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Mallory Clutch-Type Potentiometers
February 1947 Radio News

February 1947 Radio News

February 1947 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

What drew my attention with this P.R. Mallory & Company advertisement appearing in a 1947 issue of Radio News magazine was not one of the actual electronic components for which they are most noted - potentiometers, capacitors, switches, metal alloys, and of course batteries (later renamed Duracell). Rather what interested me was the huge variety of standard potentiometer and rotary switch extension shafts Mallory manufactured. Unlike modern electronics where pots and switches are typically mounted to the enclosure with wires running to the circuit assembly, many older radios and televisions had all components mounted on a metal chassis with control extensions reaching to front-panel mounted dials and knobs. As an aside, Philip Rogers Mallory began his company manufacturing tungsten wire for lamps. Believe it or not, people are selling these vintage advertisements on eBay; well, at least they're trying to sell them.

Mallory Advertisement

Mallory Advertisement, February 1947 Radio News - RF CafeMallory Offers 12 Clutch Type Controls for use in Auto Receivers

Mallory offers the widest range of resistance values in clutch type controls to fit every need. Four different values are available in the Universal Midget line (100M ohms, 250M ohms, 500M ohms, 1 megohm), and eight values in popular combinations of overall and tap resistances in our Tapped Midget line.

Add these to the Plug-In Shafts you see at the right, and you can replace original controls in any auto set you name - not merely replace them but duplicate them mechanically and electrically. Get the complete story from your Mallory distributor.

You Expect More ...

and Get More ...

from Mallory

No Wobble - this ring prevents it!

All Mallory Plug-In Shafts are made with a small ring as shown above. That's why they can't wobble or work loose - why they fit as securely as a fixed shaft.

Insist on Mallory - the Complete Control Line

P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc.


Vibrators ... Vibrapacks* ... Capacitors .. Volume Controls .. Switches .. Resistors .. Filters ... Rectifiers ... Power Supplies.

* Reg. U.S. Patent Off.

Approved Precision Products

P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapolis 6, Indiana



Posted July 20, 2022
(updated from original post on 2/23/2016)

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
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