October 1952 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
A lot of people in the
electronics industry are very familiar with [Howard]
Sams Photofacts servicing data packets for radios, televisions, tape
players, and other items. Probably not many have heard of John F. Rider and the
other companies that provided similar information. Many - maybe most
-manufacturers printed service manuals for their products, but it was only made
available to authorized service and sales representatives, and then at a price.
Sams Photofacts were famous for being very comprehensive and accurate, and also
provided a level of detail often not included in the manufacturer service packs. If
you go to the Sams Technical Publishing
website, you will find that they offer
John F. Rider material, so evidently Sams acquired the rights to it.
John F. Rider Publisher, Inc. - Servicing Data
Yes, Rider Servicing Data Does Make TV Servicing Easy
Read what these satisfied Rider users say. These are men like yourself: professional
service technicians who are faced with the same servicing problems as you. They
found, just as you will, that tv servicing can be easy. Here's what they say:
"... 3 weeks ago I had a receiver in my shop for which there seemed to be no
repair possible. According to the one schematic I had for this receiver, it should
have operated perfectly. I was the verge of returning the receiver to the customer
and admitting defeat, when a technician end suggested I check the receiver with
Rider servicing data. I did; with the result that I found the trouble to be a production
change which was not explained in the data I had been using. Needless to say, I'm
a Rider user from now on!" John Ottenheimer, Radio Television Clinic, 137 Main
St., Hempstead, L. I., N. Y.
"... and as a result of using your data, I haven't had a single callback in 9
months!" J. W. Scatchard & Co., 7135 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania.
What's the Secret?
It's simple! The one thing that Rider gives you is all the facts. That's the
one big difference between Rider Servicing Data and any other kind. Rider Servicing
Data is official, complete, factory-authorized data. Exactly as issued by the manufacturer
who made the set ... with all of his changes and modifications ... organized into
indexed, easy-to-follow style. This means that when you repair a set with Rider
Servicing Data, you have everything in front of you. Everything that you must know
in order to do a fast, accurate diagnosis and make a prestige-building, permanent
In Rider Servicing Data you get all of the manufacturer's troubleshooting test
patterns ... schematics of all his productions ... stage by stage alignment curves
... clear, enlarged chassis views ... the manufacturer's circuit changes ... circuit
explanations ... voltage data, disassembly information and much, much more. For
ex-ample: Rider Servicing Data has shown scope waveforms in TV receivers ever since
the first TV receiver was made!
And Rider Servicing Data now has these important new features: manufacturers'
trouble cures and guaranteed replacement parts listings. The manufacturers' trouble
cures are standard (3 x 5") index cards, called Rider Handies, containing vital
manufacturer-issued permanent trouble cures plus production changes. Each Handy
is identified with a manufacturer and receiver model. With Rider Handies you save
countless hours of diagnosis and repair time ... because Handies contain the data
you must have to make permanent repairs on many receivers.
The replacement parts listings are included in the latest Rider Servicing Data.
All these replacement parts must meet the physical and electrical performance ratings
of the original equipment.
Rider TV Servicing Data Comes in Two Forms.
Manuals •
The TV Manual form has nine volumes covering more than 4,200 models of television
receivers. Each volume has over 2,000 (8 1/2 x 11") pages of servicing data with
an index covering the contents of all volumes. Each volume is attractively bound
in a permanent hard cover. The Manual form is ideal for shop use and as a permanent
Tek-File •
The Tek-File form now covers more than 2,200 models. Each Tek-File pack contains
complete data for several of the most popular models ... the ones you are called
to work on every day, (Contents are clearly marked on the cover of each pack.) These
models are bound in handy, standard file folders for easy home and shop use. In
each Tek-File pack you get a special coupon. 15 of these coupons plus a small handling
charge entitles you to a permanent, hard-cover manual binder for Tek-File shelf
use. Or if you prefer, each coupon is worth five cents toward the purchase of any
Rider book. Note: Get your free Tek-File indexes covering the contents of all packs
at your jobber's. If he doesn't have them, write us.
For the complete servicing facts on radio get Rider Radio Manuals. In 22 volumes
Rider Radio Manuals give you the complete, factory-authorized, official AM, FM radio
servicing data for receivers manufactured over the past 22 years!
Plus complete data on auto radios, record changers, tuners and recorders. Everything
is organized and indexed to make radio servicing easy.
Don't Be Switched
Remember, Rider Manuals and Tek-Files are the only source for complete published
servicing data. If your jobber doesn't have them, Don't Be Switched! If he doesn't
have Rider Manuals, write to us ... we'll tell you where to get them. If he doesn't
have Rider Tek-Files, write to us ... we'll fill your order directly. (Please include
your jobber's name.) Why not prove to yourself that Rider Servicing Data really
makes servicing easy? Try one Rider TV Tek-File pack at our risk! Try a pack for
the next receiver you repair ... if you don't agree that it makes your servicing
easier than anything you've ever used Return the Pack to Us Within Seven Days and
We'll Send You a Full Refund! So act now ... you have absolutely nothing to lose!
Rider "How-To-Do-It" Bookshelf.
1. TV Troubleshooting and Repair Guide Book.
Save time! Loaded with troubleshooting charts and waveform pictures. 10 vital
chapters. 204, 8 1/2 x 11" pages. Paper cover $3.90
2. Ency on CR 'Scopes and Uses.
Most complete work on 'scopes! What they are, what they do, construction and
capabilities. 992 pages 8 1/2 x 11". 3000 ill. Cloth cover $9.00
3. Vacuum Tube Voltmeters.
All the facts! Design, construction, testing, maintenance, applications, etc.,
of all types of VTVM's. 432 pages 5 1/2 x 8 1/2". 210 ill. Cloth cover $4.50
4. TV and Other Receiving Antennas
No mathematics! Easy to read facts. Complete data on 50 basic antenna types.
606 pages 5 1/2 x 8 1/2". 310 ill. Cloth cover $6.60
It's News! Tell-a-Fault
It's Rider's new monthly tv troubleshooting service. Save countless hours of
diagnosis time. Rider experts do your trouble-shooting for you ... in pictures,
charts, and symptom and cure sheets. Monthly bulletins, Send coupon for complete
story - no obligation.
Be Sharp! Mail This Coupon Today!
John F. Rider, Publisher, Inc.
480 Canal Street, New York 13, N. Y.
Please send me book(s) circled. I understand, if not satisfied, I may return
them within 10 days for2 full refund.
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Posted August 22, 2022