December 1950 Mechanix Illustrated
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history
of early mechanics. See articles from
Mechanix Illustrated, published 1928
- 2001. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
This is just one of
many full-page advertisements in the December 1950 issue of Mechanix
Illustrated magazine for electronics service schools. There was also
Coyne Electrical & Television-Radio School, De Forests' Training (yes,
de Forest),
deVry Institute, and a couple others. Electronics for home and industry was
big business following World War II, both from the enormous amount of new
knowledge gained in components, circuits, and manufacturing, and from the
near total lack of consumer products being turned out by manufacturers while
wartime rules mandated that all available resources be dedicated to the effort.
In fact, immediately after the end of the war, aircraft, electronics,
automobile, and many other industries went into a major downturn as government
contracts were pulled overnight, leaving companies high and dry with no orders
and factory floors which had been reconfigured to meet government demands. Of
course those companies and employees enjoyed handsome profits and all the work
they could handle for half a decade, so they couldn't complain too much. Once
production ramped up again, men trained in the operation and maintenance of
electronics were in high demand.
Electronics, Television, Radio Home Training
Learn Television-Radio or Electricity on Real Equipment in the Great
Shops of Coyne
New Opportunity Field
The tremendous growth of the new field of television is almost unbelievable.
New stations are springing up rapidly bringing television to millions of people
in all parts of the country. Fast becoming one of the top industries. Unusual opportunity
to get in on ground floor of this great opportunity field. Coyne offers practical-technical
training in Television-Radio. Installation, testing, trouble shooting and service
on Television. F-M and Radio equipment. Get big free book today.
Get into the Opportunity Field of Electricity
For many years Electricity has been a most vital factor in Industry. This great
field will continue to grow and become more important. Thousands of trained Electrical
men will be needed. Why be satisfied with a '"no future" job? Prepare for a good
job with a real future in Electricity.
Coyne Trained Men in Good lobs
Thousands of Coyne trained men in good jobs or in a business of their own in
Television-Radio and Electricity, make real money while others putter along. Yes,
you can get ready for Good Pay - a Big Future - by training at Coyne here in Chicago.
Here you work on real equipment - do actual wiring and troubleshooting - get the
practical-technical training you need.
Not "Home-Study"
We do not teach by mail. An training is given in our Great Training Shops in
Chicago, plus necessary theory. Expert instructors guide you. No advanced education
or previous experience needed.
GI Approved - Finance Plan for Non-Vets
Coyne courses are approved under the G.I. Bill. Non-veterans may enroll now,
pay most of tuition later. If you need part-time work to help out with living expenses
while at Coyne, we'll help you get it.
1 You are told the how and why of each job.
2 You're shown how to do typical jobs by trained instructors.
3 You do practical lob yourself on equipment.
Mail Coupon for Big Free Book
Whether you prefer Television-Radio, or Electricity, train on actual equipment,
at Coyne. We have a big, fully illustrated book on each course, and we'll send you
the one you want, or both, without obligation. Mail coupon - today. B. W. Cooke,
Coyne Electrical & Television-Radio School,
500 S. Paulina Stl, Chicago 12. Ill. Dept. 90-53H.
Send Free, the book checked below, and details of your training offer. This does
not obligate me and no salesman will call.
_ Television-Radio
_ Electricity
Name ____________________________________
Address ____________________________________
City ____________________________________ State __________________
Get Into Television-Radio Electronics By Shop-Method Home Training
Good Jobs Await the Trained Radio-TV Technician
There is a place for you in the great Radio-Television-Electronics Industry when
you are trained as National Schools will train you at home!
Trained technicians are in growing demand at good pay - in manufacturing, broadcasting,
television, communications, radar, research laboratories, home Radio-TV service,
and other branches of the field. National Schools Master Shop-Method Home Training.
with newly added lessons and equipment, trains you in your spare time. right in
your own home, for these fascinating opportunities. Our method is proved by the
success of national schools trained men, all over the world, since 1905.
Earn While You Learn
Many National students pay for all or part of their training with spare time
earnings. We'll show you how you can do the same! Early in your training, you receive
"Spare-time Work" Lessons which will enable you to earn extra money servicing neighbors'
and friends Radio and Television receivers, appliances. etc.
