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Planar Monolithic Industries' (PMI) April 2018 Product Announcement

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Planar Monolithics Industries (PMI) header - RF Cafe


Planar Monolithic Industries (PMI) recently introduced four new products in their extensive line of RF and microwave components. Included are an 8-way power divider for 0.5 to 2 GHz, a SP4T solid state absorptive switch for 10 to 40 GHz, a SP2T solid state reflective switch for 3 to 3.5 GHz, and a SP2T solid state reflective switch for 0.5 to 8 GHz. Contact PMI today for more information.

PMI Model No. APD-8-500M2G-SFF-30W - RF CafePMI Model No. APD-8-500M2G-SFF-30W

PMI Model No. APD-8-500M2G-SFF-30W is an eight-way power divider featuring high isolation of 20 dB min, low insertion loss of ≤1.5 dB – measured @ 1.02 dB; and low VSWR, Input ≤1.4:1, Output ≤ 1.25:1; amplitude balance ≤ ±0.4 dB and phase balance ≤±0.4°. Designed for broadband use 0.5 to 2 GHz and high reliability. Supplied with SMA female connector and package size 4.06" x 4.25" x 0.39".

PMI Model No. P4T-10G40G-60-T-292FF - RF CafePMI Model No. P4T-10G40G-60-T-292FF

PMI Model No. P4T-10G40G-60-T-292FF is a SP4T Solid-State, Absorptive Switch that operates from 10 to 40 GHz. This model offers over 60 dB of isolation and less than 6 dB insertion loss. The rise time is less than 15 ns and the fall time is less than 5 ns typically. Designed to operate with input power levels up to +23 dBm CW. The DC Supply is +5 V, 75 mA and -5 V, 45 mA typically. Housing measures 1.25" x 1.25" x 0.50" and is supplied with 2.92mm Female connectors.

PMI Model No. P2T-3G3R5G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM - RF CafePMI Model No. P2T-3G3R5G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM

PMI Model No. P2T-3G3R5G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM is a SP2T Reflective Switch designed to operate over the 3.0 to 3.5 GHz frequency range. Designed to handle 50 Watts average input power. Switching Speed 1 µs Max. - Measured 66 ns; Insertion Loss of 1.0 dB typical; Isolation of 40 dB; and VSWR 1.5:1 maximum. Other features TTL control, field replaceable SMA female connectors and package size of 1.0" x 1.2" x 0.5" with 4 thru mounting holes.

PMI Model No. P2T-0R5G8G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM - RF CafePMI Model No. P2T-0R5G8G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM

PMI Model No. P2T-0R5G8G-45-R-SFF-50W-SM is a SP2T Reflective Switch designed to operate over the 0.5 to 8.0 GHz frequency range. Designed to handle 50 Watts average input power. Switching Speed 1 µs Max., 100 ns typical. - Measured 69 ns; Insertion Loss of 0.90 – 2.65 dB typical over the frequency band; Isolation of 33 dB @ 8.0 GHz; and VSWR 2.25 maximum. Other features TTL control, field replaceable SMA female connectors and package size of 1.0" x 1.2" x 0.5" with 4 thru mounting holes.


About Planar Monolithics Industries (PMI)

Planar Monolithics was founded basically to take advantage of the growing demand in monolithic-based products using the hybrid MIC/MMIC technology innovations that are mushrooming in a big way all over the world. High performance and reliable products can be obtained by using this technology. Planar Monolithics will meet these requirements. Planar Monolithics organization has been setup to design, develop, manufacture, test, and market complex state-of-the-art hybrid RF/microwave and monolithic integrated circuits (MIC/MMIC) and components, and hybrid MIC/MMIC supercomponents and subsystems. Planar Monolithics provides its unique products for applications in space, military, communications, telecommunications, commercial, and consumer electronics systems.


Sebastian Palacio

Director of Sales & Marketing

Principal Applications Engineer

Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc.

7311-F Grove Road

Frederick, Maryland  21704, USA

CAGE Code: 05XQ0

Phone: (301) 662-5019

Cell: (301) 455-9897

E-Mail: spalacio@pmi-rf.com

Website: www.pmi-rf.com



Posted April 30, 2018

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