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Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Coilcraft Offers Free RF Magnetics Lab Kits + Filter Design Software

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Coilcraft has been around as long as I can recall since beginning my electronics career in the 1970s. In fact, Coilcraft was founded in 1945 near Chicago to make custom coils for television sets. They began manufacturing a line of standard products in the 1970s - no doubt with supporting my budding career in mind ;-)   Inductors and magnetics are their primary focus. Coilcraft has been an industry leader in surface mount components, and was one of the first to provide packaging that could be used by pick-and-place automatic PCB assembly.

Coilcraft Offers Free RF Magnetics Lab Kits + Filter Design Software - RF CafeRecognizing the value of introducing the company brand and products early in the lives of people who will spend the next many decades specifying and designing inductors into commercial, military, medical, and aerospace products, Coilcraft put a lot of resources into making both hardware and software tools available to students. They are now offering free of charge to qualified ECE instructors and lab managers. Click the image to the right to request an RF Magnetics Lab Kit and/or a Power Magnetics Lab Kit.

Nuhertz Technologies has teamed with Coilcraft to provide a custom version of their FilterSolutions® software that can be downloaded free of charge. It uses models of various size Coilcraft inductors for synthesizing 3, 5, and 7-pole lowpass filters that include coil Q effects on the transfer function. A 30-day trial version of the full version is offered, and Nuhertz its own FilterFree that is a generic filter synthesis program for up to 3 poles (LP, HP, BP, BS, LC and active).

You don't need to be a student to receive free samples. Simply fill out and submit the Sample Request Form and they will be shipped within 24 hours.

Coilcraft-CPS logo - RF CafeCoilcraft has a separate Critical Products and Services division that handles non-commercial product lines for military, aerospace, medical, and other high reliability applications.

Please tell the Coilcraft and Nuhertz folks you read about them on RF Cafe.



Posted June 29, 2016

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe


ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe