Raytheon is another
of the stalwart early American electronics and technology manufacturing company.
It began operations in Cambridge, Massachusettes in 1922 under the name of the
American Appliance Company. The name was changed to Raytheon in 1925 to reflect
its growing vacuum tube usiness. Did you know the name Raytheon means "light
from the gods?" In this case, the light refers to the orange glow from the tube
heater filiment. If you have ever had the privilige of seeing in a darkened
room vacuum tubes glowing inside a vintage radio, you will understand the relationship
to a godly sight. Not too many years ago, there were still a few companies like
Tesslor manufacturing new tube radios, but now you'll have to go to
eBay or similar venues to find used radios. The prices are not too bad.
...but I digress. This 2-page advertrisement in a 1955 issue of Radio &
Television News magazine pitched a division of the company called Raytheon
Manufacturing that was - you guessed it - their manufacturing branch. Raytheon
played a huge role in developing and building electronics equipment and components
for troops during World War II, including vacum tubes, magnetrons, klystrons,
picture tubes, and eventually semiconductors.
Raytheon Manufacturing Company Ad
Receiving Tube Plant No. 1 - Newton, Mass.
Raytheon's Microwave and Power Tube Plant No. 1 Waltham, Mass.
Raytheon's Research Center Waltham, Mass.
Raytheon's Semiconductor Plant No. 2 and Raytheon's Special Tube Plant No.
2 Boston, Mass.
Raytheon's Cathode Ray Tube Plant Quincy, Mass.
Leads the Way
in tubes and Semiconductors ...
Here are a few reasons why:
Raytheon employs 18,000 people. Approximately 10,000 of them work in Raytheon's
modern tube and semiconductor manufacturing plants.
Raytheon has more than 1,000,000 square feet devoted exclusively to the manufacture
of Raytheon quality tubes and semiconductors.
Raytheon employs over 500 engineers and scientists who work exclusively in
the electron tube and semiconductor fields.
Raytheon has had 33 years' experience in the manufacture of electron tubes.
Raytheon has made tubes of every type of construction - Standard Glass, "G",
GT, Bantal, Lock In, Metal, Miniature and Subminiature Tubes.
Raytheon Receiving and Cathode Ray Tube Operations have produced more than
a third of a billion tubes and semiconductors.
Raytheon perfected the first practical rectifier tube types (BA and BH) to
eliminate the need for "B" batteries to operate home radios. This revolutionized
the design of home radio sets. Raytheon later developed the cold cathode rectifier
tube for auto radios and has produced more of these tubes than all other companies
Raytheon developed the famous 4-pillar construction that strengthened internal
structure resulting in sturdier tube design.
Raytheon developed and was first to mass-produce the octal button stem receiving
tube - today's most imitated construction for premium TV performance. Raytheon
was first to make millions of these tubes as far back as 1946. These tubes featured
a planar button stem and 8 straight leads (8-pillar) which go directly into
a standard octal base. Raytheon's Patent Numbers 2310237, 2321600 and 2340879
apply to this invention.
Raytheon developed and first mass-produced subminiature tubes for the hearing
aid industry - the forerunners of the fuse tubes which made possible the famous
proximity fuses of World War II. There are more commercial Raytheon subminiature
tubes in use today than all other makes combined.
Raytheon developed a method of mass producing magnetrons (the power tube
that is the heart of radar) early in World War II, that broke a serious bottleneck,
and continues to produce more magnetrons than all other manufacturers combined.
Raytheon is the largest producer of klystrons and has manufactured more than
all other companies combined.
Raytheon was the first commercial producer of Transistors - the "mighty mite"
- a Raytheon achievement that revolutionized the hearing aid industry.
Raytheon first commercially produced fusion-alloy RF Transistors, expected
to revolutionize the portable radio, auto radio and computer industries.
Raytheon has produced many more transistors than all other manufacturers
combined - nearly 2,000,000 in use.
Today, Raytheon makes Receiving and Picture Tubes, Reliable Miniature and
Subminiature Tubes, Semiconductor Diodes and Transistors, Nucleonic Tubes and
Microwave Tubes.
These facts and figures show why you can use Raytheon Television and Radio
Tubes with complete confidence that they are Right ... for Sound and Sight -
Right for you and your customers, too.
A Company second to none in Excellence in Electronics
Raytheon Manufacturing Company
Receiving and Cathode Ray Tube Operations
Newton, Mass • Chicago, Ill • Atlanta, Ga. • Los Angeles,
Posted July 20, 2020