Featured Product Archive
The inventions and products featured on these pages were chosen either for their
uniqueness in the RF engineering realm, or are simply awesome (or ridiculous) enough
to warrant an appearance.
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No, it is definitely not a Rube Goldberg
attempt at a coffee machine. The Roasting Plant Javabot™ is "a blend of deft mechanics
and computer technology that orchestrates your coffee from raw bean to custom cup."
Look for them in the finer cafes and executive break rooms.
A Petri dish of intestinal
worms? Nope, it's a set of Ka-band coaxial transmission lines. Micromachining has
opened a whole new realm of possibilities - from surgery to electronics to mechanics.
Microfabrica has built a business around it. A 6-port 60 GHz coupler for an RN2
beam former, a 55 GHz bandpass filter, wafer probes, and inertial sensors are among
their accomplishments.
Goggles, invented by University of Tokyo professor Kuniyoshi, uses a microprocessor
controlled learning process that will snap a photo of anything in its field of view
and then prompt the user to speak the name of it. Later, if a similar object is
spied by Smart Goggles, it displays the name of the object on a small LCD.
3-20-2008 Dutch researchers at the Technical University of Delft have developed
what they say is the world's first solar-powered speedboat. With a hull made from
black carbon fiber, it sports 150 square feet of solar cells to power it at up to
35 mph.
A while back, I
posted an RF Cafe Intro video on YouTube. The folks at video production company
SavvyPaper picked it up and
really put a professional shine on it, then sent it to me for an opinion. I was
amazed. View it and judge for yourself. SavvyPaper's main focus is professionally produced
Video Resumes, something
I have been trying to promote. They handle company promotions and other unique subjects
as well. This is a totally new paradigm for job hunting.
Need a 20 GHz oscilloscope probe?
Tektronix will sell you their P7520 TriMode™ Measurement Switching Probe - the world's
fastest o-scope probe - for a mere $16,900. To measure 20 GHz, you need to solder
the tip to the PCB.
3-28-2008 Introducing the Vilcus
Plug Dactyloadapter! According to its maker, Art Lebedev, "Dactyloadapter was developed
specially for people who enjoy closing electrical circuits with their own fingers."
This device could be a huge tool for getting common-sense-challenged types out of
the gene poll.
Disclaimer: RF Cafe does not endorse this product.
is a unique way to promote your company at events -
Flogos! That stands for "floating
logos." Flogos are synthesized from proprietary surfactant (soap) based foam formulations
and lighter than air gases such as helium.
The Modu cell phone module gives any device
designed to accept it the capability of being a full-fledged phone. The host "jacket"
can be a PDA, a notebook computer, a gaming device, a calculator, a car stereo,
an alarm clock, or even - go figure - a phone.
4-4-2008 Here is a bona fide working radar speed gun for less than $30. Toy
company Mattel makes this for their Hot Wheels cars, but it works for a lot of other
objects. It operates at 10.525 GHz and has a digital LED screen that shows speed
in miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
Kikusui does not provide an estimate of how long it will take their
PLZ6000R 6kW Regenerative DC Electronic Load to pay for itself,
but the concept uniqueness alone makes worthy of further investigation.
Regular electronic loads consume load power by having semiconductor
devices convert it into heat. By contrast, PLZ6000R converts load power into reusable
electric power, rather than converting it into heat as is typically done, and feeds
this power to the AC line.
Check this
out. RFMD has just announced their RF2051/2/3 line of ICs that integrates a
low noise LO signal of between 300 MHz to 2400 MHz with built-in wideband RF mixers
that operate from 100 MHz up to 2500 MHz. The fractional-N synthesizer sports a
1.5 Hz frequency step size. I can remember 15 years ago using a synthesizer with
similar specs that were in metal cases the size of my hand - not including the mixer!