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& All of the Day in History Commemorative RF Cafe Logos

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Thank-you.   - Kirt Blattenberger

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50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.77 kB)

Please click here visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic (2.40 kB)

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.97 kB)

Retro Logo

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.45 kB)

We Know Your World

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.55 kB)

Smith Chart Logo

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.53 kB)

We Filter Out the Noise Logo

Please click here to visit the RF Cafe Job Board

30 x 100 pixel graphic  (0.89 kB)

RF Cafe Jobs Board. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.81 kB)

National Engineer's Week

February (variable)

RF Cafe Jobs Board. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.57 kB)

National Engineer's Week

February (variable)


Hewlett-Packard Founded January 1, 1939 RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.00 kB)

Hewlett-Packard Founded

January 1, 1939

Happy Birthday Isaac Asimov!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.73 kB)

Happy Birthday Isaac Asimov!

January 2, 1920

World's First Electric Watch Sold.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.73 kB)

World's First Electric Watch Sold

January 3, 1957

Sir Isaac Newton's Birthday.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.87 kB)

Sir Isaac Newton's Birthday

January 4, 1643

Golden Gate Bridge Construction Began January 5, 1933 - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.65 kB)

Golden Gate Bridge Construction Began

January 5, 1933

1st Public Demonostration of Telegraph Janaury 6, 1838 - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.29 kB)

1st Telegraph Public Demonstration

January 6, 1838

Marconi Established 1st Distress Signal.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.41 kB)

Marconi Established 1st Distress Signal

January 7, 1904

Happy Birthday Robert Wilson!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.55 kB)

Happy Birthday Robert Wilson!

January 10, 1936

George Pierce Born Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.45 kB)

George Pierce Born Today

January 11, 1872

Emergency 911 Phone Number Adopted.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.39 kB)

Emergency 911 Phone Number Adopted

January 12, 1968

Lee de Forest Receives Patent for Triode Tube.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.70 kB)

Lee de Forest Receives Patent for Triode Tube

January 15, 1907

1st Ever Docking by Soyuz 4 & 5 - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

1st Ever Docking by Soyuz 4 & 5

January 16, 1969

Happy Birthday Benjamin Franklin! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.71 kB)

Happy Birthday Benjamin Franklin!

January 17, 1706

Ray Dolby's Birthday! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.71 kB)

Ray Dolby's Birthday

January 18, 1933

James Watt's birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.81 kB)

James Watt's Birthday

January 19, 1736

Buzz Aldrin birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.00 kB)

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin's Birthday

January 20, 1930

André-Marie Ampère birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.94 kB)

André-Marie Ampère's Birthday

January 20, 1775

Concord SST Went Into Service - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.40 kB)

Concord SST Went Into Service

January 21, 1976

Uranium Atom 1st Split - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.95 kB)

Uranium Atom 1st Split

January 22, 1939

Apple Began Selling the Macintosh Computer - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.16 kB)

Apple Began Selling the Macintosh Computer

January 24, 1984

AT&T Transcontinental Telephone Line Inaugurated - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.67 kB)

AT&T Transcontinental Telephone Line Inaugurated

January 25, 1915

Edison's Incandescent Bulb Patented - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.96 kB)

Edison's Incandescent Bulb Patented

January 27, 1880

Space Shuttle Challenger Exploded - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (5.03 kB)

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion

January 28, 1986

Douglas Engelbart, inventor of computer mouse, was born - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Happy Birthday Douglas Engelbart

January 30, 1925

Explorer 1 Launched - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.96 kB)

Explorer 1 Launched

January 31, 1958


HP-35 Calculator Went on Sale - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.36 kB)

HP-35 Calculator Went on Sale

February 1, 1972

Groundhog Day - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.88 kB)

Groundhog Day

February 2

"The Day the Music Died" - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.52 kB)

"The Day the Music Died"

February 3, 1959

Super Bowl XLII - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.47 kB)

Super Bowl XLII

February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Charles A. Lindbergh - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.32 kB)

Happy Birthday Charles A. Lindbergh

February 4, 18902

Happy Birthday Charles Wheatstone - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.44 kB)

Happy Birthday Charles Wheatstone

February 6, 1802

Happy Birthday Harry Nyquist! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.55 kB)

Happy Birthday Harry Nyquist!

February 7, 1889

Boy Scouts of America Founded  - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Boy Scouts of America Founded

February 8, 1910

Walter H. Brattain's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.80 kB)

Walter H. Brattain's Birthday

February 10, 1902

Thomas Alva Edison's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.97 kB)

Thomas Alva Edison's Birthday

February 11, 1847

Heinrich Lenz's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.74 kB)

Heinrich Lenz's Birthday

February 12, 1804

ENIAC Debut - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.51 kB)

The ENIAC Debut

February 13, 1946

Happy Valentine's Day!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.38 kB)

Valentine's Day

February 14

Happy Birthday Galileo Galilei!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.25 kB)

Happy Birthday Galileo Galilei!

