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YL News and Views
July 1966 QST

July 1966 QST

July 1966 QST Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from QST, published December 1915 - present (visit ARRL for info). All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

"YL" in amateur-ese stands for "young lady." It refers to any ham operator of the female gender regardless of age. I don't know how many women were Hams in 1966 when this article appeared in QST, but according to Communities of the Air: Introducing Radio to the World, author Susan M. Squier, by 2003 women made up 40% of new license applicants. Judging by amateur radio club rosters and YLRL Young Ladies Radio League logo - RF Cafefield day events, YLs don't make up anywhere near 40% of the Ham population, but maybe they just tend to shun the public light. A 2008 presentation on the YL Radio Website estimated 15% in 2000. I searched around the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL), American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) websites for current statistics but could not find anything specifically about the percentage split between males and women. On a side note, the first licensed YL in the U.S. was Emma Chandler, 8NH/W8NH of St. Mary's, Ohio, in 1918 (featured in QST issue October 1916).

"YL News and Views" Articles in QST magazine

April 1953 | October 1953 | November 1953 | December 1953 | July 1966 | October 1966

YL News and Views

YL News and Views, July 1966 QST - RF Cafe
Smiling all the while - that's Peg Harnois, K1GSF - RF Cafe

Smiling all the while - that's Peg Harnois, K1GSF Editor for the new YL Harmonics. Peg is the daughter of K1EFZ of Westbrook, Maine. [note the wheelchair]

First licensed in 1962, Brenda, WA4HOM - RF Cafe

First licensed in 1962, Brenda, WA4HOM, whose OM is Hess, WA4GCS, is one of the top three for both the YL/OM c.w. and phone portions. Holder of DXCC (200 cfmd in 9 mos.), YLCC, WAC, WAS (7 mc. c.w.), Brenda is also a YLISSBer.

Pat Dyer, WA5NVY - RF Cafe

Pat Dyer, WA5NVY, had never seen a transmitter until August 1965, passed her Novice the next month her General the next, and entered her first ham contest this year. She's the 2nd place winner of the phone portion. This busy mother of three has also earned, WAS, WAC, has 96 countries, is active in Navy Mars, and conducts code classes for her OM and 8 other students.

Bob, W9LNQ, earned 3rd place phone honors this year - RF Cafe

Bob, W9LNQ, earned 3rd place phone honors this year using an RME 6900 and Valiant II with s.s.b. adaptor. Well known in many contests, Bob is also a member of QCW A, ISSB, OTC, CHC, Hamfesters Radio Club and DXCC (240 cfmd) Photo caurtesy of W9NLF.

The YLRL Forum at the National Convention - RF Cafe

The YLRL Forum at the National Convention provided this coast to coast meeting of YLRL's Pres., Kayla, W0HJL, and V. Pres., Edie, K1EKO.

Conducted by Jean Peacor, K1IJV

Results: Seventeenth YL/OM Contest

Rigs all over the land may still be in the process of cooling as a result of this year's YL/OM test, judging from the many high scores. Whether you won - placed - or just showed, there's no denying the fact that this test provided two exciting weekends of radio activity. If it was your first year, there was the added excitement of everyone and everything being new. Veteran contestants found pleasure just in hearing many of the old faithfuls; many of whom have never missed a contest.

In the YL phone portion, Marte Wessel, K0EPE, turned in the highest score in many a year for 1st place, which she also won in 1964 (see YL Column, July 1964). Ellen White, W1YYM, (YL Column, October 1965) jumped from 3rd place winner of the c.w. portion in 1965 to another highest score ever for 1st place honors this year. Jessie Billon, WA60ET, (YL Column, March 1964) has held one of the top scores for the past three years.

Dave Thompson, K5MDX, (see YL Column, July 1963) was high scorer for OMs in the phone portion in 1963 and 1964, and has done it again in 1966. Ken Bauer, W9WGQ, who was 2nd in the phone portion last year (see YL Column, July 1965), returned to capture 1st place honors in the c.w. portion this year.

To paraphrase some comments from YLRL's Vice President, Edie McCracken, K1EKO, who was chief log-checker this year - Sincere thanks for the many nice notes which accompanied your logs. All suggestions for future con tests will be given careful consideration before next year's rules are established.

Your logs have been carefully gone over, and any change made in your score is for a good reason. First, check your multiplication. Then, check your claimed sections. We use the ARRL section list, which is available from the V. P. for an s.a.s.e. Some of you worked contacts only in the U.S. and Canada. Both of these countries are divided into ARRL sections, and cannot also be counted as countries.

To the top 12 scorers - congratulations! To the more than 300 who took time to submit a log, our thanks. Illegible logs were used for confirmation. Before you send in a log next year, look at it again, and make sure you'd be willing to plow through at least 300 just like it. You'll have the sincere gratitude of the V. P. who has to check it.

1966 ARRL National Convention

April 23 and 24 found Boston's Prudential Center filled with between three and four thousand of the best conventioneers you could ever find - all radio amateurs. Activities for all were well planned by The Federation of Eastern Mass. Amateur Radio Assoc. who sponsored another of their successful conventions.

The willingness with which many YLs assisted added greatly to the success of the YL program which began with a fashion show completely organized by Millie Doremus, W1SVN. Many YLs enjoyed the bus tour of historical Boston and Cambridge which followed and was well managed by Eunice Gordon, W0KEH, ex·WIUKR.

YLRL President, Kayla Bloom, W0HJL, from Denver, Colorado, conducted the YLRL Forum. Her excellent talk urged clubs and individuals to assist in an all out YLRL membership drive: explained all that's being done in connection with YL Harmonic's changes in order to make it a 'real' magazine as well as a financial asset to YLHL which would hopefully result in lower dues for members; and encouraged all to make YLRL known to everyone.

The YL luncheon, wig demonstration, and talk on spices were all well attended, as was the SWOOP party. As many suffering wives were initiated and received SWOOP certificates, prizes galore were won by all the YLs as the) sang along with Ruth McNamara, KIRZO; Ruth Barber, K1IIF and Pres of WRONE, also Co-Chairman for YL Activities at the Convention: and K1IJV, while Rhea King, K1ERT, provided same fine piano playing.

YL Harmonic's New Look

As the comparatively new Editor of YL Harmonics (YLH), Peg Harnois, K1GSF, of Westbrook, Maine has every right to beam (see photo). For, YLH, YLRL's bi-monthly publication, took on an entirely new look in 1966 beginning with the Jan.-Feb. issue.

Drastic changes are not always easily accomplished, and Kayla, W0HJL, Pres. of YLRL, and Peggy, as well as many other members, have made an all out attempt to provide additional reading pleasure through YLH for all. If you haven't already seen it, extra copies are available from W0HJL for $.50; or, subscriptions are available for $3.00 per year (YLs receive YLRL membership).

YL Net News

The new officers for 1966 announced by the Loaded Clothes Line YL Net are a, follows: Pres., W7GGV; V. Pres., K0EPE; Secy. K7WVT; Treas., K0WZN; Pub. Chr., K0GAS. Their net meets every Monday at 1700 GMT on 7235 kcs. NCS is W7GGV.

Ken Keeler, K2EIU/5, is a Lt. and instructor pilot in the U.S.A.F. at Webb AFB - RF Cafe

Ken Keeler, K2EIU/5, is a Lt. and instructor pilot in the U.S.A.F. at Webb AFB. His high scores in the 1960 YL/OM contest made him a big winner that year, and he's done it again as this year's 2nd place scorer in both the c.w. and phone portions. He has also earned 12 YL certificates as a result.

 Marlene Kaniuk, WA9FRW, of Morton Grove, Ill. - RF CafeThis passport picture of Marlene Kaniuk, WA9FRW, of Morton Grove, Ill. will enable her to attend summer school at St. Andrews College in Dundee, Scotland, with visits to both England and France also planned. Marlene (now 17) is an active member of the Eye Bank Net and has had her General license for four years. Photo courtesy of W9CDQ.



Posted October 4, 2023
(updated from original post on 2/6/2013)

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