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LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

Audio Spectrum Analyzer Uses 256-Point FFT

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This FFT development board from RHDC Services features a fully functional audio band spectrum analyzer for just £59.95 ($95.35). An ultra low power Sharp 96x96-pixel display and judicious selection of processor and peripheral components yields a module that consumes only 3 μA in a static state and 1.3 mA while FFT'ing. Per their website, "The FFTD1A can typically display an image and maintain a real time clock using less than 10µW. Assuming a CR2032 coin-cell delivers 200mAh, that's around 6 years battery life." FFT Designer software together with the FFTD1A development board allows users to develop application software that performs Fourier analysis with a 12-bit, 200 ksps input and a 50 dB SFDR. Add a simple mixer, LO, and filter to extend the useful range to just about any frequency band. RHDC Services also provides RF R&D and communication systems engineering services.


Audio Spectrum Analyzer Uses 256-Point FFT



Posted November 13, 2012

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe
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