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It seems impossible that you can buy Visio Professional 2019 and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for less than $10 each, but according to the research I did the offers seems to be legitimate. Evidently, sellers buy corporate subscriptions and then are licensed to distribute copies to it agents (we, the buyers). This is nothing new because I have seen it done for many years. After purchasing a product, you are provided with a hyperlink for downloading the software directly from the Microsoft.com website, and also an activation key. Heeding the old saying about if something seems too good to be true, it probably isn't, I decided to test the system.

Back in March, I purchased one copy each of Visio Professional 2019 and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for $5.99 and $9.99, respectively. Everything worked as advertised and I now have fully licensed versions of each that are still functioning after three months. Microsoft must be aware of the scheme and could easily reject the provided product keys and deactivate currently activates keys, but they don't. The feedback left buy purchasers is mostly good. If you have been wanting to buy a new version or upgrade and existing version but don't have the money to buy the retail price, then this is your opportunity. I have never bought or used software than I even suspected was illegitimate (pirated), but this truly looks like it's on the up and up.

For the record, I have no connection or financial interest in any of the sellers of the aforementioned products. I also do not endorse any of the seller. Caveat emptor.

OK, now that the financial obstruction to owning the software needed to use RF Cafe's RF Stencils for Visio, RF Cascade Workbook, and RFRF & EE Shapes for Word, please click on these links to go ahead and buy one (or preferably all) of my good stuff for Microsoft Office products. Prices are about equal to the sales tax on retail versions of the MS software. Thank you in advance for supporting RF Cafe (which is just me, Kirt B.)



Posted June 27, 2019

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe