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Raytheon Ad
January 1946 Radio News

January 1946 Radio News
January 1946 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

There was a time when having a career in any field of electricity or electronics related work was an enviable mark of a person's technical prowess that conveyed a degree of respect. The whole controlling of electrons thing boggled the minds of most people, whether it meant wiring homes and buildings for lights, receptacles, and motors, or designing "all wave" radio sets for listening to the evening broadcast of "The Lone Ranger." Today, with nearly everyone alive having grown up with such conveniences, the "wow factor" is pretty much gone, except maybe with those of us who still chose to engage. If an electronics appliance or device stops working nowadays, it is discarded rather than repaired. This 2-page advertisement from a 1946 edition of Radio News magazine inviting men to become a "bonded electronic technician" is typical of those found in the era, and even in the 1920s and 1930s.

Raytheon Ad

Raytheon Bonded Electronic Technician Ad, January 1946 Radio News - RF CafeNow You Can Become a Bonded Electronic Technician

If you can qualify for this new, revolutionary Raytheon merchandising program, you can be sure of greater sales and profits than ever before ... and you can forget your worries about "security" in the peacetime years ahead.

This program is the perfect answer to those who have been suggesting licensing, government regulation and other impractical "remedies" to protect the public from unethical radio service dealers.

The bond certificate illustrated, showing the code of ethics and 90 day guarantee, and backed by one of the nation's largest surety firms, will be issued to each service dealer who can meet the necessary qualifications.

It is only one unit in a complete plan which includes the largest, most effective selection of displays and helps ever offered to the radio tube industry.

As a Bonded Electronic Technician, you will stand out in your community as the top radio service dealer ... the one to be trusted with all kinds of radio service, the one in whom the public can have complete confidence.

So for more service business, increased sales of tubes and other parts, apply to your Raytheon distributor to become a Bonded Electronic Technician. Remember, for your protection Raytheon tubes are distributed only by leading parts wholesalers.

Raytheon Radio Tubes

Raytheon Manufacturing Company

Radio Receiving Tube Division

Newton, Mass. Los Angeles New York Chicago Atlanta

Devoted to Research and the Manufacture of Tubes for the New Era of Electronics



Posted June 27, 2022
(updated from original post on 5/15/2015)

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