October 1963 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Death by a thousand
cuts - Lingchi. That idiom
is often used to describe the slow, sure demise of a person, place, or thing.
This "Electronic Weather Control" editorial by Hugo Gernsback from a 1963
edition of Radio-Electronics magazine predicts mankind's ability to
control weather on Earth via instruments in orbit around the planet. Part of the
scheme entailed constructing large reflecting mirrors (the Oberth spatial
mirror) to selectively direct sunlight toward Earth to directly heat the
atmosphere (most natural heating is the ground re-radiating visible light as
infrared into the atmosphere). Here is a rare instance where I do not believe
Mr. Gernsback fully thought through the long-term effects of the plan. Whilst
the intention was to minimize frosts and deep snows in normally
temperate zones,
eventually the articifical heating would cause polar ice to melt - a situation
he specifically meant to avoid. While thankfully the plan for a giant space
mirrors never came to fruition, we might be inadvertently constructing a
distributed version of it with the orbiting of tens of thousands - eventually
maybe hundreds of thousands - of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites for Internet
and cellphone service. Watch a clear, dark night sky for a few minutes and you
will almost surely see a few drift by. They will be following a straight path
much faster than an airplane, with no blinking navigation lights... don't bother
calling NORAD about UFOs.
Electronic Weather Control
The Oberth Space Mirror, under construction, as it would appear approximately
700 miles above the Earth. The three objects at left are the solar energy plant
which furnishes power for the workers, as well as heat and light. Matter being weightless
here, everything not rigidly attached floats off into space.
Directly above we see a Space Rocket unloading chromium sheets which become
the mirror's facets. The mirror measures some 100 miles in diameter. To the right
is the Observatory Rocket, which also houses the workers. At lower right is the
earth as it appears from 700 miles up. The sun is overhead.
... We Now Have the Technical Means to Modify the Weather ...
It was Charles Dudley Warner (and not Mark Twain) who first observed: "People
are always talking about the weather, but no one does anything about it!" True in
his day, and true today. But it probably will not be true at the turn of the next
century, A.D. 2000.
The key, as we see it, is a combination of meteorology and electronics. But first
let us look at the problem.
Scientists are in full accord that the sun, our titanic atomic furnace, 92 million
miles distant, is the supreme and chief source of all weather. Its huge caloric
output varies little over the ages and may, for all practical purposes, be called
constant in its radiant heating power. Its energy is so great that on each square
mile of our earth we receive over 4 1/2 million horsepower of actual energy. A good
percentage of this energy is lost - radiated back into space by reflection. Much
more energy is lost by the heated earth at night when the sun is below the horizon.
Our largest heat reservoirs are the atmosphere and the oceans, but on account
of the seasons, the total amount of solar energy received at any given point on
earth varies constantly. Meteorology is not yet an exact enough science to cope
with this variability, which is further complicated by the earth's daily rotation
and seasonal inclination of its axis toward and away from the sun - its chief heat
source. This is also the reason for the great variability of the weather - to an
extent. Admittedly, this outline is an oversimplification of the problem, but for
our purpose quite adequate. (There are other lesser factors that influence weather:
internal heat of the earth, the polar icecaps, glaciation of high peaks - the Himalayas,
the Swiss Alps, etc., man-made vitiation of the atmosphere by hydrocarbons, etc.)
This shows how the Spatial Mirror operates. The solar energy is caught by
the mirror, then is concentrated on the dark side of the earth. For clarity's sake
only one of more than 8 to 10 mirrors is shown. The mirrors' rays concentrate chiefly
on the upper part of the atmosphere. The reflected energy of the mirrors is unimaginably
Another view showing only one of 8 to 10 space mirrors as they gravitate
around the earth, as does the moon, below. Once in position the mirrors function
continuously, except during the rare occasions when the earth eclipses the sun.
Mirrors usually will be focused on the upper atmosphere.
It probably will be impossible for many thousands of years for man to influence
either the rotation of the earth on its axis or change its seasons. Nor would this
be advisable, even if it could be accomplished. Such a change would certainly aggravate
acutely the weather problem.
But suppose we could equalize or modify solar radiation received by the earth
to a certain degree. Suppose we could partly light the dark side of the earth with
the sun's radiant energy every day, during all seasons. In other words, a sort of
perpetual "day" for much of the habitable world. This we can do in the foreseeable
future if the world governments are willing to pay the considerable price - which
in the end may be very low, if one figures the huge benefits that will accrue to
The answer to the problem is the Oberth spatial mirror. Prof. Hermann Oberth,
the great mathematician and physicist, in the early Twenties published his epochal
book, Wege Zur Raumschiffahrt (Ways and Means to Space Navigation).*
In this classic book, Professor Oberth laid the entire groundwork for our present-day
space navigation as well as all pertaining mathematics. Not only did he develop
the proto-principles of modern space ships, but he was also the inventor of the
World War II German V1 and V2 rockets.
More important was his brilliant conception of the gravitating space mirror,
also called a spatial mirror. When he designed it in the mid-Twenties, 20 years
before the atom bomb, the space mirror became widely known as the world's most frightful
potential weapon.
Assembled in space, the lightweight mirror was to be about 60 miles in diameter,
constructed of paper-thin squares of sodium, a white silvery metal of high reflecting
power. These squares were to be mounted on a light metal frame network. All the
metal squares would be hinged individually so they could be focused by electric
motors in any desired direction.
The spatial mirror, gravitating between 400 and 700 miles above the earth, would
make one complete revolution around the earth in about 1 3/4 hours. As a purely
military weapon, Oberth wanted to use it as a gigantic burning glass to destroy
cities, cause cyclones and hurricanes and destroy armies in the field by literally
burning them alive.
It was also Oberth's idea to have a resident (military) crew on the mirror to
guide it for observation and for eventual offensive purposes. But since the advent
of the A- and H-bombs, the space mirror as a war weapon has become obsolete.
Yet for purely peaceful uses and particularly for meteorological reasons, to
regulate the earth's weather, the spatial mirror now appears an ideal instrument
that is certain to come into its own in the not-too-distant future.
To be fully effective, the space mirror will probably be much larger than the
original Oberth concept, probably over 100 miles in diameter.
It will also be unmanned, electronically operated by radio impulses from earth.
The electric power to focus the individual facets made of paper-thin chrome sheets
will come from solar semiconductor batteries, which will operate continuously because
the mirror will always be in full sunlight.
To be fully effective, we must use a plurality of mirrors, say eight to ten (or
perhaps more). Because the mirrors are constantly moving around the earth, they
cannot all illuminate the night side of the globe (at the same time), which is their
prime purpose. Hence more mirrors are needed to illuminate the dark side.
The space mirrors always turn their face, the "mirror" side, toward the dark
side of the earth which they illuminate; their own dark side is turned to the sun
when they are over the sunny side of the earth.
The entire philosophy of the space-mirror meteorology is based on the concept
that, for the maximum climatic efficiency, man requires but one season - eternal
spring, or if you wish, eternal autumn. No destructive frosts, no hurricanes, no
tornados, no heavy winter-long snows, no months-long glaciation. The result-blooming
deserts, more abundant crops, more food for more people.
Here are a few technical details in this rather sketchy account of the idea - many
books can and probably will be written on it.
1. It is not the sole purpose of the mirrors to illuminate the
dark side of the earth. At best, with all mirrors working at maximum illumination,
the night side will be in a constant twilight.
2. The chief purpose of the mirrors is to heat the two subpolar
regions sufficiently to keep the so-called temperate zones free from frost, deep
snow and ice. No attempt would be made to melt the polar caps. (That would raise
the level of the oceans more than 100 feet and put all the world's coastal cities
under water.)
3. The solar mirrors would seldom concentrate their heat on
the earth itself. The mirrors would chiefly heat the atmosphere at the stratosphere
level and above. It is here weather is created and air currents are generated, the
so-called jet currents that vastly influence our weather. It will be one of the
tasks of the space mirrors to regulate these air currents for full efficiency.
4. Most important, just where, geographically, are the mirrors
to concentrate their maximum heat for full efficiency? These regions will change
from day to day, depending upon the seasons. Hence a global meteorological network
must continuously feed such information to the mirrors' central headquarters.
5. This vastly detailed global weather information is then fed
into special electronic computers and the result is then transmitted to the individual
mirrors which now will concentrate their energy on the exact regions and atmospheric
altitudes for the exact period required.
The above outline gives only an incomplete idea how the weather on our planet
can be regulated in the future.
6. It must be realized that here we have to do with extremely
vast cosmic forces running into many billions of horsepower an hour. Hence we must
understand that even with all solar mirrors working at full efficiency, the climatic
changes will be very slow and gradual. It will not be perpetual spring all over
the world immediately.
It will take a number of years to derive the full benefit of our vast expenditures,
which will run into many billions. But in the end it will be cheap and very much
worth while.
- Hugo Gernsback
* Published in 1925 by Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, Munich and Berlin.