Featured Product Archive
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NanoVNA Portable Vector Network Analyzer
Phil Salas, AD5X, published an extensive review of the
NanoVNA vector network analyzer in the May 2020 issue of the
ARRL's QST magazine. Unfortunately, the article is not available to non-members,
but if you are a member or know someone who is, it would be worth reading. He compared
measurements by the NanoVNA with those obtained using an
Array Solutions VNAuhf, which
yielded very favorable results.
are many knock-offs of the NanoVNA available, which is typical since most of these
low-cost, high-performance electronics devices are built using widely available
block-level components that make replication relatively easy. Variations in the
quality of coaxial connectors, internal batteries, switches, etc., can and often
does make a big difference in the quality and ruggedness of the equipment you buy.
Firmware and support software can vary significantly as well. It's a roll of the
dice to some extent, but fortunately the low acquisition price reduces the loss
risk. Resellers sometimes offer additional accessories to make their packages more
of a value (seemingly, at least).

NanoVNA Block Diagram

NanoVNA Post-Processing Software
The original
NanoVNA sports an ample 50 kHz through 900 MHz+ frequency
measurement capability with a 2.8" LCD display for a mere $57. The
NanoVNA-H model (2.8" display) extends the frequency range to
1.5 GHz for $75. The
NanoVNA-F model extends the standard NanoVNA frequency to 1 GHz
and has a larger 4.3" LCD display for $145.
Typical Specifications for the NanoVNA
- 50 kHz - 900 MHz Vector Network Analyzer
- PCB: 54 mm x 85.5 mm x 11 mm (without connectors, switches)
- Measurement Frequency: 50 kHz ~ 300 MHz (900 MHz with extended
- RF output: -13 dBm (maximum -9 dBm)
- Measurement range: 70 dB (50 kHz-300 MHz), 60 dB (300-600 MHz),
50 dB (600-900 MHz) enable extended firmware
- Port SWR: < 1.1
- Display: 2.8 inch TFT (320 x240)
- USB interface: USB type-C communication mode: CDC (serial)
- Power: USB 5 V 120 mA, built-in 400 mAh battery, maximum charging
current 0.8 A
- Number of scanning points: 101 (fixed)
- Measurments: S parameters, voltage standing wave ratio, phase, delay, Smith
RF Cafe has no affiliation with any of the NanoVNA manufacturers or distributors.
Posted April 22, 2020