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Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Walter Ashe Radio Company
March 1954 Radio & Television News

March 1954 Radio & TV News
March 1954 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Trigger Alert: Don't look at this advertisement from a 1954 issue of Radio & Television News magazine if you are easily offended by what used to be an effective marketing technique, but is now considered too exploitative for use. The "Cancel Culture" mindset of today's easily offended (often agenda-driven) citizenry would likely work to have Walter Ashe driven out of business for such an ad. If you dare to peek at the advertisement - and I'm not recommending that you should if it might jeopardize your place in society, be sure to note the fire hydrant.

Walter Ashe Radio Company Ad

Walter Ashe Radio Company, March 1954 Radio & Television News - RF CafePuzzle Picture: Find the guy who just got a Walter Ashe "Surprise" Trade-In

It's not hard to spot the many bargain-conscious customers who have taken advantage of our "Surprise" Trade-In policy on used test and communication equipment. For deep down satisfaction and real money-saving, get your trade-in deal working today. Wire, write, phone or use the handy coupon below.

New Hallicrafters SX-71. Less speaker. Net $249.95

Collins 75A-3 with 3KC mechanical filter. Less speaker. Net $530.00

New Hallicrafters SX-88. Dual conversion, high selectivity. Less speaker. Net $595.00

Elmac AF-67 Trans-citer. VFO or crystal controlled. Phone or CW transmitter, ideal for home or for under-dash mobile operation. Complete with tubes. Net $177.00

Elmac Mobile Receiver. Dual conversion, 10 tubes, BFO, noise limiter, covers all amateur bands 10 though 160 meters plus BC band.

Model PMR-6A For 6 volts Net $134.50

Model PMR-12A For 12 volts Net $134.50

Johnson Viking II Transmitter Kit. Net $279.50

Johnson Viking II. Wired and Tested. Net $337.00

Millin Grid Dip Meter Model 90651. Net $61.50

All prices f. o. b. St. Louis • Phone CHestnut 1125

Free Catalog!

Walter Ashe Radio company

1125 Pine Street, St. Louis 1, Missouri

__ Rush "Surprise" Trade-In Offer on my ___________________________

for ________________________________________(Show make and model number of new equipment desired)

__ Send new Free 1954 Catalog.

Name _____________________

Address ____________________

City ____________________________ Zone ______________State __________



Posted February 17, 2021

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe
dB Control dB-9006 Magnum Opus Synthesizer - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe