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Microwave Engineering Crossword Puzzle
May 19, 2013

2013 Crosswords Archive

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Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for May 19, 2013 - RF Cafe

1. Unit of temperature
5. Hit a component with an electrostatic discharge
10. Electrical component the stores energy in an electric field, pl.
18. Type of modulation (abbr.)
19. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.)
21. Software storage unit
22. An ellipse has two of them
23. Longitudinal shape-forming structural elements
25. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)
27. One bit at a time
31. Chemical symbol for mendelevium
32. Chemical symbol for palladium
33. Unit of apparent power (abbr.)
35. Cellphone band above DCS
36. Chemical symbol for polonium
37. Special diode type that can be switched (abbr.)
39. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
40. 36 in. (abbr., pl.)
42. Another name for zip cord (2 wds.)
46. The cell band above DCN
47. Modulation type (abbr.)
49. 1/1000000 prefix
52. Type of amplifier or equation
54. Snail and E are examples of this
55. CDMA Development Group (abbr.)
56. Follow a target on radar
58. Unit of time (abbr.)
59. Positive electrodes
61. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
62. Adjust a pot
63. Add solder to tip of iron
65. Product of power and time
70. Cellphone band below PCS
71. Switch position
72. Logarithmic unit of ratio (abbr., pl.)
74. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (abbr.)
75. Describes a resistor with hued bands that indicate its resistance value (2 wds.)
77. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
78. The design component of total product cost (abbr.)
79. One type of electron spin
80. Aircraft navigation system (abbr.)
81. Plasma atmosphere layer of the sun
82. Time Division Multiplexing
83. Temporary Engineering Change document (abbr.)
84. A common battery cell size
85. Empty space left in rocket fuel tank to allow for fuel expansion
87. Morse Code for "from"
89. Name the English scientist who first performed the famous double slit experiment and also played a major role in deciphering the Rosetta Stone
91. High Data Rate
92. Amateur Radio Direction Finding (abbr.)
94. Spurious signals
99. Radio navigation system
101. Chemical symbol for cadmium
102. Transformer interwinding connection
104. Its chemical symbol is Se
105. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.)
106. Type of component package (abbr.)
108. Logic family
110. 1/6 inch printer's measure
111. Type of e-mail address system (abbr.)
113. Chemical symbol for silicon
114. Start frequency (abbr.)
115. Chemical symbol for nobelium
116. Mr. Edison's first name
120. Chemical symbol for lithium
121. The last transmission by a station during a contact
123. Counter ElectroMotive Force (abbr.)
126. Another word for each complete winding of an inductor
128. One port of an amplifier
129. Unit of length (abbr.)
131. People who perform the "D" part of R&D
132. 'Shooting star'
133. Multiplies out a factored expression
1. Unintentionally impresses a signal on a transmission line (hyph.)
2. 30 kHz to 300 kHz
3. "Texting" (abbr.)
4. Semiconductor On Insulator (abbr.)
6. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.)
7. Spurious RF products created by metal joints (abbr., pl.)
8. Programmable Logic Device (abbr.)
9. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
10. Chemical symbol for cobalt
11. Type of current flow (abbr.)
12. Point of rotation
13. Chemical symbol for cesium
14. Innovative Power Products, Holbrook, NY (abbr.)
15. Total Access Communication System (abbr.)
16. Type of logic gate (pl.)
17. Type of flip-flop
20. Chemical symbol for calcium
22. Frequency division multiple access (abbr.)
24. Property of a semiconductor that causes intermodulation (pl.)
26. Chemical symbol for scandium
28. 1/6 inch printer's measure
29. Type of memory
30. Constellation : The lyre
32. Astronomical distance of 3.26 light years
34. The "A" in BGA
36. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.)
38. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (abbr.)
41. Ph.D.
42. Computer communication scheme (abbr.)
43. Related to FM by a differential
44. European equivalent to the U.L.
45. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss
46. Last stage in transmitter (abbr., pl.)
48. Lowest power level capable of being demodulated (abbr.)
50. Thing in a bill of material
51. Type of computer display (abbr.)
53. Coder/decoder (abbr.)
54. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
57. International phonetic alphabet letter "K"
60. Cellphone band below PCS
62. ESD protective apparel
64. Negation prefix
66. Logical negation operator
67. Type of current
68. Opposite of local
69. Chemical symbol for gadolinium
71. Type of logic gate
73. Filter type that blocks frequencies below and above a specified band (abbr.)
74. Online service
75. Chemical symbol for cobalt
76. What is the name of the straight line joining the center of a circle to the circumference
77. 1000000 prefix
78. _____ Microwave East (part of L3-Com), RF component manufacturer located in Hauppauge, NY
80. 3 kHz to 30 kHz
81. The largest asteroid
83. RF connector type
84. Type of data conversion device (abbr.)
85. User Datagram Protocol
86. One state of matter
88. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.)
90. Universal Asynchronous Transmit/Receive (abbr.)
93. Type of data storage IC
95. Dilbert's female co-worker
96. Chemical symbol for selenium
97. One port of an amplifier
98. Image file format name extension
100. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor
103. Frequency
105. Drill a hole
107. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)
109. Chemical symbol for chlorine
111. Peak Inverse Voltage
112. Programmable logic device (abbr.)
115. Mate to a bolt
117. Opposite of a LO
118. Exponent that returns the original number
119. Miniature threaded RF connector
121. Chemical symbol for iron
122. Local Oscillator (abbr.)
124. Chemical symbol for erbium
125. 1E6 nanoseconds
126. Test equipment (abbr.)
127. Chemical symbol for nobelium
130. Chemical symbol for manganese

See solution below


Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle Solution for May 19, 2013 - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe