report


And don't forget that most of our devices have the same nodes so we also don't need to write new tests for them.

Key Features of the Fork - RF CafeKey Features of the Fork

  • 8 Digital Outputs can be used as active/passive output, connect a relay or PWM on every channel
  • 8 Digital Inputs can be used as dry contact with input voltage up to 30V, with frequency measurement and pulse calculation features
  • 8 Analog Inputs -10..10V with overvoltage protection. One diff channel . Up to 1M Sample rate
  • 2 Analog Outputs 0..10V output with short circuit protection. Sin/triangle/saw/random wave generator features
  • 3 UART, SPI or I2C for connection with external devices like ADC, DAC, external memory, sensors etc..
  • Ethernet, Wi-Fi to connect with computer, RPi or Smartphone for total galvanic isolation

About Fork Test Lab

Fork Test Lab Team - RF CafeThe work is going through steps that are aimed at minimizing risks, but at the same time, no decision is considered frozen and can always be reviewed. We give our work not only time, mind and knowledge, but also a part of our soul and heart, because without this it is impossible to create something great!



Artes Electronics

Ann Goldberg

Fork Test Labs

E-Mail: forktestlab@gmail.com

Web: forktestlab.com



Posted September 18, 2020

Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe
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