All RF Cafe Quizzes make great fodder for
employment interviews for technicians or engineers - particularly those who are
fresh out of school or are relatively new to the work world. Come to think of it,
they would make equally excellent study material for the same persons who are going
to be interviewed for a job. Bonne chance, Viel Glück, がんばろう,
buena suerte, удачи, in bocca al lupo, 행운을 빕니다,
ádh mór, בהצלחה, lykke til, 祝你好運.
Well, you know what I mean: Good luck!
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RF Cafe Quizzes.
Note: Some material based on books have quoted passages.
Return to RF Cafe Quiz #13 1. a) Right-hand rule.
See this RF Cafe
Labs experiment that proves the claim. 2. b) Lissajous waveform (lē'-su-zhOO").
Named after Jules Antoine Lissajous. 3. b) frā-nĕl'
- that's right, it is NOT pronounced frĕz-nĕl'
4. a) Lowpass Low frequencies easily pass through the series inductors and do not pass through the
shunt capacitors. 5. b) 4 Each reactive component (2 inductors + 2 capacitors) creates a
pole in the transfer function. 6. c) Microstrip Microstrip uses a conductor running over top
of a ground plane, with a dielectric in-between. 7. b) 90° H-Plane bend The mnemonic used
for waveguide is that an E-Plane bend curves along the narrow side (the "E"asy bend), and that a H-Plane bend
curves along the wide side (the "H"ard bend). There is no such thing as a Maxwell bend. 8. c) 62
kΩ, ±10% = 3 (62 x 103 = 62 kΩ), Silver = ±10% 9. a) Tin whiskers
image to view NASA video. 10. b) This logo first appeared around 1999.