February 15, 1584

ASME Established.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.25 kB)

ASME Established

February 16, 1880

Engineer's Week. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.71 kB)

National Engineer's Week 2007

February 18, 2007

Vanguard II - 1st Weather Satellite - Launched.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.25 kB)

Vanguard II - 1st Weather Satellite - Launched

February 17, 1959

Happy Birthday Alessandro Volta!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.49 kB)

Happy Birthday Alessandro Volta!

February 18, 1745

Svante Arrhenius' Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.33 kB)

Svante Arrhenius' Birthday

February 19, 1859

Engineers Week 2008. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.81 kB)

National Engineer's Week 2008

February 19, 2008

Ludwig Boltzmann's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.43 kB)

Ludwig Boltzmann's Birthday

February 20, 1844

Happy Birthday Heinrich Hertz! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.48 kB)

Happy Birthday Heinrich Hertz!

February 22, 1857

Iwo Jima Flag Raising. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.87 kB)

Iwo Jima Flag Raising

February 23, 1945

"His Master's Voice" trademarked. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.15 kB)

"His Master's Voice" Trademarked

February 24, 1925

Sir Robert Watson-Watt Introduced RADAR - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.41 kB)

Sir Robert Watson-Watt Introduced RADAR

February 26, 1935

Happy Birthday David Sarnoff! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.33 kB)

Happy Birthday David Sarnoff!

Born February 27, 1891

Happy Birthday Linus Pauling! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.07 kB)

Happy Birthday Linus Pauling!

Born February 28, 1901


Happy Birthday John Pell! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.40 kB)

Happy Birthday John Pell!

Born March 1, 1611

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.65 kB)

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Born March 2, 1904

Don't forget to reset you clock for Daylight Saving Time.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.03 kB)

Daylight Saving Time

Begins 2nd Sunday in March

Ends 1st Sunday in November

National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) Created - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.20 kB)

National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) Created

March 3, 1901

Jules Lissajous born. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.55 kB)

Jules A. Lissajous' Birthday

March 4, 1822

Maiden Flight of the Spitfire. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.06 kB)

Maiden Flight of the Spitfire

March 5, 1936

Joseph von Fraunhofer's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.72 kB)

Joseph von Fraunhofer's Birthday

March 6, 1787

Selma to Montgomery march for equality.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.75 kB)

Selma-to-Montgomery Freedom March

March 7, 1965

Voyager Discovers Active Volcanoes on Io.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.75 kB)

Voyager Discovers Active Volcanoes on Io

March 8, 1979

Alexander Bell Utters "Watson - come here..."  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.84 kB)

Alexander Bell Utters "Watson - come here..."

March 10, 1876

1st Meeting of the Audio Engineering Society.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.76 kB)

1st Meeting of the Audio Engineering Society

March 11, 1948

Gustav Kirchhoff born. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.49 kB)

Gustav Kirchhoff's Birthday

March 12, 1824

Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.05 kB)

Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus

March 13, 1781

Pi Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.38 kB)

International Pi (π) Day

March 14 (at 1:59:26 o'clock - 3.1415926)

1st .com Web Address Assigned. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

Beware the Ides of March. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.48 kB)

Beware the Ides of March

March 15

Georg Simon Ohm's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.93 kB)

Georg Simon Ohm's Birthday

March 16, 1789

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.83 kB)

St. Patrick's Day

March 17

Happy Birthday Rudolf Diesel! Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.10 kB)

Happy Birthday Rudolf Diesel!

March 18, 1858

The swallows return to San Juan Capistrano.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.59 kB)

Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano

March 19

Einstein Publishes General Theory of Relativity.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.75 kB)

Einstein Publishes General Theory of Relativity

March 20, 1916

Vernal Equinox.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.22 kB)

Vernal Equinox (1st day of spring)

Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier born. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.44 kB)

Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier's Birthday

March 21, 1768

Robert Millikan's Birthday. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.38 kB)

Robert Millikan's Birthday

March 22, 1868

Happy Birthday Wernher von Braun! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.51 kB)

Happy Birthday Wernher von Braun

March 23, 1912

Happy Birthday Fleeming Jenkin! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.87 kB)

Happy Birthday Fleeming Jenkin

March 25, 1833

Wilhelm Röntgen's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.03 kB)

Wilhelm Röntgen's Birthday

March 27, 1845

1st Recorded Sighting of Halley's Comet - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.72 kB)

1st Recorded Sighting of Halley's Comet

March 30, 239 BC

Happy Birthday René Descartes! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.21 kB)

Happy Birthday René Descartes!

March 31, 1596

Happy Easter!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.02 kB)

Happy Easter

March-April (variable)


April Fool's Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.61 kB)

April Fool's Day

April 1

2001: A space Odyssey Premiered.  Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.47 kB)

2001: A space Odyssey Premiered

April 2, 1968

World's first cellphone call placed. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.90 kB)

World's First Cellphone Call Made

on a Motorola DynaTAC

April 3, 1973

Orwell's 1984... Day 1 - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.71 kB)

Orwell's 1984... Day 1

April 4, 1984

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Herr Fokker! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Herr Fokker!

April 6, 1890

Heike Onnes Discovered Superconductivity - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Heike Onnes Discovered Superconductivity

April 8, 1911

James McDonnell's Birthday - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.13 kB)

James Smith McDonnell's Birthday

April 9, 1899

U.S. Patent Systems Began - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.13 kB)

U.S. Patent Systems Began

April 10, 1790

1st Flight of the Space Shuttle.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.03 kB)

1st Flight of the Space Shuttle - Columbia

April 12, 1981

Sir Robert Watson-Watt, "Father of Radar," Born.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.08 kB)

Sir Robert Watson-Watt, "Father of Radar," Born.

April 13, 1892

The Sinking of the RMS Titanic.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.08 kB)

The Sinking of the RMS Titanic

April 14, 1912

The Tax Man Cometh!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.16 kB)

Tax Day in the U.S.A.

April 15

Harriet Quimby Crosses the English Channel Solo - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.77 kB)

Harriet Quimby Crosses the English Channel Solo

April 16, 1912

Ford Introduced the Mustang - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.50 kB)

Ford Introduced the Mustang

April 17, 1964

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.94 kB)

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

April 18, 1775

Happy Birthday, Melanie! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.70 kB)

Happy Birthday, Melanie!

April 19, 19-something

Happy Birthday to Jean-Baptiste Biot (Biot-Savart Law)!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.00 kB)

Happy Birthday Jean-Baptiste Biot (Biot-Savart Law)

April 21, 1774

Happy Birthday Robert Oppenheimer! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.74 kB)

Happy Birthday Robert Oppenheimer!

April 22, 1904

Happy Birthday Max Planck! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.80 kB)

Happy Birthday Max Planck!

April 23, 1858

Edison General Electric Company Founded - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.06 kB)

Edison General Electric Company Founded

April 24, 1889

Happy Birthday to Guglielmo Marconi!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.29 kB)

Happy Birthday Guglielmo Marconi

April 25, 1874

Happy Birthday Charles Richter! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.62 kB)

Charles Richter Birthday

April 26, 1900

Happy Birthday Samuel Morse! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.89 kB)

Samuel Morse's Birthday

April 27, 1791

"Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" -  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.68 kB)

"Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" Published

April 28, 1686

Happy Birthday Philip H. Smith! -  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.59 kB)

Happy Birthday Philip H. Smith

April 29, 1905

Happy Birthday to Happy Birthday Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.35 kB)

Happy Birthday Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

April 30, 1777


Ford Adopted 40-Hour Work Week. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.56 kB)

Ford Adopted 40-Hour Work Week

May 1, 1926

1st Trans-Atlantic TV Broadcast by Early Bird Satellite. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.56 kB)

 1st Trans-Atlantic TV Broadcast by Early Bird Satellite

May 2, 1965

Alan Shepard became 1st American in Space. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.56 kB)

Alan Shepard became 1st American in Space

May 5, 1961

Hindenburg Disaster. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.56 kB)

Hindenburg Disaster

May 6, 1937

V-E Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.22 kB)

V-E Day (Victory in Europe)

May 8, 1945

1st Time a Laser Beam Was Bounced off the Moon. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.95 kB)

1st Time a Laser Beam Was Bounced off the Moon

May 9, 1962

1st Public Demo of VisiCalc. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.93 kB)

1st Public Demo of VisiCalc

May 11, 1979

NORAD Was Established. Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.13 kB)

NORAD Was Established

May 12, 1958

American Institute of Electrical Engineers Founded - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.12 kB)

American Institute of Electrical Engineers Founded

May 13, 1884

Happy Birthday to Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.82 kB)

Happy Birthday Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit

May 14, 1687

Happy Mother's Day! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.85 kB)

Mother's Day

2nd Sunday in May

Peace Officers Memorial Day - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.83 kB)

Peace Officers Memorial Day

May 15

Happy Birthday to Oliver Heaviside!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.39 kB)

Happy Birthday Oliver Heaviside

May 18, 1850

Happy Birthday to Johns Hopkins!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.40 kB)

Happy Birthday Johns Hopkins

May 19, 1795

Happy Birthday to William "Bill" Hewlett!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.40 kB)

Happy Birthday William "Bill" Hewlett

May 20, 1913

Charles Lindbergh Lands in Paris.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.05 kB)

Charles Lindbergh Lands in Paris

May 21, 1927

John Bardeen born on this date. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.28 kB)

John Bardeen Born

May 23, 1908

Happy Birthday William Gilbert! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.19 kB)

Happy Birthday William Gilbert!

May 24, 1544

Happy Birthday Sally Ride! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.37 kB)

Happy Birthday Sally Ride!

May 26, 1951

1st Transatlantic Flight - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.96 kB)

1st Transatlantic Flight

May 27, 1919

Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter on TIME Cover - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.34 kB)

Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter

on Saturday Evening Post Cover

May 29, 1943

U.S. Copyright Law Passed - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.73 kB)

U.S. Copyright Law Passed

May 31, 1790

Memorial Day - Remember Our Fallen Servicemen!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.61 kB)

Memorial Day - Remember Our Fallen Servicemen!

Last Monday in May


Happy Birthday Nicholas Léonard Sadi Carnot! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.38 kB)

Happy Birthday Nicholas Léonard Sadi Carnot!

June 1, 1796

Robert Morris Page born on this date. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.05 kB)

Robert Morris Page Born

June 2, 1903

Edwin White 1st American to Walk in Space.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.98 kB)

Edwin White 1st American to Walk in Space

June 3, 1965

1st Public Hot Air Balloon Flight.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.29 kB)

1st Public Hot Air Balloon Flight

June 4, 1783

D-Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.00 kB)


June 6, 1944

Jacques-Arsène d' Arsonval born on this date. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.13 kB)

Jacques-Arsène d' Arsonval Born

June 8, 1851

First time SOS distress signal was used. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.36 kB)

First time SOS distress signal was used

June 10, 1909

Happy Birthday Charles Fabry! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.65 kB)

Happy Birthday Maurice Paul Auguste Charles Fabry!

June 11, 1867

Baseball Hall of Fame Dedication - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.82 kB)

Baseball Hall of Fame Dedication

June 12, 1939

Happy Birthday James Clerk Maxwell! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Happy Birthday James Clerk Maxwell!

June 13, 1831

Flag Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.40 kB)

Flag Day

June 14

Happy Birthday Charles-Augustin de Coulomb! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.75 kB)

Happy Birthday Charles-Augustin de Coulomb!

June 14, 1736

Radio Bloemendaal Becomes The Netherland's 1st Radio Station - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.05 kB)

Radio Bloemendaal Becomes

The Netherland's 1st Radio Station

June 15, 1924

1st Model A Ford Produced - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.05 kB)

1st Model A Ford Produced

June 16, 1903

Statue of Liberty Arrived in NY - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.66 kB)

Statue of Liberty Arrived in NY

June 17, 1885

Happy Father's Day! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.21 kB)

Happy Father's Day

3rd Sunday in June

Dr. Sally Became 1st U.S. Woman in Space - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Dr. Sally Became 1st U.S. Woman in Space

June 18, 1983

Happy Birthday Blaise Pascal!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.89 kB)

Happy Birthday Blaise Pascal!

June 19, 1623

U.S. Army Air Force Established - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.82 kB)

U.S. Army Air Force Established

June 20, 1935

Summer Solstice.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

Summer Solstice.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.50 kB)

Summer Solstice (1st day of summer)

2009  June 21 05:45 UTC

2010  June 21 11:28 UTC

2011  June 21 17:16 UTC

2012  June 20 23:09 UTC

2013  June 21 05:04 UTC

2014  June 21 10:51 UTC

2015  June 21 16:38 UTC

Happy Birthday to Siméon-Denis Poisson. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.54 kB)

Siméon-Denis Poisson Born

June 21, 1781

Greenwich Royal Observatory Established - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.87 kB)

Greenwich Royal Observatory Established

June 22, 1675

Happy Birthday Wilhelm Cauer! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.54 kB)

Happy Birthday Wilhelm Cauer!

June 24, 1900

1st Color TV Broadcast - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.30 kB)

1st Color TV Broadcast

June 25, 1951

Happy Birthday Lord Kelvin!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.89 kB)

Lord Kelvin Born Today

June 26, 1824

Happy Birthday to Augustus De Morgan. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.61 kB)

Augustus De Morgan Born

June 27, 1806

Treaty of Versailles. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.38 kB)

Treaty of Versailles Signed

June 28, 1919

George Ellery Hale Born Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.19 kB)

George Ellery Hale Born Today

June 29, 1868

Special Relativity Published - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.02 kB)

Special Relativity Theory Published

June 30, 1905

RF Cafe
RF Cafe - Extensive resource for science and engineering.
RF Cafe - An extensive resource for RF, wireless, and all aspects of science and engineering.
RF Cafe - RF Cafe is a unique portal of RF, microwave, wireless, and other engineering resources. Vast collection of equations, references and conversions for electrical, mechanical, physical, and mathematical fields. Links for vendors, app notes, test notes, ham radio, magazines, books, active forums, patent and communications standards, technical crossword puzzles, quizzes, and much more.

RF Cafe - RF Cafe is a unique portal for RF and microwave engineering resources. There you will find a vast collection of original content with definitions, equations, references and conversions that cover electrical, mechanical, physical, chemical and mathematical fields. Many interactive calculators are available for everything from filters to voltage dividers. In addition, you will find extensive links to other websites for vendor parts, application notes, test notes, amateur radio information, technical magazines and books, patent and communications standards, and much more.

What makes RF Cafe so attractive is the daily headlines, the daily historical events list, and even technology-themed crossword puzzles that you will find nowhere else. The Factoids are always an interesting read, no matter what the subject (always relevant), and some of the Notable Quotes are hilarious. There is always a plethora of new material added, and is highlighted in the Recent Additions list. Even occasional humor items are thrown in to add some levity to the workday.

For the job seeker or the employer seeking applicants, the RF Cafe Jobs page provides a very focused, popular and professional venue for posting and searching resumes.

Kirt Blattenberger is a degreed RF engineer who runs RF Cafe with a degree of passion not apparent in the other top “professional” websites. Many people have been surprised to learn that RF Cafe is not maintained with a full staff of editors and web designers, but it is not.


Happy Canada Day! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.70 kB)

Canada Day

July 1

Happy Birthday William Bragg! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.82 kB)

Happy Birthday William Bragg!

July 2, 1862

The Dog Days of Summer. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.73 kB)

The Dog Days of Summer Begin

July 3 to August 11

Happy 4th of July - Independence Day!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.73 kB)

Independence Day

July 4, 1776

Happy Birthday William John Macquorn Rankine! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.46 kB)

Happy Birthday William John Macquorn Rankine!

July 5, 1820

Solar Challenger Crosses the English Channel. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.78 kB)

Solar Challenger Crosses the English Channel

July 7, 1981

UFOs 1st Reported over Roswell, NM.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.17 kB)

UFOs 1st Reported over Roswell, NM

July 8, 1947

Nikola Tesla Born Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.63 kB)

Nikola Tesla Born Today

July 9, 1856

EADS was formed. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.17 kB)

European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS)

was Formed

July 10, 2000

1st Translantic TV Signal Transmitted via Telstar.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.60 kB)

1st Transatlantic TV Signal Transmitted via Telstar

July 11, 1962

Happy Birthday Buckminster Fuller! -  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.49 kB)

Happy Birthday Buckminster Fuller!

July 12, 1895

Ernõ Rubik Born Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.20 kB)

Ernõ Rubik was Born Today

July 13, 1944

Sarah E. Goode 1st Black Woman Awarded Patent - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.18 kB)

Sarah E. Goode 1st Black Woman Awarded Patent

July 14, 1885

Pavel Cherenkov was born. - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.17 kB)

Pavel Cherenkov was Born

July 15, 1904

The Day of Trinity. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.59 kB)

The Day of Trinity

July 16, 1945

Apollo-Soyuz Rondezvous.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.05 kB)

Apollo-Soyuz Rondezvous

July 17, 1975

Intel Incorporated Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.45 kB)

Intel Incorporated Today

July 18, 1968

Apollo 11 Landed on the Moon! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.25 kB)

Apollo 11 Landed on the Moon!

July 20, 1969

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Born Today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.46 kB)

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Born Today

July 22, 1784

Happy Birthday Walter Schottky! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.56 kB)

Happy Birthday Walter Schottky!

July 23, 1886

Happy Birthday Amelia Earhart!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.13 kB)

Happy Birthday Amelia Earhart!

July 24, 1897

1st Geosynchronous Satellite - Syncom 2 - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.39 kB)

1st Geosynchronous Satellite - Syncom 2

July 26, 1963

Trans-Alaska Pipeline Loaded 1st Oil onto Tanker - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.61 kB)

Trans-Alaska Pipeline Loaded 1st Oil onto Tanker

July 28, 1977

NASA Created by an Act of Congress.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.55 kB)

NASA Created by an Act of Congress

July 29, 1958

Happy Birthday Vladimir Zworykin! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.91 kB)

Happy Birthday Vladimir Kosma Zworykin!

July 30, 1889

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.33 kB)

Samuel Hopkins Awarded 1st U.S. Patent

July 31, 1790


1st Official Metre Defined - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.23 kB)

1st Official Metre Defined

August 1, 1793

Happy Birthday Elisha Gray! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Happy Birthday Elisha Gray!

August 2, 1835

Radio Shack's TRS-80 Computer Announced - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.10 kB)

Radio Shack's TRS-80 Computer Announced

August 3, 1977

U.S. Coast Guard was Established - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.82 kB)

U.S. Coast Guard was Established

August 4, 1790

Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.21 kB)

Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!

August 5, 1930

1st WWW Site Published - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.44 kB)

Tim Berners-Lee Published the 1st WWW Site

August 6, 1991

Guadalcanal Campaign Launched - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.30 kB)

Guadalcanal Campaign Launched

August 7, 1942

Happy Birthday, Paul Dirac! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.89 kB)

Paul Dirac (Dirac Delta Function) Was Born

August 8, 1902

Happy Birthday Amedeo Avogadro! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.15 kB)

Happy Birthday Amedeo Avogadro!

August 9, 1776

Happy Birthday Leo Fender! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.02 kB)

Happy Birthday Leo Fender!

August 10, 1981

The IBM PC Was Introduced to the World - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.15 kB)

The IBM PC Was Introduced to the World

August 12, 1981

Happy Birthday Anders Ångström! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Happy Birthday Anders Ångström!

August 13, 1814

The Code Talkers. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.66 kB)

National Code Talker's Day

August 14

Hugo Gernsback, born August 16, 1884 - RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.52 kB)

Hugo Gernsback's Birthday

August 14

Sony Released Its 1st Music CD-ROM - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.84 kB)

Sony Released Its 1st Music CD-ROM

August 17, 1982

Happy Birthday Brook Taylor! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.65 kB)

Happy Birthday Brook Taylor!

August 18, 1685

Happy Birthday Philo T. Farnsworth! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Happy Birthday Philo T. Farnsworth!

August 19, 1906

Hawaii Became the 50th State - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.20 kB)

Hawaii Became the 50th State

August 21, 1958

1st Victrola Went on Sale - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.07 kB)

1st Victrola Went on Sale

August 22, 1906

Gossamer Condor Wins Kremer Prize - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.86 kB)

Gossamer Condor Wins Kremer Prize

August 23, 1977

France Detonated Its 1st Thermonuclear Bomb - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.08 kB)

France Detonated Its 1st Thermonuclear Bomb

August 24, 1968

Happy Birthday Joshua Lionel Cowen! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.87 kB)

Happy Birthday Joshua Lionel Cowen!

August 25, 1880

Happy Birthday Lee De Forest! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.15 kB)

Happy Birthday Lee De Forest!

August 26, 1873

1st Edition of Scientific American Published - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.67 kB)

1st Edition of Scientific American Published

August 28, 1845

Happy Birthday Ernest Rutherford! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.65 kB)

Happy Birthday Ernest Rutherford!

August 30, 1871

Happy Birthday Hermann Von Helmholtz! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.90 kB)

Happy Birthday Hermann Von Helmholtz!

August 31, 1821


Pioneer 11 Reaches Saturn - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.79 kB)

Pioneer 11 Reaches Saturn

September 1, 1979

Happy Birthday Hiram Percy Maxim! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.80 kB)

Happy Birthday Hiram Percy Maxim!

September 2, 1869

1st Color Photos of Mars Taken by Viking Lander 2 - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.09 kB)

1st Color Photos of Mars Taken by Viking Lander 2

September 3, 1976

Happy Birthday John Dalton! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.63 kB)

Happy Birthday John Dalton!

September 6, 1803

Happy Birthday David Packard! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.76 kB)

Happy Birthday David Packard!

September 7, 1912

Star Trek Debuted on NBC! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.74 kB)

Star Trek Debuted on NBC!

September 8, 1966

1st Computer Bug Discovered! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.07 kB)

1st Computer Bug Discovered!

September 9, 1945

Happy Birthday Arthur Compton! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.59 kB)

Happy Birthday Arthur Compton!

September 10, 1892

9-11 Heroes Medal of Valor. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.60 kB)

9-11 Heroes Medal of Valor

September 11, 2001

Jack Kilby Builds World's 1st IC - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.80 kB)

Jack Kilby Builds World's 1st IC

September 12, 1958

Charles de Cisternay DuFay Born Today - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Charles de Cisternay DuFay Born Today

September 14, 1698

RCA Introduces the 12AX7 Tube - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.14 kB)

RCA Introduces the 12AX7 Tube

September 15, 1947

Billy Durant Incorporated General Motors - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.91 kB)

Billy Durant Incorporated General Motors

September 16, 1908

Space Shuttle Enterprise Debuts - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.14 kB)

Space Shuttle Enterprise Debuts

September 17, 1976

The U.S. Army Army Force became the U.S. Air Force - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.49 kB)

The U.S. Army Army Force became

the U.S. Air Force

September 18, 1947

1st Smiley Face Appeared on a Bulletin Board - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.04 kB)

1st Smiley Face Appeared on a Bulletin Board

September 19, 1982

World's 1st Radio Newscast at KDKA - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.53 kB)

World's 1st Radio Newscast at KDKA

September 20, 1921

Autumnal Equinox. Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.81 kB)

Autumnal Equinox. Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.69 kB)

Autumnal Equinox (1st day of Autumn/Fall)

TI Introduced the DATAMATH Series of Calculators - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.75 kB)

TI Introduced the DATAMATH Series of Calculators

September 22, 1972

Robert Bosch Born Today - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.99 kB)

Robert Bosch Born Today

September 23, 1861

USS Enterprise - World's 1st Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier Launched - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.77 kB)

USS Enterprise - World's 1st Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier Launched

September 24, 1960

Collins Radio Company Incorporated - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.58 kB)

Collins Radio Company Incorporated

September 25, 1933

Happy Birthday Seymour Cray! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.91 kB)

Happy Birthday Seymour Cray!

September 28, 1925

Happy Birthday Enrico Fermi! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.54 kB)

Happy Birthday Enrico Fermi!

September 29, 1901

Johannes (Hans) Wilhelm Geiger Born Today - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.58 kB)

Johannes (Hans) Wilhelm Geiger Born Today

September 30, 1882


1st Ford Model T Built - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.43 kB)

1st Ford Model T Built

October 1, 1908

Happy Birthday Peanuts!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.18 kB)

Happy Birthday Peanuts!

October 2, 1950

Transistor Patented by Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.85 kB)

Transistor Patented by

Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain

October 3, 1950

Sputnik. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.03 kB)

Sputnik Launched - The Space Age Begins

October 4, 1957

Happy Birthday Robert Goddard! - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.85 kB)

Happy Birthday Robert Goddard!

