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Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Metal Circuit Systems Corporation
September 1974 Popular Electronics

September 1974 Popular Electronics

September 1974 Popular Electronics Cover - RF Cafe  Table of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

The claim of a "non-conducting metal sheet" as a substrate for drawing electronic circuit traces seemed suspicious, so I did a search for non-conducting or at least low conductivity metal, and there is no such thing. The advertisement says components can be soldered directly to the board without effecting a connection. Even low conductivity metals to which solder will adhere are good enough electrical conductors to prevent components from being attached on a common surface without significant conduction (i.e., short circuits) between them. A pen with conductive ink is used across the surface to create interconnecting paths. My guess, although I could not locate any information on the company's substrate fabrication, is that the board had an array of isolated copper pads that would be bridged by the conductive pen. Metal Circuit Systems Corporation was incorporated in Texas in February 1974, just a few months before this full-page advertisement appeared on the inside back cover of Popular Electronics magazine. A product called Circuit Scribe is a contemporary version of the system.

Metal Circuit Systems Corporation Advertisement

Metal Circuit Systems Corporation, September 1974 Popular Electronics - RF CafeMetal Circuit Systems Corporation

Presents an Electronic Breakthrough Convert Your Ideas to Reality in Minutes

Can Be Produced In Micrologic To 440 Volts High Amperage AC and DC Currents.

A trial package of 3 type MCS-102 boards (1-4"x6" and 2-3"x4") will be sent to you for $9.97:

Experiment Now with This Great New Material

Our Houston based corporation, Metal Circuit Systems, has produced a revolutionary non-conducting metal sheet for printed circuitry. To make a simple circuit or a complex multi-layer breadboard you draw or scribe your design directly on the surface of the material, type MCS-101, which instantly renders a working circuit. Because only pressure is necessary there is substantial savings in time, materials, and labor. For mass production, a punch press or letter press can be used. Without using a new board, circuits can be erased for making new designs. A more economical version type MCS-102 for direct wiring purposes rather than printed circuitry is available. Since the metal sheet is non-conducting, components and wiring can be spot soldered at random totally independent from adjacent areas of the board.

Metal Circuit Systems Corporation

P.O. Drawer 2226 Houston, Texas 77001


Enclosed is $ _______ for ______ trial packages of 3 type MCS-102 circuit board material at $9.97 each. Also enclose an information booklet about the material and ways to use it.

Name ___________________

Street __________________

City _______________ State _____ Zip ___________

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KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

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