1. Common reference point in a circuit (2 wds.)
6. Automated universal inductance tester - watch that 3rd letter, (abbr.) 9.
Send junk e-mail 10. Chemical symbol for strontium 12. Type of e-mail address
system (abbr.) 14. Chemical symbol for antimony 16. Circuit or mechanical
professional usually with an Associate's or higher degree and/or military experience
19. Base of the decimal number system 21. 1.602E-19 Joules 22. Mate to a bolt
23. One factor of a polynomial 24. CDMA Development Group (abbr.) 26. This
calculus operation yields voltage across a capacitor 28. Digital transmission
figure of merit (abbr.) 29. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 30. Peak envelope
power (abbr.) 32. Chemical symbol for cesium 33. milliampere-hour (abbr.)
34. Chemical symbol for neodymium 35. His gas law applies at constant temperature
37. Galilean moon 38. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.)
40. Ham-ese for Young Lady 41. PCB mask exposing ray (abbr.) 42. Ringed doughnut
shape of many inductor cores 44. Chemical symbol for iron 45. Compound used
as the frequency determining element in microwave oscillators 47. Abbreviation
for 6 Down 49. Type of logic gate 50. Chemical symbol for silicon 51. Greek
letter 52. Target indication on a radar display 54. BER, 8 bits at a time
55. Solid of rotation whose sides are the hypotenuse of a right triangle 56.
Ham's code for "Unable to copy you." 57. Pure carrier (abbr.) 60. Type of
data conversion device (abbr.) 61. Equiripple filter type (pl.) 66. Chemical
symbol for arsenic 67. 30 Hz to 300 Hz 68. Amateur radio abbreviation for
the Oceania region (abbr.) 69. Name of the fixed point from which the distances
to any point on a parabola are connected by a linear relation 72. Code for a
type of electrical wire insulation 73. One who embraces technology |
1. Sudden, brief increase in wind speed 2. A
common lamp tube gas 3. Ratio of circumference to diameter 4. Unit of time
(abbr.) 5. Governmental agency that monitors pollution (abbr.) 6. A unit of
electrical charge for batteries (hyph.) 7. Unit of time (abbr.) 8. Ham slang
to telephone lines (2 wds.) 11. Performs a disk operation 12. It can follow
an MS 13. Type of chart 14. Chemical symbol for silicon 15. VHF, UHF, ISM,
for example 17. A gaseous process that deposits insulating films or metal onto
a wafer at elevated temperature (abbr.) 18. Mate to a bolt 20. Type of logic
gate 24. Numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable
in an algebraic expression 25. Send Morse Code 27. Multifunctional silicon
devices (abbr.) 28. Stock symbol for Boeing 30. A solid figure having many
plane faces 31. Mate to a socket 33. Earth's natural satellite 35. Word
used in describing 2-D and 3-D object dimensions; i.e., 10 mm __ 25 mm 36. 1.602E-19
Joules 37. Network department (abbr.) 39. Chemical symbol for cesium 43.
Unit of length equal to 5.5 yards 46. Satellite of Jupiter discovered by Galileo
47. International phonetic alphabet letter "A" 48. Opposite of a LO 50. Electro-mechanical
control device 51. Rádio Nacional de Angola (abbr.) 52. Low- to mid- frequency
RF connector 53. Substrate for mounting components (abbr.) 58. 3-phase transformer
configuration 59. 30 GHz to 300 GHz 62. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
63. Describes when a synchronous motor loses phase lock 64. Society of Civil
and Structural Engineers (abbr.) 65. One port of an amplifier 69. Unit of
inductance (abbr.) 70. Chemical symbol for selenium 71. Chemical symbol for
manganese |