October 5, 1882

George Westinghouse Born Today - Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.50 kB)

George Westinghouse Born Today

October 6, 1846

Neils Bohr Born Today. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.57 kB)

Neils Bohr Born Today

October 7, 1885

Erie Canal Inaugurated. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.17 kB)

Erie Canal Inaugurated

October 8, 1823

U.S. Naval Academy Opened. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.40 kB)

U.S. Naval Academy Opened

October 10, 1845

Kathryn Sullivan Became 1st U.S. Woman Spacewalker. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.60 kB)

Kathryn Sullivan Became 1st U.S. Woman Spacewalker

October 11, 1984

Columbus Day. Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.36 kB)

Columbus Day

2nd Monday in October

1st Cellular Service Launched.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.78 kB)

1st Cellular Service Launched

October 13, 1983

Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.13 kB)

Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier

October 14, 1947

Buon Compleanno, Evangelista Torricelli!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.63 kB)

Buon Compleanno, Evangelista Torricelli!

October 15, 1608

Radio Corporation of America Established.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.38 kB)

Radio Corporation of America Established

October 17, 1919

British Broadcasting Company Formed.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.96 kB)

British Broadcasting Company Formed

October 18, 1922

1st Commercial Wind Power at Grandpa's Knob, VT.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.10 kB)

1st Commercial Wind Power at Grandpa's Knob, VT

October 19, 1941

Alfred Nobel born today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.85 kB)

Alfred Nobel Born

October 21, 1833

Princeton (College of NJ) Received Its Charter.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.15 kB)

Princeton (College of NJ) Received Its Charter

October 22, 1746

Today is Mole Day - 6.02 x10^23.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.92 kB)

Mole Day - 6:02 am to 6:02 pm on 10/23

October 23

Bulova Accutron 214 Introduced. Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (1.94 kB)

Bulova Accutron 214 Introduced - 1st Electronic Watch

October 25, 1960

Maiden flight of the P-51 Mustang.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.29 kB)

Maiden flight of the P-51 Mustang

October 26, 1940

KDKA Assigned Its Call Letters.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.15 kB)

KDKA Assigned Its Call Letters

October 27, 1940

Statue of Liberty (a gift from France) Was Dedicated.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.59 kB)

Statue of Liberty (a gift from France) Was Dedicated

October 28, 1886

The first mesage via ARPANET was supposed to be "LOGIN," but it crashed after just the "L" and the "O."  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.92 kB)

1st Message Sent via the ARPANET

October 29, 1969

"The War of the Worlds" was broadcast.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.92 kB)

"The War of the Worlds" was broadcast.

October 30, 1938

Narinder Singh Kapany Born - "Father of Fiber Optics" -  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.91 kB)

Narinder Singh Kapany Born

"Father of Fiber Optics"

October 31, 1927


Don't forget to reset you clock for Daylight Saving Time.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.03 kB)

Daylight Saving Time

Begins 2nd Sunday in March

Ends 1st Sunday in November

1st Hydrogen Bomb Detonated.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.55 kB)

1st Hydrogen Bomb Detonated

November 1, 1952

Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose makes it's 1st and only flight.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.30 kB)

Spruce Goose's 1st and only flight

November 2, 1947

Happy Birthday Daniel Rutherford!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.30 kB)

Happy Birthday Daniel Rutherford!

November 3, 1749

Happy Birthday Benjamin F. Goodrich!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.13 kB)

Happy Birthday Benjamin F. Goodrich!

November 4, 1841

1st engineering college in U.S. - Rensselaer (RPI).  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.81 kB)

1st engineering college in U.S. - Rensselaer (RPI)

November 5, 1824

Happy Birthday Marie Curie!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.91 kB)

Happy Birthday Marie Curie!

November 7, 1867

Happy Birthday Edmond Halley!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.30 kB)

Happy Birthday Edmond Halley!

November 8, 1656

Happy Birthday Carl Sagan!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.95 kB)

Happy Birthday Carl Sagan!

November 9, 1934

United States Marine Corps Established.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.14 kB)

United States Marine Corps Established

November 10, 1775

Veteran's Day - Honoring All Who Served.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.79 kB)

Veteran's Day - Honoring All Who Served

November 11

Happy Birthday Leo Baekeland!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.66 kB)

Happy Birthday Leo Baekeland

November 14, 1863

Intel Introduced the 4004 Microprocessor.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.85 kB)

Intel Introduced the 4004 Microprocessor

November 15, 1971

SETI's Arecibo Message Sent.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.89 kB)

SETI's Arecibo Message Sent

November 16, 1974

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag August Möbius August Möbius.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.78 kB)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag August Möbius

November 17, 1790

Happy Birthday Alan Shepard.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.39 kB)

Happy Birthday Alan Shepard

November 18, 1923

Happy Birthday Eileen Collins!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.70 kB)

Happy Birthday Eileen Collins!

