April 1948 Radio News
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early
electronics. See articles from
Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby
Supreme Publications was another
of the more prominent publishers of electronic equipment service manuals back in
the middle of the last century.
Howard W.
Sams Photofact was of course the most well-known, but there were others
including this one and
Rider Service
Manuals. Supreme Publications claims their content is provided by the
manufacturers; to wit, " factory instructions for troubleshooting, repairing,
and alignment." For a mere $2.00, a service shop could have the required
data to service every AM and FM radio and television receiver produced for model
year 1948, when this issue of Radio News magazine was published.
According to the
BLS Inflation Calculator, that's the equivalent of $24.56 in 2022 - a pretty
good deal. A version of the manual with extra diagrams could be had for an
additional 50¢.
Supreme Publication Service Manuals Ad
F.M. and Television
Use this new grant manual of factory instructions for troubleshooting, repairing,
and alignment of any 1947-1948 F.M. and Television set. Covers every popular make,
including F.M. tuners, AM-FM combinations, and all types of television receivers.
Detailed circuit diagrams, theory of operation, test hints, alignment data, including
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New 1948 Manual
Be prepared to repair quickly all new 1948 receivers. In this big single volume
you have clearly-printed, large schematics, needed alignment data, replacement parts
lists, voltage values and information on stage gain, location of trimmers and dial
stringing, for almost all recently released sets. A worthy companion to the 7 previous
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You Can Service All Older Radios With
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Diagrams 240 Pages Price $2.50
Record Changer Manuals
Post-War Models
Service expertly all modern (1945-1948) record changers. Just follow simplified
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makes. Large size: 8 1/2 x 11". 144 fact-filled pages. Available at your jobber
or sent postpaid, special price, only ... $1.50
Pre-War Models
Just what you need to repair quickly thousands of pre-war (before 1942) automatic
record changers, manual units, pick-ups, wireless oscillators, recorders, and combinations.
Hundreds of mechanical and electrical diagrams. Instructions for adjustments and
See Your Radio Jobber or Send Coupon
Supreme Publications
Publishers of Radio Books, Manual, and Diagrams
9 S. Kedzie Ave • Chicago 12, Illinois
Biggest Bargain in Radio Diagrams
Make these two new mammoth volumes your money-saving source for data on all recently
released receivers. Learn about modern circuit developments, be ready to repair
any new radio no matter how complex. You pay only $2.00 for each of these large
manuals. With these two volumes on your workbench there is nothing else to buy,
nothing else to pay - a whole year of service data and radio diagrams yours for
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to servicemen.
Find All Radio Faults Double-Quick
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Service radios faster, better, easier, save time and money, use these most-of ten-needed
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(only $2 for most volumes) you are assured of having in your shop and on the job,
needed diagrams and other essential repair data on 4 out of 5 sets you will ever
service. Every popular radio of all makes from old-timers to new 1948 sets, including
F.M. and Television, is covered. Clearly printed circuits, parts lists, alignment
data, and helpful service hints are the facts you need to improve your servicing
ability. Save hours each day, every day. begin to earn more by making repairs in
minutes instead of hours. Let these manuals furnish you with diagrams for 80% of
all sets. There is no need to spend large sums for bulky, space-wasting manuals,
or to buy additional drawings every few weeks; be wise, use Supreme Manuals to get
the most in diagrams and service data for the smallest cost.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Select Supreme Diagram Manuals and Record Changer Books you want to examine.
These manuals pay for themselves with time saved on a few jobs - after that you
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in your own home or shop for 10 days at our risk. Decide for yourself that Supreme
Publications are the greatest values in service data. You must be completely satisfied,
or return manuals and receive your money back. Write today-24-hour shipping service.
Models Made by:
R.C.A., Zenith, Philco, Sears, Fada, Emerson, Belmont, Detrola, Crosley, United
Motors, G.E., Westinghouse, Arvin, Majestic, Midwest, Meek, Olympic, Pilot, Stewart-Warner.
Admiral, Delco. Stromberg-Carlson, Western Auto, Sparton, Motorola, Wards, Gamble,
and many others.
Compiled by M.N. Beitman radio engineer, teacher, author, and serviceman.
No Risk Trial Order Coupon
Supreme Publications, 9 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago 12, Ill.
Ship the following manuals on trial under your guarantee of satisfaction or money-back.
_ New F.M. and Television Manual $2.00
_ Post-War Record Changers 1.50
_ Pre-War Record Players & Recorders 1.50
_ 1948 $2
_ 1947 $2
_ 1946 $2
_ 1942 $2
_ 1941 $2
_ 1940 $2
_ 1939 $2
_ 1926-1938 $2.50
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Name: _______________________________________
Posted June 24, 2022