May 1946 Radio-Craft
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Craft,
published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
While everyone greatly welcomed the
ending of World War II, in its wake was a huge number of people that would
be in need of jobs. Many thousands of men had been trained in the field of electronics
maintenance and hope to exploit those skills in doing service work in radio, television,
industrial controls, and other related fields. Other planned to go into sales, or
a combination of both. Some had been in the business prior to either volunteering
or getting drafted into the war, but not all could expect to simply pick up where
they had left off. In order to assist the country's servicemen in transitioning
into civilian life, Radio-Craft magazine provided a free service where
individuals could list their qualifications, along with contact information - effectively
an abbreviated resume posting venue.
As a similar service to website visitors, RF Cafe has been offering to post
job openings at no cost for many years. If you
are a direct-hiring company with opportunities for engineers, technicians, or managers,
you are welcome to submit job descriptions
after reviewing and agreeing to my Terms of Use.
Civilian Radio Jobs Wanted - Free Want-Ad Service
Former Soldiers, Sailors, Marines
Radio-Craft offers its help-wanted columns free for the use of honorably dis-charged
men in the armed services. State the type of position you seek, preferred locality,
your experience, education, and other details. Confine ad to 50 words, or less.
Supply name and address. Army veterans send section number or photostat of discharge
paper. Navy men send photostat of discharge paper. Address Radio-Craft, Classified
Ad, Dept. 25, West Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. Your ad will contain a box number
and replies will be forwarded to you.
Radio Tech.; 29. 1st cl. phone; transmitters; 9 yrs, exp., married.
S. F. Brook. Box Y-1, c/o Radio-Craft, 25 w, B'way., New York 7. N. Y.
Radio Tech.; 2/c Rad. Telephone, Telegraph Licenses. Army and
Civ. exp. Will accept short training program. Ted Schwartz, Box Y-2. c/o Radio-Craft,
25 W. Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.
Radio-Radar; 2 yrs. radar exp. in Army. C. Rubenstein, 1530
St. Nicholas Ave., New York 33. N. Y.
Radio Technician and Operator. 1st class Telephone License,
3yrs. Army experience. C. Quint, 181 Riverdale Ave., Brooklyn 12, N. Y.
Radar-Radio Tech.; Exp. in F.M. Broadcasting, F,C.C. Lic. Seek
any Electronic Field. N. Miller. 1494 Crotona Park East, Bronx 60, N. Y.
Comm. Tech.;.; 3 1/2 years exp. A.M. F.M., V.H.F. Instructed
Mechanics 2 1/2 years. Desire interesting work. L. Solomon, 3127 Coney Island Avenue,
Brooklyn 24.
Radio Opportunity; Have 6 yrs. top radio exp.. FCC License,
and large finished room available. Desire ideas, assistance for production basis.
M. Koffer, 743 Hendrix Street. B'klyn 7, N. Y.
Young Man mechanically inclined. interested in Radio. Seeks
position with future. 3 years A.A.F. experience. Sidney Davidson. 1169 E. New York
Ave., B'klyn 12. N. Y. - Ph 2-0818.
Radio Tech.; Oper. Maint. Comm'l. B'dcast, G.I. Radio exp.,
FCC Lic's. Murray Brown. 149 So. 4th Street. B'klyn. N. Y. EV 7-5897.
Radio-Radar Tech.; l/c phone license. 3 yrs. army electronics.
M. Berent, 1710 W. 4th St., Brooklyn 23. ES 6-0903.
Radio; 4 yrs. civilian exp., 3 yrs. army. 3 yrs. maint. school.
A. Bindler, 461 Barbey St., Brooklyn 7.
Radio Tech.; 6, yrs. exp. ex-Naval radar, V.H.F., will work
firm. S. Rosenstein, 1826 Bathgate Ave. Bronx 57.
Radio-Radar Tech.; 4 yrs. exp. mainte., repair; knowledge communication
equip. H. Nathanson. 2872 Bright, 4th St. Brooklyn 24.
Electronics, exp. tech. civilian exp., desires work in field.
D. Loran, 395 Ocean Ave., c/o Slonim, Brooklyn 26. BU 4-2815.
Radio-Tech.; civilian exp. 2 yrs. army. 3 yrs. willing worker.
A. Hausmann, 1417 Longfellow Ave., Bronx 59. DA 9-0332.
Radio-Tech.; exp'd. tester, trouble-shooter, lab-asst.; 3 yrs.
Eng. college. S. Geller. 1879 Prospect Ave. Bronx 57.
Radio Work Desired; limited exp.; hold operator's license, school
nights. M. Petroff. 140 Baruch Pl. N. Y. 2.
Radio Radar; 3 1/2 yrs. exp.; AAF instr.; draftsman. H. Rosenblum,
205 Sea Breeze Ave., B'klyn 24. ES 2-6904.
Radio Job - 2 yrs. Army radar. exp.; wages secondary; 23. M.
Yochel. 2773 E. 15th St., Brooklyn 29.
Radio Tech.; 3 1/2 yrs. exp. repair, maint., radio, radar equip.,
signal corps. A. D. Arfin, 291 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn 8 AP 7-1527.
Radio Wireman; 3 Yrs. exp., 9 yrs. exp. electrolytic condensers.
J. Hanish. 1966 62d St., Brooklyn 4. BE 6-8156.
Electronics; Navy; civilian; exp. audit; LHF technique; radio-radar
circuits; 20. D. Shafferman, 775 So. Blvd., Bronx 55.
Radio Repairman; 3 yrs. army training; exp'd; 23. married. G.
Spiro. 652 So. Blvd. N. Y. 55.
Radio Tech.; 2 yrs. army exp., start as trainee lab. asst. M.
Kramer, 1256 Brook Ave., Bronx 56.
Radar Tech.; 3 1/2 yrs. exp. excel. electronic trng., latest
airborne equipt. I. Gerstein. 612 Argyle Rd. Brooklyn 30.
Electronics; knowledge radio and electrical theory and elec.
drafting; 22; H. S. grad. R. Sergo, 500 W. 213th St., N. Y. 34. LO 7-9817.
Radio Tech.; 3 yrs. coll. in radio eng'g. Dia. experimental
work. D. Jacobs. 107 Hart St .Brooklyn 6; EV 8-484D.
Radio Tech.; 3 yrs. exp., seek job in lab.; willing to work.
R. Reiner. 47 Bay 26th St. Brooklyn 14.
Radio, Telegrapher Oper.; 2 1/2 yrs. army exp. A. Diamond. 653
Marcy Ave., Brooklyn 6.
Radio Tech.; married; 2 1/2 yrs. exp.; .AM, FM receivers. transmitters;
apprenticeship accepted. A. Lensky, 125 Ten Eyck Walk. Brooklyn 6.
Radio Tech.; 22; 3 yrs. exp. AAF; attend coll. nights. n. Kreisler,
738 Saratoga Ave., Brooklyn 12.
Radio Operator and Tech. interested in a job in the radio field.
Hare been a radio operator in the Army for three years. Also have a license. Bernard
Mishkin, 351 Hinsdale St. Brooklyn, N. Y. DI6-1950.
Radio, Radar - 4 1/2 yrs. experience. Interested in recording,
television or radio. Salary secondary. Willing to study evenings. Bernard Resnik.
2006 Benson Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.
Ex-Navy Radar Technician. 3 years' experience in operation,
maintenance and repair. Seek position with a future in Radio, Radar or Television.
At present I am attending R.C.A. Inst. evenings. Salary is secondary. J. J. Korngold,
154 Kings 1st Walk, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Radio, Research Lab. Assist. Experience radio repair. Tech.
school grad. Electrical mech. L. Polasksy, 612 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn 26. N. Y.
Radio Tech., coll. grad., exp. Army maint. repair redrs., trans.
M. Josefsberg, 481 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn 6; EV 7-3076.
Radio Tech.; 24; exp. 3 1/2 yrs.; army; salary secondary, job
with opportunity. Ben Greenberg, 2725 Barker Ave., Bronx 67.
Radio, 3 1/2 yrs. exp. Navy radio tech., adaptable to any position.
