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12 Volt Battery Mobile Device Charger (Gary Miller Chrysler/Jeep, Erie, PA) - RF Cafe

12 Volt Battery Mobile Device Charger

Sitting in the waiting room in the local Jeep dealership*, waiting for the technicians to do the annual inspection on the 2011 Patriot, I noticed a 12 volt car battery sitting on a table. At first I assumed it was just a sales pitch for a new battery, but then I noticed a bunch of small cables coming from its bottom edge. As you can see in the photo I took of it, those cables are mobile device charging cords with mating connectors for Apple, USB, and miniUSB ports. An Internet search did not turn up any of these things, so maybe Mopar engineers came up with it. Times sure have changed from when the only creature comfort accommodations in the waiting room were dispensers for gumballs and stale peanuts.

* Gary Miller Chrysler/Jeep, Erie, Pennsylvania



Posted June 18, 2018 

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

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