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RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle September 23, 2012
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

ACROSS 1. Intermodulation distortion (abbr.) 4. Opposite of set 8.
1/1000 prefix 12. Software drafting tool (abbr.) 15. 2 x SSB 17. Antenna (abbr.) 18.
Electromagnetic interference (abbr.) 19. Logic gate output configuration (abbr.) 21. Multifunctional
silicon devices (abbr.) 23. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.) 25. U.S. military organization (abbr.) 27.
Semiconductor device type (abbr.) 28. Stock symbol for Harris Communications 29. Chemical symbol for
aluminum 30. Enhanced Graphics Adapter 32. Curly-Q type light bulb (abbr.) 34. Akin to an EE, CE, AE,
etc. 35. Morse Code for "from" 36. End of transmission (abbr.) 37. Arithmetic Logic Unit (abbr.)
38. Tie a bundle of wires together 39. Mr. Piper's famous yellow airplane 41. Person responsible for
program spending (abbr.) 42. Base Station Transceivers (abbr.) 43. Under self-control (prefix) 45.
Sample group 46. The Microwave Office software company (abbr.) 48. Pass-Fail ________, defining limits
for acceptance test 49. Smart filter 50. Software engineering tool (abbr.) 52. U.S. Spectrum
allocation agency 53. Moon of Saturn discovered in 1672 56. Electronics components & batteries supplier
based in Japan 58. Computer "brain" (abbr.) 59. 30 Hz to 300 Hz 62. Million multiply accumulate
operations (abbr.) 65. Discipline for aircraft navigation in low visibility environments (abbr.) 66.
Type of data conversion device (abbr.) 67. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 68. 1.602E-19 Joules 70. A
keyboard key 72. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.) 73. European equivalent to the U.L. 74. Heatsink
feature 75. Unit of admittance 76. Semiconductor lamp 78. Large unit of apparent power (abbr.) 80.
Chemical symbol for manganese 81. Input intercept point (abbr.) 82. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc. 83.
Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.) 85. 2 x SSB 87. Carrier-to-noise ratio (abbr.) 88.
Exalted-Carrier Single Sideband (abbr.) 89. A substance in the gaseous state 90. Common shorthand
reference for a capacitor |
DOWN 2. Chemical symbol for mendelevium 3. High speed data over
telephone lines (abbr.) 5. Chemical symbol for lanthanum 6. Last statement in a BASIC program 7.
Basic element 9. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 10. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin
11. Chemical symbol for lithium 12. A common RS-232 serial bus command (abbr.) 13. PC follower 14.
Separates the plates of a capacitor (pl.) 16. Low- to mid- frequency RF connector 19. Type of computer
display (abbr.) 20. The "F" in CFL bulbs 22. Early computer display screen recolution (abbr.) 24.
Scheme to maintain proper frequency (abbr.) 26. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone 27. Frequency
division multiple access (abbr.) 28. Having power applied (slang) 29. ___-AZIMUTH telescope mount 31.
Type of current flow (abbr.) 33. Chemical symbol for lutetium 36. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 37.
Chemical symbol for gold 40. Color representing "0" 42. Securing device 44. Method of self-detection
and self-fixing transmission of digital data (abbr.) 47. Compressed image file format 51. International
phonetic alphabet letter "E" 52. Gasoline, diesel, etc. 54. Gary Breed's fine magazine on RF &
microwaves topics (abbr.) 55. Chemical symbol for erbium 56. Cooling device 57. Type of current
60. Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 61. Modem encoding method (abbr.) 63. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.) 64.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (abbr.) 66. SIP x 2 67. Type of spread spectrum that does not use direct
sequence spreading (abbr.) 69. Russian space probes which visited Halley's comet 71. A gaseous process
that deposits insulating films or metal onto a wafer at elevated temperature (abbr.) 74. Type of digital
filter (abbr.) 75. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc. 77. Digital Signal Processor (abbr.) 79. File name
extension for an ASCII file 81. One port of an amplifier 82. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 84.
Chemical symbol for molybdenum 86. Stock symbol for Boeing |
See solution below

