The Walter Ashe Radio
Company, featured in this 1955 issue of Radio & Television News magazine,
was a British radio manufacturer that operated from the 1920s to the 1950s. The
company was founded by Walter Ashe, who was an engineer and inventor. In the early
days, the company produced crystal radios, which were simple radios that used a
piece of crystal to detect radio waves. However, the company quickly expanded its
product range to include valve radios, which were more advanced and offered better
sound quality. During World War II, the company produced radios for the British
armed forces, including the famous "Gibson Girl" portable radio, which was used
by soldiers in the field. After the war, the company continued to produce radios
for the civilian market, including the popular "Waverley" series of radios. In the
1950s, the company began to face increasing competition from foreign manufacturers,
and it struggled to keep up with the rapidly changing technology in the radio industry.
In 1958, the company was acquired by Ultra Radio and Television, and it eventually
ceased production. Despite its relatively short lifespan, the Walter Ashe Radio
Company played an important role in the history of British radio manufacturing.
The company's radios were well-regarded for their quality and performance, and they
helped to popularize radio as a form of entertainment in the early 20th century.
Today, vintage Walter Ashe radios are sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.
Walter Ashe Radio Company
"Submarine, heck! It's supposed to be an
Trade-ins are not always what they seem, either. That's why it will pay you,
as it has thousands of others, to rely on the one and only "Surprise" trade-in policy
popularized by Walter Ashe. For real satisfaction and money saving trade used (factory-built)
test or communication equipment today. Wire, write, phone or use the handy coupon.
Gonset "Super 6" Converter.
Model 3030-6. For 6 VDC.
Net $52.50.
Model 3030-12. For 12 VDC.
Net $52.50.
Elmac Mobile Receiver.
Dual conversion, 10 tubes, less power supply.
Model PMR-6A. For 6 volts.
Net $134.50.
Model PMR-12A. For 12 volts.
Net $134.50.
Elmac AF-67 Transciter.
Net $177.00.
Carter Genemotors, "B" power for mobile transmitters.
Model Input VDC
Output VDC
450AS 6 @ 29 A.
400 @ 250 MA
520AS 6 @ 28 A.
500 @ 200 MA
624VS 6 @ 46 A.
600 @ 240 MA
450BS 12 @ 13Y2 A. 400
@ 250 MA
520BS 12 @ 14 A. 500
@ 200 MA
Ecco 10 Meter Trans-Receiver
Designed for spot frequency use for emergency, CD, and net operation. Completely
self-contained including batteries. Transmitter uses 20 meter crystals. Fixed frequency
receiver has regenerative circuit. Base loaded 36" antenna. Carbon mike input. 1/2
watt input to final. With 5 tubes. Less mike, headphones, crystal, and batteries.
Model HT-2. Net $74.50.
Z-3 crystal (specify frequency)
Net $3.87.
Batteries (2-M30 "B", 1-2F "A")
Net $4.76.
All prices f. o. b. St. Louis • Phone CHestnut 1-1125
Free Catalog!
Walter Ashe Radio Company
1125 Pine Street, Sf. Louis 1, Missouri
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Name ______________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________ Zone __ State _____________
Posted March 14, 2023