F. Guzzo. 163, Himrod St., B'klyn 21.
Radio Communications: pos. with future, amateur license, knowledge
typing. Darid H. Bierman. 2063 Mapes Ave., Bronx 60.
Radio Technician; exp. receiver, transmitter; interested in
any phase of radio, electronics. Marcus Wittenberg, 805 St. Marks Ave., B'klyn 13.
Radio, electronics, 3 yrs. exp. Army, civilian schooling testing
P. A. M. Shack, 1855 E. 13th St., B'klyn 29; ES 5-5967.
Radio Repairman; 4 yrs. civ. & army exp. H. Zolinsky, 501
Powell S. B'klyn 12.
Radio Servicing, 3 yrs. Army exp., aviation schooling, willing
to learn. Lechatt, 641 E. 175 St., Bronx 57.
Radio Tech.; comm., Army exp., AM, FM, television, accept apprenticeship
program. Apt. 2D, 118 2d Ave., N. Y. 3.
Radio Mech.; 3 yrs. .AAF exp.: willing to learn. H. Berman.
756 Saratoga Ave., B'klyn 12.
Radio Tech.; 4 yrs. exp.; AM & FM trans. & rec., accept
apprenticeship. A. Rubin. 156 So. 9th St., B'klyn 11.
De Forest Student; desires position; postwar possibilities in
radio servicing; 21/2 yrs. machinest exp. A. Branic, 531 W. 151st St., New York
Electronic Tech. two years navy experience maintenance, installation
radio, radar; knowledge trigger, video circuits; college grad: Box A-3. c/o Radio-Craft,
25 West Broadway, New York City.
Ex-Capt., 27 B.S., Army radio, radar background, extensive experience
all phases wartime Loran program pre-war industrial purchasing exp., can qualify
for executive or purchasing assistant, sales engineering. Box A-4, c/o Radio-Craft,
25 West Broadway. New York City.
Radio Technician - 22, three yrs. with AAF, interested all phase
of electronics. Going to college nights. Robert Kreisler, 138 Saratoga Ave., B'klyn
Radio Tech., 27, exp. P. A., movie sound systems, allied field.
N.Y.C. or L.A. L. Kruger, 2060 E. 9th St., B'klyn 23, N. Y.
Radio Engineer - 1st class radiotelephone, 10 years amateur
radio. 5 years diversified Army exp. Peter Kors, 188 Bay 35th St., B'klyn, N. Y.
A.A.F. Radio-Radar mechanic, 3 yrs. exp. bench work, test equip,
including oscilloscope, construct-align superhets. A.C.-D.C. power units, etc. J.
Goldstein. 969 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx 59.
Electrical-Electronics; 3 1/2 yrs. 1/c Navy electrician; willing
to work and learn; desires opportunity; night engineering student. Box A-2. c/o
Radio-Craft. 25 West Broadway, New York City.
Radio, Radar, Electronic Technician - Navy. 26, 2 1/2 yrs. exp.,
1 1/2 yrs. college, stimulant personality. Desires position with progressive firm.
Built Navy transmitting and receiving base. Bernard Schmeltzer. 516 E. 11 St., N.
Y. 9. N. Y.
Radio Trainee - 3 yrs. Army exp., Seeks work in electronic fields.
Age 24, earnest references. Box: A-1, c/o Radio-Craft. 25 West Broadway. N. Y. C.
Radar; know shipfitting of navy radar installation completely;
electric welder, chauffeur. Robbins, 314 E. 48th. St., B'klyn 3.
Creative - that's the word for "Thinker Upper," radio program
director, news editor, writer, public relations man with many interesting projects
up his sleeve and--colorful record. (From PH D to PSy-chological 'Warfare.) Excellent
references. Emil Lehman, 514 Third Ave., Asbury Park, N. J.
Young Veteran; 24. married. 3 1/2 yrs. service as radio mechanic
and telephone linesman, willing to learn any electrical trade. Harry Joseph O'Brien.
55 Division Ave. B'klyn 11. N. Y.
Posted May 11, 2021