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National Radio Institute
March 1964 Radio-Electronics

March 1967 Radio-Electronics

March 1967 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

In 1967, when this National Radio Institute (NRI) advertisement appeared in Radio-Electronics magazine, allowing tattoos to be visible on people representing a company's interest was almost never done. Harley Davidson might have allowed it, or maybe Old Spice after shave lotion, but certainly not typical from an educational establishment pitching electronics instruction. The dude in this ad has a clearly, intentionally visible "tat" on his right arm. It is no accident because the shirt sleeves are rolled up when they don't need to be, and the right sleeve is up twice as far as the left sleeve. The photographers wanted readers to see it. My interpretation of it is "D. S.," and then some illegible character at the end (maybe "jr"?). Any guesses as to what it might be?

National Radio Institute Ad

National Radio Institute, March 1964 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeFor Your Career in TV-Radio Electronics-Automation

Train at Home with the Leader NRI

9 Ways to assure advancement or turn your hobby into a new career Turn Page

Perhaps you're working in Electronics now but feel the need for an FCC License or more math ... perhaps you're a hobbyist trying to decide between a career in Automation and one in Communications ... perhaps you're a beginner who left school early, but you're thinking about the career possibilities of building a spare-time or full-time business of your own servicing radio and television sets.

Worker, hobbyist or beginner, whatever your desire, there is training for you among the nine specialized courses NRI offers. Read the descriptions of NRI training on the other side of this page, about successes of NRI graduates, about NRI training equipment included at no extra cost.

Then, cut out and mail postage-free form for Free NRI Catalog.

Join the Thousands Who Trained for Success with NRI

nri Thousands of NRI graduates throughout the U. S. and Canada are proof that it's practical to train at home. NRI graduates are in every kind of Electronics work. Here are five typical success stories. Catalog tells more about what NRI graduates do and earn. Mail the postage-free form.

"I Had a Promotion Before I Finished the Communications Course," reports Ronald L. Ritter, 113 Helms Dr., Eatontown, N. J., "as well as the satisfaction I could handle a job of responsibility." He works for the U. S. Army Electronic Laboratories, Ft. Monmouth. He received one of the highest grades in Army proficiency tests.

Spare Time Earnings Of $3,800 in one year reported by Emerson A. Breda, 1620 Larkin Ave., San Jose 29, California. He has a Radio-TV Servicing shop as completely equipped as you would want for a full-time business. Says Mr. Breda, "The training I received from NRI is the backbone of my progress."

"The Finest Job I Ever Had" is what Thomas Bilak, Jr., RFD 2, Cayuga, N. Y., says of his position with the G. E. Advanced Electronics Center at Cornell University. He writes, "Thanks to NRI, I have a job which I enjoy and which also pays well."

Has Service Business of His Own. Don House, 3012 2nd Place, Lubbock, Texas, went into his own full-time business six months after finishing the NRI Radio-TV Servicing course. "It makes my family of six a good living," he states. "We repair any TV or Radio. I would not take anything for my training with NRI. I think it is the finest."

Marine Radio Operator is the job of E. P. Searcy, Jr., 1916 Fern St., New Orleans, La. He works for Alcoa Steamship Company, has also worked as a TV transmitter engineer and holds FCC Radio-Telephone License. He says, "I can recommend NRI very highly."

Special Equipment Included

The NRI "train-by-doing" method, using special training equipment, is the time-proved way to assure advancement or turn your hobby into a new and profitable career in the fast-growing fields of TV-Radio, Electronics-Automation. Most NRI courses include special equipment at no extra cost. You build circuits and work experiments. Theory you study comes to life in an interesting, easy-to-grasp manner. NRI catalog pictures and describes equipment you get. Mail the form for more facts about NRI courses, job opportunities, trial plan. NRI Training, Washington 16, D.C.

See Other Side

Cut Out and Mail - No Stamp Needed

nri National Radio Institute

3939 Wisconsin Avenue

Washington 16, D.C.

Please send me your Electronics, Radio-TV catalog with complete information on 9 ways to train at home. (No cost or obligation. No salesman will call)

Name _______________________________ Age ___________

Address ____________________________________________

City ____________________________ Zone _________ State ________________-

Accredited Member National Home Study Council

Cut Out and Mail for Free Catalog

Choose Your Career

1 Television-Radio Servicing

Learn to service black-and-white and color TV sets, AM-FM radios, stereo hi-fi, PA systems, etc. A profitable, interesting field for part-time or full-time business of your own.

2 Industrial-Military Electronics

Learn Principles, Practices, Maintenance of Electronic equipment used today in business, industry, defense. Covers Electronic controls and measurement, computers, servos, telemetry, multiplexing, many other subjects.

3 Complete Communications

A comprehensive training program for men seeking careers operating and maintaining transmitting equipment in Radio-TV Broadcasting or mobile, marine, aviation communications. Prepares you for FCC License.

4 FCC License Prepares you quickly for First Class License exams. Every communications station must have one or more FCC-licensed operators. Also valuable for Service Technicians. You train at home.

5 Basic Electronics An abbreviated, 26-lesson course covering Automation-Electronics, Radio-Television language, components and principles. Ideal for salesmen, hobbyists and others who find it valuable to be familiar with the fundamentals of this fast-growing industry.

6 Math for Electronics

A short course package of carefully prepared texts that take you from basic arithmetic review through graphs and electronic formulas. Quick, complete and low in cost.

7 Aviation Communications For men who want careers working with and around planes. Covers direction finders, ranges, markers, loran, shoran, radar, landing systems, transmitters. Prepares you for FCC License exams.

8 Marine Communications Shipboard transmitting equipment, direction finders, depth indicators, radar are all covered in this course. You prepare for your First Class Radiotelephone License with Radar Endorsement.

9 Mobile Communications Training in installation and maintenance of mobile equipment and associated base stations like those used by fire and police departments, taxi companies, etc. Prepares you for your First Class FCC License exams.



Posted July 3, 2024

Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors