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Radio Training Association of America Advertisement
May 1930 Radio-Craft

May 1930 Radio-Craft

May 1930 Radio-Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash - RF CafeWhenever I see advertisements for electronics training courses, I think of the line in "Duel in the Snow, or, Red Ryder Nails the Cleveland Street Kid," where it mentions how during the Great Depression years the magazines were filled with ads "promising successful careers repairing radios." That story, which ultimately became the book and movie A Christmas Story, was contained in Gene Shepherd's book "In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash." Jean Shepherd was a radio announcer and story teller who first read "A Christmas Story," on his WOR (New York City) show in 1970.

You can listen to a 1974 broadcast in the YouTube video embedded below. This reading is slightly different than the one given to me by a guy who actually recorded it on tape during the very first reading on Christmas Day 1970, when he was living in NYC.

For more info on Jean and his Amateur Radio history, see "Jean Shepherd on Getting His Class A Amateur Radio License."

Radio Training Association of America Advertisement

Radio Training Association of America Advertisement, May 1930 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe5000 Radio Service Men Needed Now!

The replacing of the old battery-operated receivers with all-electric Radios has created a tremendous country-wide demand for expert Radio Service Men. Thousands of trained men are needed quick!

$40 to $100 a week Full Time

$3.00 an hour Spare Time

This will Establish You As a Better Serviceman...

30 Days of R.T.A. Home Training enables you to cash in on this latest opportunity in Radio

Ever on the alert for new ways of helping our members make more money out of Radio, the Radio Training Association of America now offers ambitious men an intensified training course in Radio Service Work. By taking this training you can qualify for Radio Service Work in 30 days, earn $3.00 an hour and up, spare time; prepare yourself for full-time paying $40 to $100 a week.

Mail Coupon on Opposite Page for No-Cost Training Offer

Cash in on Radio's latest opportunity! Enroll in the Association. For a limited time we will give to the ambitious man a No-Cost Membership which need not ... should not ... cost you a cent. But you must act quickly. Filling out coupon can enable you to cash in on Radio within 30 days, lift you out of the small-pay, no-opportunity rut, into a field where phenomenal earnings await the ambitious. You owe it to yourself to investigate. Fill out coupon now for details of No-Cost Membership.

The Radio Training Association of America

4513 Ravenswood Ave. Dept. RCA-6 Chicago, Ill.

If you were qualified for Radio Service Work today, we could place you. We can't begin to fill the requests that pour in from great Radio organizations and dealers. Members wanting full-time positions are being placed as soon as they qualify. 5,000 more men are needed quick! If you want to get into Radio, earn $3.00 an hour spare time or $40 to $100 a week full time, this R. T. A. training offers you the opportunity of a lifetime.

We furnish you with all the equipment you need to become a Radio ServiceMan!

Radio Service Work a "Quick Route to Big-Pay Radio Position

Radio Service Work gives you the basic experience you need to qualify for the big $8,000, $10,000 to $25,000 a year Radio positions. Once you get this experience, the whole range of rich opportunities in Radio lies open before you. Training in the Association, starting as a Radio Service Man, is one of the quickest, most profitable ways of qualifying for rapid advancement.

If you want to get out of small-pay, monotonous work and cash in on Radio quick, investigate this R. T. A. training and the rich money-making opportunities it opens up. No special education or electrical experience necessary. The will to succeed is all you need.

With this R. T. A. Testing Outfit you will be able to service all types of radio receivers. As the instruction book which accompanies it gives individual data on most commercial sets on the market, its operation can be quickly mastered. This outfit does the work of testing outfits that cost over $100.00. Just owning the set and being able to use it will make you a welcome addition to the staff of the harassed, radio dealers who are being driven almost crazy trying to properly service the new all-electric sets. With this outfit it will be a simple matter for you to take a radio set that has gone wrong and by means of a few simple tests locate the trouble. We are speaking of all types of sets - the old battery set, A.C. receivers, and the new screen-grid sets. Tubes also can be tested with this outfit.

This R. T. A. Testing Outfit is housed in a well-constructed case measuring eleven inches long, eleven inches wide, and four inches high. The instruments and switches are mounted on an engraved bakelite panel, behind which is a spacious compartment for carrying tools, etc. The case is covered with a durable keratol and all external fittings are highly nickel plated. A large leather handle makes the Outfit easy to carry.

You will find this testing outfit very easy to assemble and wire, and equally simple to operate.

With it you can make all the important tests such as for plate voltage, plate current, filament voltage, grid bias, cathode bias, screen-grid voltage, control-grid bias, etc. You can also use it as a continuity tester for testing circuits, transformer windings, shorts, etc. It is a portable radio laboratory-a laboratory in a box!

When you become a Radio Serviceman you will absolutely have to have such a testing outfit. The one we offer you is equal to the best commercial test sets on the market. When you walk into a customer's house with an impressive outfit like this, it gives you prestige and inspires confidence. When a customer sees you starting to work with this equipment, he's bound to feel that you know your stuff.

Bear this in mind - if you choose this testing outfit you can start cashing in on your training by following our spare-time money-making plans. In a very short time we'll have you in a position where you will be a full-fledged Radio Doctor able to earn $3.00 an hour servicing sets When that time comes you will need an outfit such as this. Think it over. This R. T. A. Testing Outfit meets every requirement of the radio industry. It is a triumph of constructional perfection - a marvel of completeness which when coupled with your training will give you a firm hold on the lion's share of the radio servicing business in your community.

This Testing Outfit has been especially designed for Radio Servicemen. It is the latest word in Radio Testing Outfits.

Similar outfits sell for as high as $100.00.

Included with this training is this Elaborate Testing Outfit

Within thirty days after you start taking our course and with the professional outfit, illustrated above, you will be on the road to make real money.

No necessity to give up your present position, if you do not wish to do so. Many of our students have started in as Radio Servicemen in their spare time until they have become convinced that they can make far more money from Radio Servicing than they ever dreamt of doing before.

Be sure to fill in the adjoining coupon and send it in today. It may well prove to be the turning point of your life.

The Radio Training Association of America

4513 Ravenswood Ave., Dept. RCA-5, Chicago, Ill.

Gentlemen: Please send me details of your No-Cost training offer by which I can qualify for Radio Service Work within 30 days. This does not obligate me in any way.

Jean Shepherd reading "A Christmas Story"



Posted December 24, 2020
(updated from original post on 8/23/2016)

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