National Schools Training Is All-Embracing
National Schools prepares you for your choice of many job opportunities. Thousands
of home, portable, and auto radios are being sold daily - more than ever before.
Television is sweeping the country, too. Coaxial cables now under construction will
soon bring Television to every city, town, and farm! National Schools' complete
training program qualifies you in all fields. Read this partial list of opportunities
for trained technicians:
Business of Your Own • Broadcasting
Radio Manufacturing, Sales, Service • Telecasting
Television Manufacturing, Sales, Service
Laboratories: Installation, Maintenance of Electronic Equipment
Electrolysis. Call Systems
Garages: Auto Radio Sales, Service
Sound Systems and Telephone Companies, Engineering Firms
Theatre Sound Systems, Police Radio
And scores of other good jobs in many related fields.
Television Training
A complete series of up-to-the-minute Television lessons is an important part
of your course. They cover all phases of Television repairing, servicing and construction.
The same lesson texts used by resident students in our own modern and complete Television
broadcast studios, laboratories and classrooms!
Master All Phases!
Get Master Shop-Method Home Training from an Established Practical Resident School
with its own training Shops, Laboratories, and Studios - and almost 50 Years of
Successful Experience in Training Ambitious Men.
We Bring National Schools to You
Learn by Doing
You receive and keep all the modern equipment shown above, including tubes and
valuable, professional quality Multitester. No extra charges. You build the fine
Superheterodyne Receive with parts we send you.
Free! These 2 Free Books give you all the facts. Send today for National Schools'
new, illustrated Book of Opportunity in Radio-Television-Electronics, and an actual
Sample Lesson. No cost- no obligation. Use the coupon now - we'll answer by return
Approved for Veterans and Non-Veterans
Check coupon below
Both Resident & Home Study Courses offered
National Schools
Los Angeles 37, Calif. • Est. 1905
Find Out Now ... Mail Coupon Today
National Schools, Dept. MI-12
4000 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles 37, California
Mail in envelope or paste on penny postal.
Send me your Free book "Your Future in Radio" and the sample lesson of your course.
I understand no salesman will call on me.
Name ____________________________________ Age ________
Address ____________________________________
City ____________________________________ Zone ______State __________________
_ Check here if Veteran of World War II
Now ... Get Everything You Need to Learn and Master Television Radio-electronics
... at Home!
Use Real commercial· type equipment to get practical experience
Your future deserves and needs every advantage you can give it! That's why you
owe it to yourself to find out about one of the most complete, practical and effective
ways now available to prepare at home for America's billion dollar opportunity field
of Television-Radio-Electronics.. See how you may get and keep the same type of
basic training equipment used in one of the nation's finest training laboratories
... how you may get real starting help toward a good job or your own business in
Television-Radio-Electronics. Mail the coupon today for complete facts - including
89 ways to earn money in this thrilling, newer field.
Above: Build and keep a real 16 inch commercial TV receiver. Optional after completing
regular training at slight additional cost.
D.T.I., Alone, Includes Both Movies and Home Laboratory
In addition to easy-to-read lessons, you get the use of home movies - an outstanding
training advantage - plus 16 big shipments of Electronic parts. Perform over 300
fascinating experiments for practical experience. Build and keep real commercial-type
test information packed equipment shown at right
Modern Laboratories
If you prefer, get all your preparation in our new Chicago Training Laboratories
- one of teh finest of its kind. Ample instructors, modern equipment. Write for
Get both of these publications Free!
Military Service!
If you're subject to military service, the information we have for you should
prove doubly interesting. Mail coupon today.
Here's the Real Thing!
Set up Your Own Home Laboratory
De Forest's Training, Inc.
Chicago 14, Ill.
A De Vry Institution
89 Ways to Earn Money in Television Radio Electronics
Act Now! Mail Coupon Today!
De Forest's Training, Inc. Dept. M1-G-12·
2533 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago 14, Ill.
Without obligation, I would like your Opportunity News Bulletin showing "89 Ways
to Earn Money in Television-Radio I Electronics"; also, the folder showing how I
may prepare to get started in this thrilling field.
Name ____________________________________ Age ________
Address ____________________________________
City ____________________________________ Zone ______State __________________
Posted December 18, 2023