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Vector Network Analyzers - Get Started with the Fundamentals

R&S Group Delay Measurements with Signal and Spectrum Analyzers - RF CafeFebruary 12, 2019 - Rohde & Schwarz USA (R&S USA) has published an application note entitled, "Group Delay Measurements with Signal and Spectrum Analyzers." - The available bandwidth of RF channels are often limited by the bandpass characteristic of filters, amplifiers and mixers. Detecting amplitude flatness and phase distortion is crucial in characterizing the quality of a transmission channel. The amplitude flatness within the used bandwidth may have an influence on the signal quality. Knowledge about phase distortion is essential to maintain low bit error rates in data transmissions and VNAs (Vector Network Analyzer) commonly perform amplitude flatness and phase distortion measurements.

Phase distortions in a transmission channel are determined using group delay measurements, they must be as low as possible to maintain good signal quality. Vector network analyzers are normally used to characterize the group delay variations as a measure of phase distortion.

Rohde & Schwarz App Note: Group Delay Measurements with Signal and Spectrum Analyzers - RF CafeThis application note provides basic information about the concept of a group delay measurement with spectrum analyzers and signal generators, and how this method simplifies the test setup and improves the measurement speed.

Measurement examples show the limiting factors of this approach and help the user to understand and avoid some limitations of this method. In addition the test results are compared to those generated with vector network analyzers.


About Rohde & Schwarz

Founded more than 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world's leading manufacturers of information and communications technology products for professional users. Initially focusing on RF engineering and RF applications in test and measurement, radiocommunications and broadcasting, the company has continually expanded its fields of activity over the past decades . In the meantime Rohde & Schwarz has also become one of Germany's largest manufacturers of IT security products.



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Posted February 15, 2019

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