November 21, 1956

Microsoft Windows 1.0 Released.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.12 kB)

Microsoft Windows 1.0 Released

November 20, 1985

1st Untethered Manned Hot Air Balloon Flight.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.65 kB)

1st Untethered Manned Hot Air Balloon Flight

November 21, 1783

B2 Stealth Bomber Unveiled.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.13 kB)

B2 Stealth Bomber Unveiled

November 22, 1988

John Wallis - Mr. Infinity - born today.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.90 kB)

John Wallis - Mr. Infinity - born today

November 23, 1616

First Ad Appeared for a Wireless Telegraph Set.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.05 kB)

First Ad Appeared for a Wireless Telegraph Set

November 25, 1905

Happy Thanksgiving!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.36 kB)

Happy Thanksgiving

4th Thursday in November

Happy Birthday Konosuke Matsushita!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.29 kB)

Happy Birthday Konosuke Matsushita!

November 27, 1894

Happy Birthday Christian Doppler!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.61 kB)

Happy Birthday Christian Doppler!

November 29, 1803

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.46 kB)


25th day of Kislev (late November to December)


Happy Birthday Martin Heinrich Klaproth.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.32 kB)

Happy Birthday Martin Heinrich Klaproth

December 1, 1743

1st Sustained Fission Reaction.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.85 kB)

1st Sustained Fission Reaction at Univ. of Chicago

December 2, 1942

Happy Birthday John Backus!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.35 kB)

Happy Birthday John Backus!

December 3, 1924

Happy Birthday Clyde Cessna!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.14 kB)

Happy Birthday Clyde Vernon Cessna!

December 5, 1879

Pearl Harbor Day.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.75 kB)

Pearl Harbor Day

December 7, 1941

Coaxial Cable Patent Day.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.66 kB)

Coaxial Cable Patent Day

December 8, 1931

Happy Birthday Grace Hopper!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.76 kB)

Happy Birthday Grace Hopper!

December 9, 1906

Happy Birthday Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.17 kB)

Happy Birthday Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi!

December 10, 1804

Happy Birthday Sir David Brewster!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.32 kB)

Happy Birthday Sir David Brewster!

December 11, 1781

Marconi sent 1st transatlantic radio message: dit, dit, dit.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.66 kB)

Marconi sent 1st transatlantic radio message

dit, dit, dit (•••, the letter "s")

December 12, 1901

Happy Birthday Ernst Werner von Siemens.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.57 kB)

Happy Birthday Ernst Werner von Siemens

December 13, 1816

Happy Birthday Tycho Brahe.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.54 kB)

Happy Birthday Tycho Brahe!

December 14, 1546

Happy Birthday Gustav Eiffel!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.07 kB)

Happy Birthday Gustav Eiffel!

December 15, 1832

World's 1st Transistor Invented.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.03 kB)

World's 1st Transistor Invented

December 16, 1947

Battle of the Bulge.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (4.03 kB)

Battle of the Bulge

December 16, 1944

Anniversary of Powered Flight - the Wright Brothers.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.70 kB)

Anniversary of Powered Flight

December 17, 1903

Edwin Armstrong - Invented frequency modulation, superheterodyne & regenerative receivers.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.78 kB)

Happy Birthday Edwin Armstrong!

Born December 18, 1890

SCORE Satellite Launched.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.36 kB)

SCORE Satellite Launched

December 19, 1958

Robert Van de Graaff.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.28 kB)

Robert Van de Graaff

Born December 20, 1901

Winter Solstice.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (3.41 kB)

Winter Solstice (1st day of winter)

SR-71 Blackbird Maiden Flight.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.96 kB)

SR-71 Blackbird Maiden Flight

December 22, 1964

1st Manned Orbit of the Moon by Apollo 8.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.43 kB)

1st Manned Orbit of the Moon by Apollo 8

December 23, 1968

Happy Birthday James Joule!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.61 kB)

Happy Birthday James Joule!

Born December 24, 1818Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! веселое рождество! Καλά Χριστούγεννα! メリークリスマス! 圣诞快乐! عيد ميلاد سعيد!   Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.67 kB)

Merry Christmas!  Joyeux Noël!

Frohe Weihnachten!  Buon Natale!  Feliz Navidad!

веселое рождество!  Καλά Χριστούγεννα!;!

メリークリスマス!  圣诞快乐!  عيد ميلاد سعيد!

December 25

Happy Birthday Charles Babbage!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.73 kB)

Happy Birthday Charles Babbage!

Born December 26, 1791

Happy Birthday Clemens Winkler! Click here to return to the RF Cafe homepage.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.38 kB)

Happy Birthday Clemens Winkler!

December 26, 1838

Happy Birthday Johannes Kepler!  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.88 kB)

Happy Birthday Johannes Kepler!

Born December 27, 1571

Admiral Sold the 1st Color Television Set.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.51 kB)

Admiral Sold the 1st Color Television Set

Born December 30, 1953

Last Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.  Please click here to visit RF Cafe.

50 x 150 pixel graphic  (2.12 kB)

Last Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip

December 31, 1995

Many of these logos commemorate people, places, and companies. My intention is to pay tribute to the significance of each. Images have been gathered from all over the Internet; ownership, copyright, legal right to use, etc., are all acknowledged when possible, and are in no way meant to imply any affiliation between RF Cafe and the entity being referenced. If you object to the use of an image and are the legal owner, please let me know and I will be glad to remove it.

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DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

dB Control dB-9006 Magnum Opus Synthesizer - RF Cafe