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Engineering & Science Notable Tech Quote Archive #34

Notable Tech Quotes - RF CafeThe number of statements uttered verbally and/or in print is uncountable. Some are more noteworthy than others either because of sheer brilliance, good humor, or utter inanity. We all hope our own remembered words, if any, fall into one of the first two categories rather than the third. I do a lot of reading and find many notable quotes to use that fit the theme of RF Cafe; they fall into all three categories. I always try to verify quotes from original sources or at least from printed books like The Experts Speak, of which I own a hard copy. Enjoy.

Notable Tech Quote Archive

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35

"By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's" - Paul Krugman - Nobel Prize winner (what a maroon)

3/15/2024, 11/25/2021

"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." - Christian Lous Lange


Remember When … impoverished children in forgotten countries didn’t suffer to deliver your electronic stuff?


Remember When … schematics were drawn with pencil and paper and required layout planning in advance?


Remember When … rechargeable batteries weren't likely to catch fire if ruptured?


Notable Tech Quote: "I know the sky is not the limit because there are footprints on the moon."

Buzz Aldrin "No Dream Too High" - RF CafeEdwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr., has always been my favorite astronaut. Neil Armstrong, of course being the first man to step foot on the moon, is a legendary favorite and probably has better name recognition. He was known to be very practical, brilliant, and businesslike. Michael Collins orbited the moon in the Command Module and never did get to land there on subsequent missions. Buzz, while equally brilliant, liked to play the jokester / prankster role and could be very openly honest about his opinion on persons and matters. He could be intimidating because of his reputation for not abiding Bravo Sierra, and rarely being wrong. Chapter 1 of his book No Dream Is Too High, is entitled, "The sky is not the limit ... There are footprints on the moon!" Buzz is a strong advocate for visiting and colonizing Mars.

10/ /2021

Remember When … solder joints were shiny after cleaning off the rosin flux?


Remember When … speed dialing was forcing the telephone dial back around to the home position?


"Just because I taught you everything you know, doesn't mean I taught you everything I know." Unknown engineer mentor.


Remember When … you needed to wait for the TV and radio tubes to warm up?


Remember When … your car had an electromechanical blinker relay that you could hear clacking?


"It's not always clear at what point you want to stop honoring people for being creative and instead put them in jail." - L.G.


Notable Tech Quote: "Intelligence is a constant..."

Nomophobia: The smarter your phone is the dumber you are - RF Cafe"Intelligence is a constant. The smarter your phone is the dumber you are." - Anon.   Scientists have assigned a word to describe the psychological condition where a person experiences fear and/or anxiety over not having access to a cellphone -- "nomophobia" (short for "no mobile phobia" ). Per Wikipedia: "...cell phones are 'possibly the biggest non-drug addiction of the 21st century,' and college students may spend up to nine hours every day on their phones, which can lead to dependence on such technologies as a driver of modern life and an example of 'a paradox of technology' that is both freeing and enslaving." "...young adults and adolescents are more likely to suffer from nomophobia." I only carry a cellphone while travelling out of town, and then turn it on only when I need it. Governments and corporations know practically nothing about my daily movements.


"Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." - Anon


Notable Tech Quote: Scott Willoughby on the JWST

Notable Tech Quote: Scott Willoughby - RF Cafe Unfortunately the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is now 20x over budget and 14 years behind schedule. "'It's like building a Swiss watch at 40-feet-tall... and getting it ready for this journey that we take into the vacuum at minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (-240 °C), four times further than the Moon,' said Scott Willoughby of lead contractor Northrop Grumman. He was speaking at the company's spaceport in Redondo Beach, California, from where the telescope will be shipped to French Guiana to be launched on an Ariane 5 rocket, with NASA targeting October 31 for liftoff."

Notable Tech Quote: Isidor Isaac Rabi

Notable Quote by Isidor Isaac Rabi - RF CafeAmerican physicists Carl Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer were studying cosmic rays when they discovered the muon in 1936. The discovery of this particle was so surprising that Nobel laureate Isidor Isaac Rabi exclaimed: "Who ordered that?" Dr. Rabi was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance and was a pioneer in the development of the cavity magnetron.

Notable Tech Quote: Red Green

Notable Tech Quote: Red Green Duct Tape WD-40 - RF Cafe"You need only two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape: If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the duct tape." - Red Green.


Notable Tech Quote: Carson's Consolation

Notable Tech Quote: Carlson's Carson's Consolation - RF Cafe"Nothing is ever a complete failure; it can always serve as a bad example." - Carson's Consolation. I tried to find out who this Carson guy is, but to no avail. It is probably not John Renshaw Carson, who developed the well-known amongst RF Cafe visitors bandwidth rule stating BW = 2·(Δf + fm). The same quote is sometimes referred to as Carlson's Consolation. Regardless of its progenitor, the tenet holds true.


Notable Tech Quote: Joel Hallas, W1ZR

Joel R. Hallas Notable Tech Quote - RF CafeJoel R. Hallas (W1ZR), ARRL QST magazine's monthly "The Doctor Is In" column writer, has written many notable quotes over the years while responding to readers' questions. Most of the Q's and A's are about antennas, transmission lines, and impedance matching. The October 2020 issue contains the following statement which is profoundly important to remember, particularly where antennas are concerned, "...but ground is always somewhere." It might seem like a Captain Obvious statement, but people not overly familiar with the effects of a ground plane - be it solid, mesh, or an array of radials - can and does have a huge effect on the radiation pattern and effective impedance of every kind of antenna. Mr. Hallas' middle initial is given as "R," but is might as well be "E" - for EZNEC - because of his masterful and frequent use of it in analyzing antenna setups and which often includes pattern plots in his answers. It just figures that since I mention it, EZNEC is not mentioned this month.


Notable Tech Quote

Dunning–Kruger Effect Chart - RF Cafe"...Difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments." - Dunning-Kruger. The full title of the paper authored by David Dunning and Justin Kruger outlining what has become known as the Dunning–Kruger Effect is entitled, "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments." In layman's terms, it could be put thusly: "The dumber a person is the more [s]he believes [s]he knows more than everyone else." This phenomenon can be seen all over social media and within the burning, looting, and mayhem protestor hordes terrorizing cities across the world. Of course it is also exhibited in politicians who try to rationalize the behavior and do nothing to prevent the wanton destruction of private and public property.


Notable Tech Quote: British Radio Sets

Notable Tech Quote: Hermann Göring on British Radio  - RF CafeOn the eve of World War II, the Brits built an amazingly successful twin-engined bomber called the D.H.98 Mosquito. It proved to be the bane of German cities, bridges, and dams. More than a decade after the aeronautics industry had switched from wooden to metal airframes, de Havilland engineers decided to design the craft using materials and techniques familiar to model airplane hobbyists - balsa, plywood, spruce, silk, and dope. The April/May 2020 issue of Air & Space magazine has a great article entitled "World War II's Strangest Bombing Mission" containing a quote from Hermann Göring which is like music to the ears (double entendre intended) of our English brethren. To wit: "Famously, the RAF's speedy wooden workhorses left a lasting impression on Göring. According to a 1973 history of the Luftwaffe, he later blustered, 'The British, who can afford aluminum better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building... They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I'm going to buy a British radio set - then at least I'll own something that has always worked.'" Key up "God Save the King/Queen."


Notable Tech Quote: Concerning "Wavicles"

In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World - RF CafeIan Stewart, author - RF Cafe"Matter was neither particle nor wave, but a bit of both - a wavicle." - Ian Stewart, in "In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World," 2012, regarding the dual nature of light as covered in the chapter on Schrödinger's equation for wave functions. BTW, the real term used is "wave–particle duality," which is a quantum mechanical principle stating that all matter–energy has both a wave and a particle nature. The wave behavior of light is exhibited in its ability to be diffracted at a sharp edge. It is the particle nature which accounts for the photoelectric effect.


Notable Tech Quote: WHO on CORVID-19

Notable Tech Quote: WHO on CORVID-19 - RF CafeThis was a Tweet put out by the World Health Organization on January 14, 2020: "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan China." Since Twitter posts have a way of disappearing when proven embarassing, that hyperlink goes to an archived Google page. For some reason is not able to save Twitter pages (I tried to force a save, but it failed). President Trump initiated the travel ban on January 31, 2020 (and caught heck for it), two weeks prior to WHO's infamous Tweet telling the world not to worry.


"Sorry. Privacy is a thing of the past." - Martin Cooper

"Privacy is a thing of the past," Martin Cooper - RF CafeOn May 21st, 2010, in an interview with CBS News entitled, "The Cell Phone: Marty Cooper's Big Idea," cell phone inventor Martin Cooper, was asked, "Isn't there almost a Brave New World sensibility behind all of this being connected? What does it do to our privacy?" His reply: "Sorry. Privacy is a thing of the past." There are two aspects of that loss of privacy. One is the vulnerability of data collection by anyone with the technology (including Big Brother). The other aspect is loss of privacy by choice due to people blabbing all their business in public where anyone nearby can hear. The former is unavoidable by the cell phone user, while the latter is completely avoidable - and preferable, since almost nobody want to hear you yak about your personal business.


Notable Tech Quote: John von Neumann

John von Neumann - RF Cafe"Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them." - John von Neumann,, mathematician & physicist


Notable Tech Quote: Apollo 12 Astronaut Alan Bean

Notable Tech Quote: Apollo 12 Astronaut Alan Bean - RF CafeThe November 2019 issue of Astronomy magazine included an interview with Apollo 12 moon-walking astronauts Alan Bean and Pete Conrad. It is the 50th anniversary of the world's second manned excursion to the moon's surface on November 19, 1969. Amongst the science experiments and tasks to be performed was the deployment of a plutonium fuel cell that would power the equipment remaining on the surface after the Lunar Module blasted off. Most of the gear had been set up without incident, but the fuel rod got stuck inside its transport cylinder. None of that science gear would be of any use with out a power supply. After unsuccessfully trying to free the rod without risking damage, it finally came down to whacking it with one of those infamous $400 NASA hammers to get it out. Bean's comment to Houston upon completion was, "Don't come to the Moon without a hammer."


Notable Tech Quote - Standards

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks - RF CafeComputer Networks, 2nd edition - RF Cafe"The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from." - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 2nd edition, page 254.




Notable Quote

"Television won't last. It's a flash in the pan" - Mary Somerville, radio executive


Notable Quote by Les Rayburn, N1LF

Notable Quote by Les Rayburn, N1LF - RF CafeThe November 2019 issue of QST (login required) is chock full of great articles. The one entitled, "Indoor Antennas for VHF Weak-Signal Work," written by Mr. Les Rayburn (N1LF) discusses ways to stealthily mount an antenna in your attic in order to work around HOA restrictions and/or to protect your installation from weather abuse. Considering the close proximity to living quarters, he offers caveats and mitigation suggestions regarding RF exposure during transmission and subjection to high noise levels from his own home and from nearby neighbors. The notable line pulled from the article is, "Neighbors equal noise." The situation gets worse every day. Here's my own attic-based TV/Radio antenna installation.

November 1, 2019

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe