I have searched the Web for the most relevant engineering and technology libraries and placed links to them here
on RF Cafe for your convenience. If you have any to add, please
e-mail them to me.
Air Force Laboratory Technical Research Library afrl.af.mil/wrslibrary 937-255-5511 /
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH The AFRL Technical Library is here to help YOU, the scientists, engineers, managers
and support staffs of AFRL at Wright-Patterson AFB. We provide superior research and information so that you can
support our warfighters today, and in the future.
Ambrose Monell Engineering Library columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/eng/index.html 212-854-2976
/ New York, NY Engineering Library at Columbia University.
Barker Engineering Library libraries.mit.edu/barker 617-253-5663 / Cambridge, MA Provides
information to serve the teaching and research needs of the School of Engineering and all other instructional and
research programs of the Institute that require materials in the engineering disciplines, at MIT.
Charles L. Brown Science & Engineering Library library.virginia.edu/libraries/#science
434-924-3021 / Charlottesville, VA At the University of Virginia.
Cornell University Engineering Library englib.cornell.edu The Engineering Library advances
the creation, dissemination, and application of engineering and related knowledge by connecting learners and researchers
with records of scholarship and a hospitable environment for intellectual discovery and collaboration.
Data Conversion Laboratory Technical Library dclab.com/dcllibrary.asp 718-357-8700 / Fresh
Meadows, NY A collection of resources about data conversion and related topics-- from past issues of DCL news,
various papers and presentations from DCL, and materials available in other places.
Digital Engineering Library digitalengineeringlibrary.com Provides the engineering community
with authoritative and up-to-date references by offering a selection of more than 4,000 engineering articles.
Engineering Library lib.washington.edu/engineering 206-543-0740 / Seattle, WA At the
University of Washington.
Feldberg Business & Engineering Library dartmouth.edu/~feldberg/common/index.php 603-646-2191
/ Hanover, NH Serves the research, instructional, and general information needs of the Tuck School of Business
and the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College.
Floyd L. Thompson Technical Library library.larc.nasa.gov/Public Provides high-quality
information services to Langley Research Center engineers, scientists, managers and other personnel in support of
NASA's missions, programs, and projects.
Goddard Space Flight Center Library library.gsfc.nasa.gov/public 301-286-7218 / Greenbelt,
MD In support of NASA and Goddard missions, the libraries maintain and provide access to information from a variety
of print and electronic books, journals, and technical publications as well as a number of databases and other online
resources. These information collections concentrate on aerospace, space sciences, earth sciences, remote sensing,
engineering, instrumentation and project management.
Grainger Engineering Library web.library.uiuc.edu/grainger 217-333-3576 / Urbana, IL
Engineering library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Hanford Technical Library (HTL) libraryweb.pnl.gov 509-372-7430 /Richland, WA A research
and technical library, operated by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, with resources unique to southeastern
Washington and the Pacific Northwest.
Idaho National Laboratory Technical Library inl.gov/library 208-526-4828 Provides information
services to INL scientists, engineers, managers, support personnel, consultants, subcontractors, and other Government
affiliated organizations.
Kresge Engineering Library lib.berkeley.edu/ENGI 510-642-3366 / Berkeley, CA Engineering
library at the University of California.
Kurt F. Wendt Library wisc.edu/wendt 608-262-3493 / Madison, WI Serves the University
of Wisconsin-Madison's College of Engineering, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Department of Computer
Sciences, and Department of Statistics.
Physical Sciences & Engineering Library lib.ucdavis.edu/dept/pse 530-752-0540 / Davis,
CA The main emphasis of the collection is Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Atmospheric Science, Physics, Astronomy &
Astrophysics and Transportation. The collection supports faculty and student research in a broad range of engineering
and physical sciences subjects, at The University of California, Davis.
Library of Princeton University blogs.princeton.edu/englib Personally recommended by Albert
Region 8 Technical Library epa.gov/unix0008/library 303-312-6312 / Denver, CO Provides
technical information to support the work of EPA Region 8 staff, and to provide the public with environmental information
Richard W. McKinney Engineering Library lib.utexas.edu/engin 512-495-4511 / Austin, TX
The fields of architectural, biomedical, civil, electrical and computer, environmental, geotechnical, mechanical,
petroleum, and aerospace engineering are covered extensively through the collection of over 165,000 volumes which
includes over 1800 current serial subscriptions.
Sandia National Laboratories infoserve.library.sandia.gov Technical Library - supports
access to published information and Sandia records. We provide access to: collection of 65,000 books, 2,200+ journals,
a significant portion of which are available electronically at the customers desktop, all SAND Reports (unclassified/unlimited)
with those from 1988 to present are available in digital form, 250,000 hardcopy reports, more than 650,000 Sandia
informal documents, such as correspondence, memorandum, test reports, etc.
Science & Engineering Library ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel 716-645-2944 /
Buffalo, NY At the University at Buffalo, State University of NY.
Science and Engineering Library library.ucla.edu/libraries/sel 310-825-3398 / Los Angeles,
CA An individual library of the UCLA Library at the University of California.
Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science and Engineering library.northwestern.edu/sel 847-491-7658
/ Evanston, IL Science & Engineering library at Northwester University.
Siegesmund Engineering Library lib.purdue.edu/engr 765-494-4600 / West Lafayette, IN
At Purdue University.
Stanford University Engineering Library library.stanford.edu/depts/eng 650-723-2300 /
Stanford, CA Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) develops and implements
resources and services within the University libraries and academic technology units that support research and instruction.
State Technical Library stk.cz/en +420 221 663 111 / Prague 1, Czech Republic A scientific
and technical library open to the public, located on the premises of Klementinum in the Mariánské náměstí in the
Old Town in Prague 1.
Stevenson Science and Engineering Library library.vanderbilt.edu/science 615-322-2775
/ Nashville TN Science & Engineering library at Vanderbilt University.
TechLib.com techlib.com A technical library for the hobbyist and amateur scientist, by
Charles Wenzel.
Technical Document Centre (TDC) of the Standards Council of Canada scc.ca/en/programs/information/tdc.shtml
613-238-3222 / Canada Houses the country's most comprehensive and up-to-date standards collections and a number
of state-of-the-art bibliographic standards databases.
University of California San Diego scilib.ucsd.edu Science and Engineering Library.
Walter Library sciweb.lib.umn.edu 612-624-0224 / Minneapolis, MN The University of
Minnesota Science & Engineering Library.
Wenzel Associates, Inc wenzel.com/documents/library.html 512-835-2038 / Austin, TX
Technical library including Time and Frequency Related Files and other resources.