These engineering and science tech-centric
jokes, song parodies, anecdotes and assorted humor have been collected from friends
and websites across the Internet. I check back occasionally for new fodder, but
it seems all the old content is reappearing all over (like this is). The humor is
light-hearted and clean and sometimes slightly assaultive to the easily-offended,
so you are forewarned. It is all workplace-safe.
Humor #1,
#2, #3
Eleanor Rigby Sits at the keyboard
and waits for a line on the screen. Lives in a dream. Waits for a signal.
Finding some code that will make the machine do some more. What is it for? All the lonely users, where
do they all come from? All the lonely users, why does it take so long?
Guru MacKenzie Typing the lines of a program that no one will run, Isn't it fun? Look at him working,
Munching some chips as he waits for the code to compile. It takes a while...
All the lonely users, where do they all come from? All the lonely users, why does it take so long?
Eleanor Rigby Crashes the system and loses 6 hours of work. Feels like a jerk. Guru MacKenzie Wiping
the crumbs off the keys as he types in the code. Nothing will load. All the lonely users, where do they
all come from? All the lonely users, why does it take so long? ...from the Inflection Point web
site (© The Beatles) |