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Coyne Electrical School Advertisement
June 1931 Radio-Craft

June 1931 Radio-Craft

June 1931 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

June 1931 was a year and a half into the Great Depression, which began with the Wall Street crash of October 1929. It followed on the heels of the very prosperous decade known as the "Roaring Twenties," when significant, rapid advances in technology had taken place in electronics, medicine, physics, chemistry, and other fields. A huge number of radios were sold to the military, businesses, and private consumers both before stock market crash and after. A quick look at my list of Radio Service Data Sheets from the era show that to be so. In fact, it wasn't until World War II that production of new radio sets began to decrease, as all available resources were applied to winning the war rather than creature comforts. Back to 1931, though. Even with a severe downturn in the economy and unemployment skyrocketing, a few industries continued to provide relatively decent opportunities for skilled workers; electronics servicing was one of them. Although pay levels were not as good as before the Crash, at least there was work available to electronics technicians who were able to keep equipment functioning. This ad is typical of many placed by Coyne Electrical School in Radio-Craft and other trade magazines.

See National Radio Institute, RCA Institutes Home Training Ad, Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Coyne Electrical School, National Radio Institute.

Coyne Electrical School Advertisement

Coyne Electrical School Advertisement, June 1931 Radio-Craft - RF CafeThere's A Big Pay Job

For the Trained Man in Radio

Dissatisfied with your job? Not making enough money? Then let me show you how to get into Radio, the livest, biggest money-making game on earth. Thousands of opportunities for jobs leading to salaries of $60 a week and up! Jobs as Designer, Inspector and Tester paying $3,000 to $10,000 a year; as Salesman and in Service and Installation work at $45 to $100 a week; as Operator or Manager of Broadcasting Station at $1800 to $5000 a year - as Wireless Operator on Ship or Airplane; as Talking Picture or Sound Expert. Thousands of Big Pay opportunities for you to choose from!

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You get free Employment Service as long as you live. And if you need part-time work while at school to help pay expenses, we'll gladly help you get it. Many of our students pay nearly all of their living expenses that way. Mail coupon below for full details.

Learn Radio ** Television ** Talking Pictures in 10 Weeks

By Actual Work in Great Coyne Shops - Not by Correspondence!!

Come to Coyne and learn all branches of Radio in ten short, pleasant weeks. Not By Correspondence, but by actual work on scores of modern Radio Receivers, huge Broadcasting equipment, the very latest Television transmitting and receiving apparatus, Talking Picture equipment, etc. Broadcast yourself in our sound proof studio room!

Put on your own Television program! Learn Radio the practical way - by actual radio work on actual radio equipment!

You don't need advanced education or previous experience. I don't care if you are 16 years old or 46. Come to Coyne and I'll prepare you for a good paying Radio job in 10 weeks' time!

Not by Correspondence!!

Don't let anything keep you out of Radio! Start now, and after just ten short weeks of fascinating work in the great Coyne Radio Shops, you'll be all set for the best job and biggest pay you ever had in your life!

Television is Now Here!

And Television is already here! Soon there'll be a demand for thousands of Television experts. The man who learns Television now can make a fortune in this great new field. Get in on the ground-floor of this amazing new development! Mail coupon on the opposite page for full information - absolutely free!

Coyne is 32 Years Old!

Coyne Training is tested, proven beyond all doubt. You can find out everything absolutely free - how you can prepare for a good Radio Job or how you can go into business for yourself and earn $3,000 to $15,000 a year. It costs nothing to investigate!

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Fill in this coupon, tear it out and mail it to me at once. This will not obligate you in any way and positively no salesmen or agents will call on you. It will bring you - Absolutely Free - a copy of my big Radio and Television Book, telling all about jobs, salaries, opportunities, etc. Mail The Coupon Now!

Radio Division Coyne Electrical School

H. C. Lewis, President

500 South Paulina Street,

Dept. A1-8H

Chicago, Illinois

H. C. Lewis, President

Radio Div. Coyne Electrical School

500 S. Paulina sr., Dept. A1-8H Chicago, Ill.

Send me your Big Free Radio Book and all details of your Special Introductory Offer. This does not obligate me in any way.







Posted November 15, 2023
(updated from original post on 8/12/2016)

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe